Celtic Masterrace theory of the 21st century will be the equivalent of Aryan Masterrace theory of the 20th century



TFBEM is the Meta
Jul 12, 2019
"Physiognomy, the attempt to identify character traits from facial features, became fashionable in German intellectual circles in the late-eighteenth century and experienced a resurgence during the Weimar period.
During the Weimar period, many leading intellectuals embraced non-materialist physiognomy, which emphasized intuition rather than scientific objectivity."

^Intuition mogs muh science to the grave when you are high IQ since your brain is literally programmed to draw conclusions about the possible dangers of other creatures based on intuition which is rooted in objective truth that is hardcoded into our brains since every being has already known everything but re-lives life to experience everything again and has info dripfeeded to them to increase their sentience back to all-knowing level
(eg. prefering x-nose shape because it indicates better airflow and breathing ability that can be passed on to offspring

Since we are effectively living through the Weimar period again in modern times with major Jew influence and extreme degeneracy, Physiognomy theory is making a ressurgance.


When normies can no longer secure a long term female partner for working hard because sexual liberation means all of the spoils go to Chads or WTM subhumans, the focus quickly shifts to males improving their looks (the beautiful ones in rat utpoia) and worship of the most genetically gifted men (PSL Gods) becomes widespread which results in people associating good genetic expression with positive character traits and bad genetic expression with negative character traits

This then leads to the belief in a particular set of genes belonging to a particular race/ethnicity being linked to objectively superior character hence superior by virtue of existing.


In the Weimar period and during the second world war it was the prominent belief that Aryans were the masterrace and were the reason for the massive surge in Germany's economic power because of the industrious nature of the Aryan .
The Aryans were easily distinguishable by their blue eyes and blonde hair, however people with these characteristics were in the minority compared to the total German population.
This is where the rules get a bit blurry since you would think the Scandi countries should be considered superior to Germany since a greater % of the population are Aryans, but you could say that having a much larger Total number of Aryans under one united state has a greater impact on what can be achieved v having 4 million blond haired blue eyed people among a total population of 5million (eg. Sweden's rough demographics 1920)

Establishing the belief that Aryan nature was the primary reason for Germany's success, but also being able to show that a massive population is required to be an economic powerhouse (which Scandi nations lacked) allows for the acceptance of the importance of the role of non Aryan (but genetically similar) whites within society.
eg. Germans accepting Alpinids contribution

This means that there is one particular phenotype that is championed as the pinnacle, but people who are closely related genetically with some variance in phenotype are also regarded as high in value as they fit under a similar umbrella.

As you seen in the quoted text at the beginning of the thread, physiognomy became popular in the late 18th century (around 1790) then returned in Weimar Germany (around 1918) and is once again becoming prevailant in modern society (2024) meaning it takes slightly more than 100 years for this theory to prop up and become widespread again and again.

With the increase in recognition of the physiognomy pill, people wont just be satisfied with looking to Chads and PSL Gods as the "Masterrace" since they are anomolies and people will begin looking for an actual group of people sharing common traits that can be propelled to master race status.
This is where the Celts come in.

Some of you may be familiar with the extensive work I've done on highlighting how the Hollywood Pheno and Hollywood coloring (which the world associates with the pinnacle of whiteness) is not Aryan coloring or Mainland European Phenos but instead the phenos and coloring found in Britian and Ireland, particularly in the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Everyone in the PSL sphere is familiar with the North Atlantid pheno of white skin, black hair and blue eyes
People can easily equate this to being the best colouring since you are swapping out the lightest possible hair of the Aryans for the darkest possible hair for great contrast.


However this phenotype can be seen as rather unattainable since it is only really common in Celtic countries which have a combined population of only 15 million people.
So it is actually rarer than Aryan coloring so holding this as the sole pinnacle coloring because of a hanful of giga moggers like Matt Bomer doesn't make sense when you are highlighting a master-race.
Also it can require a significant amount of masculinity to fulfill the phenos potential as you see the prettyboy version of the pheno is lacking something, like the softer face doesn't live up to the expected character of the coloring.

