Betabuxxing is naturally SUPPOSED to be alpha



dont feel sorry for yourself
Aug 2, 2023
People here have a weird idea of the "alpha not providing".

If you didn't provide, your genetic lineage ended, you are not alpha. This also reflects in other mammals.

Providing only became beta in the Jew marxist feminist atheist society we live in.

That is why atheists are the biggest cucks.

Christians for 2000 years were:

  • keeping the women virgins
  • divorce illegal, "marital rape" not considered rape
  • without this jewish conception of "rights" (why tf would a human society care about the opinion of the inferior gender?)
  • at least consciously mindful of being pure (yeah they were always in big part tainted with sin, now imagine that in an environment that promotes it as a virtue vs one that makes it seem horrible and that you'll burn eternally for it)
  • (trying) to reward virtue and snuff out destructive evil dark triad niggers. by burning dark triad moggers alive and rewarding good men
Conquering resources then providing for the virgin wife that only you have ever deflowered and raising the next generation of your lineage with it, that is (supposed to be) alpha.

TL;DR Modern clown faggot society flips the concept of alpha to the faggot feminine idea of it


disclaimer: saying water or dnr means your mother will get gangbanged by 1000 curry cocks for the next 5 years
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yea no buddy I’m not providing more than a McDonald’s to hit for a ran thru whore (99.99% of girls nowadays)

only non cucked applies to a virgin
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yea no buddy I’m not providing more than a McDonald’s to hit for a ran thru whore (99.99% of girls nowadays)

only non cucked applies to a virgin
Yea that's what the post is saying so like it

State of this adhd dnr forum
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IMG 6139
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I’ve been confused with women since they banned marital rape.
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I will only alpha bux for a virgin. NO HYMEN, NO DIAMOND 💍
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Alpha fux beta bux
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What a dystopian society we live in, women want to earn as much as men in the job market (which they do since a long time ago) but yet will not date a man not earning more than her. These whores are such fucking selfish pieces of shit, they don't have morals neither capacity to think rationally
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Your wrong to be honest. Providing to a women in a manner of betabuxxing is a fairly recent concept. Modern society is by large in a awkward state right now, and for the most part a huge experiment.

My guess is that It has always been the opposite way around. She provided to you, what you were not able to get around too or what you did not want to do. There was no system of marital alimony practices, so everything was likely the husbands or the father. These old Christian societies understood the wickedness of a females biological preposition just as much as they did the wicked male preposition, and determined that even more women operate under this wicked biological preposition than man, so they made sure to not raise women up/allow them to really have power over society. We know this because all of the texts from those times speak of this very thing in detail. From roman philosophers to the authors of Hebrew manuscripts.

Your wife was essentially your mistress, not some trophy or object that you were required to pay in order to fuck. Men got these wives by force and effort yea, but usually by interconnecting with the father and working for the father, and after a period of time "get his blessing" aka be able to take his daughter. Because like said above, those men knew about female nature instinctually or through observation. This betabuxxing you referred to was always a man to man thing, if thats what you mean.
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People here have a weird idea of the "alpha not providing".

If you didn't provide, your genetic lineage ended, you are not alpha. This also reflects in other mammals.

Providing only became beta in the Jew marxist feminist atheist society we live in.

That is why atheists are the biggest cucks.

Christians for 2000 years were:

  • keeping the women virgins
  • divorce illegal, "marital rape" not considered rape
  • without this jewish conception of "rights" (why tf would a human society care about the opinion of the inferior gender?)
  • at least consciously mindful of being pure (yeah they were always in big part tainted with sin, now imagine that in an environment that promotes it as a virtue vs one that makes it seem horrible and that you'll burn eternally for it)
  • (trying) to reward virtue and snuff out destructive evil dark triad niggers. by burning dark triad moggers alive and rewarding good men
Conquering resources then providing for the virgin wife that only you have ever deflowered and raising the next generation of your lineage with it, that is (supposed to be) alpha.