When we look at the Celtic coloring of Brown hair and Blue eyes, we find a nice middle ground between the anomoly of the North Atlantid coloring and the most distant from ethnics coloring of the Aryan.
Having Brown hair and blue eyes make you extremely distant from ethnics, but not so far that you lose the behavior that is necessary to dominate over the ethnics.
Aryans have lost the ability to summon their inner predator and put ethnics in their place to sit at the top of the foodchain
In the 1920s, people probably associated Aryans with the ruthlessness of the Vikings while also having a civilized, industrious edge.
However that perception has well and truly evaporated given the typical behavior of the modern Aryan with regions that are home to lots of Aryan coloring males being the most cucked eg. Sweden, Germany, England.

Celts however dont suffer from this. We are showing the most pushback in Western Europe against the Cabal and have the strongest in-group preference and hold the most anti race dilution sentiment.


It is not as profitable yet for the Cabal to pump ethnics into Eastern Europe although the groundwork is being laid to break down traditional values and in-group preference in EE nations.
EE nationals were also encouraged to leave their countries to seek the prosperity of Western Europe which may ultimately lead to their downfall.

The Jews/Cabal are going hard at bringing about the destruction of Ireland (just as they brought about the destruction of Germany during the 20th century) because Ireland was an economic miracle where most of the population went from living in destitute poverty in the 1960s after generations of land confiscation and lasting effects of genocide, to having one of the best performing economies by the year 2000 before hardly an ethnic had stepped on our shores.

This is what Jews/Cabal look to for their sacrifice, to slaughter a nation that has pure blood and an industrious nature.
That is the reason they are attacking Ireland so hard right now because they know that we have Warrior DNA that spans back thousands of years that they haven't yet been able to defeat even after 800 years of throwing the force of the Anglos (original slaves to Central Banking) at us.

The similarities to 1930s Germany is uncanny with Ireland having the third highest GDP per capita in the world right now and the highest if you excluse non white singapore and 640k population Luxemborg.
The goose has been fattened up and is ready for slaughter in the eyes of the Jews but they are not considering the level of barbarity we are capable of that was/is not present in the Aryans

The Celts also produce the best prettyboys which leads to our trustworthy but non cuckish physiognomy
Delon was a Frenchman with Celt blood who was so much of a handsome-prettyboy that he created his own category where he was neither a typical Chad nor a typical prettyboy, literally his own category of beauty
This prevalence of HTN-Chadlite prettyboys makes the Celtic Master Race seem more mortal-like because you can see them fairly regularly as opposed to North Atlantids where you are waiting for anomoly Chads to validate the moggerness of their coloring.


When you merge the Celtid and North Atlantid Phenotype together you get the Celtantid
This is almost indistinguishable form the Celtid phenotype which is why I believe in putting both phenotypes under the same umbrella since they come from people who have almost identical genetical profiles anyway and mosty originate from Ireland


Something that should also be noted is that the Celtid/Celtantid pehnotype can have brown eyes


The North Atlantid however can't because with brown eyes it ceases to be North Atlantid which is defined by it's black hair/blue eyes contrast


This means that the true Masterrace has been established as the Celtantid Pheno which includes the following colouring which all stand on equal footing
Brown Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Black Haired North Atlantid

When you see any of these you can refer to them as the Almighty Celtantid Masterrace
So where might one expect to see these magnificent creatures I hear you ask

I will order the countries with a prevalence for this pheno
England(mostly North)
France (the non Anglosphere country with the highest amount of Celts eg.Damian Kater)

There are also some countries that have small traces remaining due to hostorical Celtic conquests and those are Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Here is an example of an Italian Celt for those of you wondering

Before we reach the year 2030, everyone will know about the almighty Celtantid masterrace thanks to extreme promotion from PSL to the mainstream and as the person who originally created the supporting idealogy of the masterrace, I will be anointed as our leader and launch an army to take back our land which makes the crusades look like a Childrens tea party

sources :soy:
Last edited:
  • +1
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I'd love to see a normie's reaction to reading a thread like this

Funny GIF
  • JFL
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  • +1
Reactions: Pride, YUNGMAXXER, wishIwasSalludon and 2 others
What an ass
^Intuition mogs muh science to the grave when you are high IQ since your brain is literally programmed to draw conclusions about the possible dangers of other creatures based on intuition which is rooted in objective truth that is hardcoded into our brains since every being has already known everything but re-lives life to experience everything again and has info dripfeeded to them to increase their sentience back to all-knowing level
(eg. prefering x-nose shape because it indicates better airflow and breathing ability that can be passed on to offspring

Since we are effectively living through the Weimar period again in modern times with major Jew influence and extreme degeneracy, Physiognomy theory is making a ressurgance.

View attachment 2765353View attachment 2765354

When normies can no longer secure a long term female partner for working hard because sexual liberation means all of the spoils go to Chads or WTM subhumans, the focus quickly shifts to males improving their looks (the beautiful ones in rat utpoia) and worship of the most genetically gifted men (PSL Gods) becomes widespread which results in people associating good genetic expression with positive character traits and bad genetic expression with negative character traits

This then leads to the belief in a particular set of genes belonging to a particular race/ethnicity being linked to objectively superior character hence superior by virtue of existing.

View attachment 2765355View attachment 2765358

In the Weimar period and during the second world war it was the prominent belief that Aryans were the masterrace and were the reason for the massive surge in Germany's economic power because of the industrious nature of the Aryan .
The Aryans were easily distinguishable by their blue eyes and blonde hair, however people with these characteristics were in the minority compared to the total German population.
This is where the rules get a bit blurry since you would think the Scandi countries should be considered superior to Germany since a greater % of the population are Aryans, but you could say that having a much larger Total number of Aryans under one united state has a greater impact on what can be achieved v having 4 million blond haired blue eyed people among a total population of 5million (eg. Sweden's rough demographics 1920)

Establishing the belief that Aryan nature was the primary reason for Germany's success, but also being able to show that a massive population is required to be an economic powerhouse (which Scandi nations lacked) allows for the acceptance of the importance of the role of non Aryan (but genetically similar) whites within society.
eg. Germans accepting Alpinids contribution

This means that there is one particular phenotype that is championed as the pinnacle, but people who are closely related genetically with some variance in phenotype are also regarded as high in value as they fit under a similar umbrella.

As you seen in the quoted text at the beginning of the thread, physiognomy became popular in the late 18th century (around 1790) then returned in Weimar Germany (around 1918) and is once again becoming prevailant in modern society (2024) meaning it takes slightly more than 100 years for this theory to prop up and become widespread again and again.

With the increase in recognition of the physiognomy pill, people wont just be satisfied with looking to Chads and PSL Gods as the "Masterrace" since they are anomolies and people will begin looking for an actual group of people sharing common traits that can be propelled to master race status.
This is where the Celts come in.

Some of you may be familiar with the extensive work I've done on highlighting how the Hollywood Pheno and Hollywood coloring (which the world associates with the pinnacle of whiteness) is not Aryan coloring or Mainland European Phenos but instead the phenos and coloring found in Britian and Ireland, particularly in the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Everyone in the PSL sphere is familiar with the North Atlantid pheno of white skin, black hair and blue eyes
People can easily equate this to being the best colouring since you are swapping out the lightest possible hair of the Aryans for the darkest possible hair for great contrast.

View attachment 2765293View attachment 2765294

However this phenotype can be seen as rather unattainable since it is only really common in Celtic countries which have a combined population of only 15 million people.
So it is actually rarer than Aryan coloring so holding this as the sole pinnacle coloring because of a hanful of giga moggers like Matt Bomer doesn't make sense when you are highlighting a master-race.
Also it can require a significant amount of masculinity to fulfill the phenos potential as you see the prettyboy version of the pheno is lacking something, like the softer face doesn't live up to the expected character of the coloring.

When we look at the Celtic coloring of Brown hair and Blue eyes, we find a nice middle ground between the anomoly of the North Atlantid coloring and the most distant from ethnics coloring of the Aryan.
Having Brown hair and blue eyes make you extremely distant from ethnics, but not so far that you lose the behavior that is necessary to dominate over the ethnics.
Aryans have lost the ability to summon their inner predator and put ethnics in their place to sit at the top of the foodchain
In the 1920s, people probably associated Aryans with the ruthlessness of the Vikings while also having a civilized, industrious edge.
However that perception has well and truly evaporated given the typical behavior of the modern Aryan with regions that are home to lots of Aryan coloring males being the most cucked eg. Sweden, Germany, England.

Celts however dont suffer from this. We are showing the most pushback in Western Europe against the Cabal and have the strongest in-group preference and hold the most anti race dilution sentiment.