TL;DR Modern clown faggot society flips the concept of alpha to the faggot feminine idea of it

View attachment 2865766

disclaimer: saying water or dnr means your mother will get gangbanged by 1000 curry cocks for the next 5 years

Based and chadpilled. That's how it was before some of our retarded ancestors elected jewish cucks in positions of power and it started going downhill. Religion? Gone. Tradition? Gone. Infidelity, promiscuity, divorce rates? All going up and up and up!

Nowadays it's not worth providing and betabuxxing for most women, since the vast majority of women get deflowered and defiled early and keep hoemaxxing till they're 30. Betabuxxing is only somewhat worth it if you're getting a hot hoe, don't betabuxx for some mid hoe.
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Based and chadpilled. That's how it was before some of our retarded ancestors elected jewish cucks in positions of power and it started going downhill. Religion? Gone. Tradition? Gone. Infidelity, promiscuity, divorce rates? All going up and up and up!

Nowadays it's not worth providing and betabuxxing for most women, since the vast majority of women get deflowered and defiled early and keep hoemaxxing till they're 30. Betabuxxing is only somewhat worth it if you're getting a hot hoe, don't betabuxx for some mid hoe.

Any women over 0 sexual partners has already ruined their soul & brain chemistry


5% to 20% is crazy... (yeah, correlation isnt causation and all that gay bullshit too)

If you got a being abused or sexless marriage graph per sexuxal partners it'd look even worse
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Your wrong to be honest. Providing to a women in a manner of betabuxxing is a fairly recent concept
1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Alright let's say 2000 years is "recent" to you. Scriptures going back to old testament and even older civilizations than those are also based around providing.

The whole point of lookism is creating men better capable of passing genes which happens by providing

When hunter-gatherers are hunting then feeding women & children, that is providing.

Maybe there was a transition to more social-status and intellectual-based providing after we had agriculture, but that's it.

Your wrong to be honest. Providing to a women in a manner of betabuxxing is a fairly recent concept. Modern society is by large in a awkward state right now, and for the most part a huge experiment.

My guess is that It has always been the opposite way around. She provided to you, what you were not able to get around too or what you did not want to do. There was no system of marital alimony practices, so everything was likely the husbands or the father. These old Christian societies understood the wickedness of a females biological preposition just as much as they did the wicked male preposition, and determined that even more women operate under this wicked biological preposition than man, so they made sure to not raise women up/allow them to really have power over society. We know this because all of the texts from those times speak of this very thing in detail. From roman philosophers to the authors of Hebrew manuscripts.

Your wife was essentially your mistress, not some trophy or object that you were required to pay in order to fuck. Men got these wives by force and effort yea, but usually by interconnecting with the father and working for the father, and after a period of time "get his blessing" aka be able to take his daughter. Because like said above, those men knew about female nature instinctually or through observation. This betabuxxing you referred to was always a man to man thing, if thats what you mean.

Misread it on the last reply

Both are still providing, is it not?

Also, are you not feeding your wife and kids?
yea i guess beta buxxing for the right girl isn't too bad n shut.
yea i guess beta buxxing for the right girl isn't too bad n shut.
people dont read the fucking posts here huh

its fucking horrible nowadays compared to any other age, and thats the biggest spiritual pain of men today

thats the point
its proven for the dual mating strategy that more attartcive males are seen by women as less comitted.

who do you think is the alpha, the one that is attractive and fuck prime women or the one that settles for a roastie?

also you saying that if the male not provide for his offspring will end his lineage is stupid,as if women couldnt get anoter male partner to betabuxx her.
people dont read the fucking posts here huh

its fucking horrible nowadays compared to any other age, and thats the biggest spiritual pain of men today

thats the point
go er neeguh
go er neeguh
I get sex I just cant cope with no christian waifu and only used-up feminist npc roasties with cookie-cutter tik tok personalities
I get sex I just cant cope with no christian waifu and only used-up feminist npc roasties with cookie-cutter tik tok personalities
idgaf bro kill yourself.
I get sex I just cant cope with no christian waifu and only used-up feminist npc roasties with cookie-cutter tik tok personalities
its proven for the dual mating strategy that more attartcive males are seen by women as less comitted.