View attachment 2765453View attachment 2765459

It is not as profitable yet for the Cabal to pump ethnics into Eastern Europe although the groundwork is being laid to break down traditional values and in-group preference in EE nations.
EE nationals were also encouraged to leave their countries to seek the prosperity of Western Europe which may ultimately lead to their downfall.

The Jews/Cabal are going hard at bringing about the destruction of Ireland (just as they brought about the destruction of Germany during the 20th century) because Ireland was an economic miracle where most of the population went from living in destitute poverty in the 1960s after generations of land confiscation and lasting effects of genocide, to having one of the best performing economies by the year 2000 before hardly an ethnic had stepped on our shores.

This is what Jews/Cabal look to for their sacrifice, to slaughter a nation that has pure blood and an industrious nature.
That is the reason they are attacking Ireland so hard right now because they know that we have Warrior DNA that spans back thousands of years that they haven't yet been able to defeat even after 800 years of throwing the force of the Anglos (original slaves to Central Banking) at us.

The similarities to 1930s Germany is uncanny with Ireland having the third highest GDP per capita in the world right now and the highest if you excluse non white singapore and 640k population Luxemborg.
The goose has been fattened up and is ready for slaughter in the eyes of the Jews but they are not considering the level of barbarity we are capable of that was/is not present in the Aryans

The Celts also produce the best prettyboys which leads to our trustworthy but non cuckish physiognomy
Delon was a Frenchman with Celt blood who was so much of a handsome-prettyboy that he created his own category where he was neither a typical Chad nor a typical prettyboy, literally his own category of beauty
This prevalence of HTN-Chadlite prettyboys makes the Celtic Master Race seem more mortal-like because you can see them fairly regularly as opposed to North Atlantids where you are waiting for anomoly Chads to validate the moggerness of their coloring.

View attachment 2765310View attachment 2765311

When you merge the Celtid and North Atlantid Phenotype together you get the Celtantid
This is almost indistinguishable form the Celtid phenotype which is why I believe in putting both phenotypes under the same umbrella since they come from people who have almost identical genetical profiles anyway and mosty originate from Ireland

View attachment 2765385View attachment 2765389

Something that should also be noted is that the Celtid/Celtantid pehnotype can have brown eyes

View attachment 2765420View attachment 2765417

The North Atlantid however can't because with brown eyes it ceases to be North Atlantid which is defined by it's black hair/blue eyes contrast

View attachment 2765414

This means that the true Masterrace has been established as the Celtantid Pheno which includes the following colouring which all stand on equal footing
Brown Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Black Haired North Atlantid

When you see any of these you can refer to them as the Almighty Celtantid Masterrace
So where might one expect to see these magnificent creatures I hear you ask

I will order the countries with a prevalence for this pheno
England(mostly North)
France (the non Anglosphere country with the highest amount of Celts eg.Damian Kater)

There are also some countries that have small traces remaining due to hostorical Celtic conquests and those are Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Here is an example of an Italian Celt for those of you wondering

Before we reach the year 2030, everyone will know about the almighty Celtantid masterrace thanks to extreme promotion from PSL to the mainstream and as the person who originally created the supporting idealogy of the masterrace, I will be anointed as our leader and launch an army to take back our land which makes the crusades look like a Childrens tea party

sources :soy:
You’re a 6 PSL high bone mass beast who can examine multiple parts of the room at once for incoming threats
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart, Crisick, ascension and 1 other person
scandis are aryan? I doubt that nordcuck
did and will not read btw
Just stop with this ridiculous cope. Irish men are ugly and everyone knows it.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Hardrada, Imretarded?, wishIwasSalludon and 5 others
^Intuition mogs muh science to the grave when you are high IQ since your brain is literally programmed to draw conclusions about the possible dangers of other creatures based on intuition which is rooted in objective truth that is hardcoded into our brains since every being has already known everything but re-lives life to experience everything again and has info dripfeeded to them to increase their sentience back to all-knowing level
(eg. prefering x-nose shape because it indicates better airflow and breathing ability that can be passed on to offspring

Since we are effectively living through the Weimar period again in modern times with major Jew influence and extreme degeneracy, Physiognomy theory is making a ressurgance.

View attachment 2765353View attachment 2765354

When normies can no longer secure a long term female partner for working hard because sexual liberation means all of the spoils go to Chads or WTM subhumans, the focus quickly shifts to males improving their looks (the beautiful ones in rat utpoia) and worship of the most genetically gifted men (PSL Gods) becomes widespread which results in people associating good genetic expression with positive character traits and bad genetic expression with negative character traits

This then leads to the belief in a particular set of genes belonging to a particular race/ethnicity being linked to objectively superior character hence superior by virtue of existing.

View attachment 2765355View attachment 2765358

In the Weimar period and during the second world war it was the prominent belief that Aryans were the masterrace and were the reason for the massive surge in Germany's economic power because of the industrious nature of the Aryan .
The Aryans were easily distinguishable by their blue eyes and blonde hair, however people with these characteristics were in the minority compared to the total German population.
This is where the rules get a bit blurry since you would think the Scandi countries should be considered superior to Germany since a greater % of the population are Aryans, but you could say that having a much larger Total number of Aryans under one united state has a greater impact on what can be achieved v having 4 million blond haired blue eyed people among a total population of 5million (eg. Sweden's rough demographics 1920)

Establishing the belief that Aryan nature was the primary reason for Germany's success, but also being able to show that a massive population is required to be an economic powerhouse (which Scandi nations lacked) allows for the acceptance of the importance of the role of non Aryan (but genetically similar) whites within society.
eg. Germans accepting Alpinids contribution

This means that there is one particular phenotype that is championed as the pinnacle, but people who are closely related genetically with some variance in phenotype are also regarded as high in value as they fit under a similar umbrella.

As you seen in the quoted text at the beginning of the thread, physiognomy became popular in the late 18th century (around 1790) then returned in Weimar Germany (around 1918) and is once again becoming prevailant in modern society (2024) meaning it takes slightly more than 100 years for this theory to prop up and become widespread again and again.

With the increase in recognition of the physiognomy pill, people wont just be satisfied with looking to Chads and PSL Gods as the "Masterrace" since they are anomolies and people will begin looking for an actual group of people sharing common traits that can be propelled to master race status.
This is where the Celts come in.

Some of you may be familiar with the extensive work I've done on highlighting how the Hollywood Pheno and Hollywood coloring (which the world associates with the pinnacle of whiteness) is not Aryan coloring or Mainland European Phenos but instead the phenos and coloring found in Britian and Ireland, particularly in the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Everyone in the PSL sphere is familiar with the North Atlantid pheno of white skin, black hair and blue eyes
People can easily equate this to being the best colouring since you are swapping out the lightest possible hair of the Aryans for the darkest possible hair for great contrast.

View attachment 2765293View attachment 2765294

However this phenotype can be seen as rather unattainable since it is only really common in Celtic countries which have a combined population of only 15 million people.
So it is actually rarer than Aryan coloring so holding this as the sole pinnacle coloring because of a hanful of giga moggers like Matt Bomer doesn't make sense when you are highlighting a master-race.
Also it can require a significant amount of masculinity to fulfill the phenos potential as you see the prettyboy version of the pheno is lacking something, like the softer face doesn't live up to the expected character of the coloring.

When we look at the Celtic coloring of Brown hair and Blue eyes, we find a nice middle ground between the anomoly of the North Atlantid coloring and the most distant from ethnics coloring of the Aryan.
Having Brown hair and blue eyes make you extremely distant from ethnics, but not so far that you lose the behavior that is necessary to dominate over the ethnics.
Aryans have lost the ability to summon their inner predator and put ethnics in their place to sit at the top of the foodchain
In the 1920s, people probably associated Aryans with the ruthlessness of the Vikings while also having a civilized, industrious edge.
However that perception has well and truly evaporated given the typical behavior of the modern Aryan with regions that are home to lots of Aryan coloring males being the most cucked eg. Sweden, Germany, England.

Celts however dont suffer from this. We are showing the most pushback in Western Europe against the Cabal and have the strongest in-group preference and hold the most anti race dilution sentiment.

View attachment 2765453View attachment 2765459

It is not as profitable yet for the Cabal to pump ethnics into Eastern Europe although the groundwork is being laid to break down traditional values and in-group preference in EE nations.
EE nationals were also encouraged to leave their countries to seek the prosperity of Western Europe which may ultimately lead to their downfall.

The Jews/Cabal are going hard at bringing about the destruction of Ireland (just as they brought about the destruction of Germany during the 20th century) because Ireland was an economic miracle where most of the population went from living in destitute poverty in the 1960s after generations of land confiscation and lasting effects of genocide, to having one of the best performing economies by the year 2000 before hardly an ethnic had stepped on our shores.