who do you think is the alpha, the one that is attractive and fuck prime women or the one that settles for a roastie?

also you saying that if the male not provide for his offspring will end his lineage is stupid,as if women couldnt get anoter male partner to betabuxx her.

beign alpha is beign attractive for women an these people are seeign by women as less commited,so alpha fucks beta bucks
Providing isnt bad if its for a good quality woman that actually likes u but if its for a 304 then it is indeed cuck fuel
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reminder we have evolved to be a nomadic, migratory species

other great apes evolved to be sedentary
the homo branch of the great apes evolved to migrate, our evolutionary path favoured the development of our inferior limbs and slow twitch muscle fibers so we can walk very long distances before being spent and we evolved into hunter-gatherers

concept of marriage is relatively recent in human/homo story, it developed after agriculture which enabled populations to be sedentary for more generations, division of labour related to smaller geographical areas - agricultural lots - which enabled societal schism into families -> before there wasnt such concept, society revolved around tribes and clans at most
and it also made humans realize by ab-duction logic that women give birth after men plant their seed in their p00ssy; plant seed in soil = plant growth = c00m in prime caveJB pussy = baby growth

there wasnt such a concept of male provider, males didnt provide to their woman but to the tribe as a whole as it was a conjoint effort
a specific bitch wasnt in the position to judge whether you were a good provider or not, the tribe did it as a whole
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providing is actually a legit strategy, but you're not getting young hot girls that way
providing is actually a legit strategy, but you're not getting young hot girls that way
another dnrder

providing is a shit cuck strategy in modern western world unless ur not a wagie & rich

betabuxxing + geomaxxing is the LTN/MTN combo, and its still kinda cucked unless u get the girl young + low bodycount
another dnrder

providing is a shit cuck strategy in modern western world unless ur not a wagie & rich

betabuxxing + geomaxxing is the MTN combo, and its still kinda cucked unless u get the girl young + low bodycount
wtf is the point of your thread
the sexual revolution started 2000 years ago when rome enforced christianity. Before that, women were property, exchangeable for a matter of dollars, as they should be. a christian could never understand why this is true tho.
wish i could buxx my oneitis. id buy her cigarrets
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Providing in nature = being the strongest fastest most genetically superior hunter, able to procure the most meat and thus able to support the most mates
Providing in soyciety = being born into the right family and slurping Mr. Shekelsteinberg’s balls the most, then awarded the most arbitrary wagecuckbuxx
>this is LITERALLY the same! I’m da based alpha just like my ancestors!!!!
t. Some betabuxx cuck
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wtf is the point of your thread
arguing against the schizos who dont understand how being a "provider" changed between old & modern days

people usually just think they should provide cuz it was good in the old days or just think its automatically always bad and beta cuz of the modern days
Providing in nature = being the strongest fastest most genetically superior hunter, able to procure the most meat and thus able to support the most mates
Providing in soyciety = being born into the right family and slurping Mr. Shekelsteinberg’s balls the most, then awarded the most arbitrary wagecuckbuxx
>this is LITERALLY the same! I’m da based alpha just like my ancestors!!!!
t. Some betabuxx cuck

Reminder napoleon looked like this & wasn't born into power


Ghenghis Khan looked like this and was born a peasant

Your notion of "people who have good-looking faces can get the most resources" or whatever chad worship fantasy you have is hilariously retarded and flawed

No one's a cuck if they provide to a virgin who raises his kids

You're another chronically online kid being dramatic with a vtuber pfp

the sexual revolution started 2000 years ago
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Beyond over for your knowledge of history

& Moslemcels got their treatment of women from the bible

Pagans literally worship womens as Gods, as did Muhammad. Talk about worshipping pussy huh?


Then God sent down the revelation. ‘By the star when it sets! Your companion has not erred or gone astray, and does not speak from mere fancy…’ (Q.53:1) When he reached God’s words, “Have you seen al-Lāt and al-‘Uzzā and Manāt, the third, the other?” (Q.53:19-20) Satan cast upon his tongue, because of what he had pondered in himself and longed to bring to his people, “These are the high-flying cranes and their intercession is to be hoped for.”

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