This is what Jews/Cabal look to for their sacrifice, to slaughter a nation that has pure blood and an industrious nature.
That is the reason they are attacking Ireland so hard right now because they know that we have Warrior DNA that spans back thousands of years that they haven't yet been able to defeat even after 800 years of throwing the force of the Anglos (original slaves to Central Banking) at us.

The similarities to 1930s Germany is uncanny with Ireland having the third highest GDP per capita in the world right now and the highest if you excluse non white singapore and 640k population Luxemborg.
The goose has been fattened up and is ready for slaughter in the eyes of the Jews but they are not considering the level of barbarity we are capable of that was/is not present in the Aryans

The Celts also produce the best prettyboys which leads to our trustworthy but non cuckish physiognomy
Delon was a Frenchman with Celt blood who was so much of a handsome-prettyboy that he created his own category where he was neither a typical Chad nor a typical prettyboy, literally his own category of beauty
This prevalence of HTN-Chadlite prettyboys makes the Celtic Master Race seem more mortal-like because you can see them fairly regularly as opposed to North Atlantids where you are waiting for anomoly Chads to validate the moggerness of their coloring.

View attachment 2765310View attachment 2765311

When you merge the Celtid and North Atlantid Phenotype together you get the Celtantid
This is almost indistinguishable form the Celtid phenotype which is why I believe in putting both phenotypes under the same umbrella since they come from people who have almost identical genetical profiles anyway and mosty originate from Ireland

View attachment 2765385View attachment 2765389

Something that should also be noted is that the Celtid/Celtantid pehnotype can have brown eyes

View attachment 2765420View attachment 2765417

The North Atlantid however can't because with brown eyes it ceases to be North Atlantid which is defined by it's black hair/blue eyes contrast

View attachment 2765414

This means that the true Masterrace has been established as the Celtantid Pheno which includes the following colouring which all stand on equal footing
Brown Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Black Haired North Atlantid

When you see any of these you can refer to them as the Almighty Celtantid Masterrace
So where might one expect to see these magnificent creatures I hear you ask

I will order the countries with a prevalence for this pheno
England(mostly North)
France (the non Anglosphere country with the highest amount of Celts eg.Damian Kater)

There are also some countries that have small traces remaining due to hostorical Celtic conquests and those are Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Here is an example of an Italian Celt for those of you wondering

Before we reach the year 2030, everyone will know about the almighty Celtantid masterrace thanks to extreme promotion from PSL to the mainstream and as the person who originally created the supporting idealogy of the masterrace, I will be anointed as our leader and launch an army to take back our land which makes the crusades look like a Childrens tea party

sources :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
Celtic is Clint Eastwood.
N.Atlantid is Henry Cavill.
Henry cavill mogs
  • +1
Reactions: Agendum
Celtic excellence :Comfy:
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Agendum, Skywalker and 6ft4
  • JFL
Reactions: Hardrada and Manletmachine
  • JFL
Reactions: Hardrada and Manletmachine
I'm white with blues eyes yet still subhumans.
  • JFL
Reactions: Lebgfinal
^Intuition mogs muh science to the grave when you are high IQ since your brain is literally programmed to draw conclusions about the possible dangers of other creatures based on intuition which is rooted in objective truth that is hardcoded into our brains since every being has already known everything but re-lives life to experience everything again and has info dripfeeded to them to increase their sentience back to all-knowing level
(eg. prefering x-nose shape because it indicates better airflow and breathing ability that can be passed on to offspring

Since we are effectively living through the Weimar period again in modern times with major Jew influence and extreme degeneracy, Physiognomy theory is making a ressurgance.

View attachment 2765353View attachment 2765354

When normies can no longer secure a long term female partner for working hard because sexual liberation means all of the spoils go to Chads or WTM subhumans, the focus quickly shifts to males improving their looks (the beautiful ones in rat utpoia) and worship of the most genetically gifted men (PSL Gods) becomes widespread which results in people associating good genetic expression with positive character traits and bad genetic expression with negative character traits

This then leads to the belief in a particular set of genes belonging to a particular race/ethnicity being linked to objectively superior character hence superior by virtue of existing.

View attachment 2765355View attachment 2765358

In the Weimar period and during the second world war it was the prominent belief that Aryans were the masterrace and were the reason for the massive surge in Germany's economic power because of the industrious nature of the Aryan .
The Aryans were easily distinguishable by their blue eyes and blonde hair, however people with these characteristics were in the minority compared to the total German population.
This is where the rules get a bit blurry since you would think the Scandi countries should be considered superior to Germany since a greater % of the population are Aryans, but you could say that having a much larger Total number of Aryans under one united state has a greater impact on what can be achieved v having 4 million blond haired blue eyed people among a total population of 5million (eg. Sweden's rough demographics 1920)

Establishing the belief that Aryan nature was the primary reason for Germany's success, but also being able to show that a massive population is required to be an economic powerhouse (which Scandi nations lacked) allows for the acceptance of the importance of the role of non Aryan (but genetically similar) whites within society.
eg. Germans accepting Alpinids contribution

This means that there is one particular phenotype that is championed as the pinnacle, but people who are closely related genetically with some variance in phenotype are also regarded as high in value as they fit under a similar umbrella.

As you seen in the quoted text at the beginning of the thread, physiognomy became popular in the late 18th century (around 1790) then returned in Weimar Germany (around 1918) and is once again becoming prevailant in modern society (2024) meaning it takes slightly more than 100 years for this theory to prop up and become widespread again and again.

With the increase in recognition of the physiognomy pill, people wont just be satisfied with looking to Chads and PSL Gods as the "Masterrace" since they are anomolies and people will begin looking for an actual group of people sharing common traits that can be propelled to master race status.
This is where the Celts come in.

Some of you may be familiar with the extensive work I've done on highlighting how the Hollywood Pheno and Hollywood coloring (which the world associates with the pinnacle of whiteness) is not Aryan coloring or Mainland European Phenos but instead the phenos and coloring found in Britian and Ireland, particularly in the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Everyone in the PSL sphere is familiar with the North Atlantid pheno of white skin, black hair and blue eyes
People can easily equate this to being the best colouring since you are swapping out the lightest possible hair of the Aryans for the darkest possible hair for great contrast.

View attachment 2765293View attachment 2765294

However this phenotype can be seen as rather unattainable since it is only really common in Celtic countries which have a combined population of only 15 million people.
So it is actually rarer than Aryan coloring so holding this as the sole pinnacle coloring because of a hanful of giga moggers like Matt Bomer doesn't make sense when you are highlighting a master-race.
Also it can require a significant amount of masculinity to fulfill the phenos potential as you see the prettyboy version of the pheno is lacking something, like the softer face doesn't live up to the expected character of the coloring.

When we look at the Celtic coloring of Brown hair and Blue eyes, we find a nice middle ground between the anomoly of the North Atlantid coloring and the most distant from ethnics coloring of the Aryan.
Having Brown hair and blue eyes make you extremely distant from ethnics, but not so far that you lose the behavior that is necessary to dominate over the ethnics.
Aryans have lost the ability to summon their inner predator and put ethnics in their place to sit at the top of the foodchain
In the 1920s, people probably associated Aryans with the ruthlessness of the Vikings while also having a civilized, industrious edge.
However that perception has well and truly evaporated given the typical behavior of the modern Aryan with regions that are home to lots of Aryan coloring males being the most cucked eg. Sweden, Germany, England.

Celts however dont suffer from this. We are showing the most pushback in Western Europe against the Cabal and have the strongest in-group preference and hold the most anti race dilution sentiment.

View attachment 2765453View attachment 2765459

It is not as profitable yet for the Cabal to pump ethnics into Eastern Europe although the groundwork is being laid to break down traditional values and in-group preference in EE nations.
EE nationals were also encouraged to leave their countries to seek the prosperity of Western Europe which may ultimately lead to their downfall.

The Jews/Cabal are going hard at bringing about the destruction of Ireland (just as they brought about the destruction of Germany during the 20th century) because Ireland was an economic miracle where most of the population went from living in destitute poverty in the 1960s after generations of land confiscation and lasting effects of genocide, to having one of the best performing economies by the year 2000 before hardly an ethnic had stepped on our shores.

This is what Jews/Cabal look to for their sacrifice, to slaughter a nation that has pure blood and an industrious nature.
That is the reason they are attacking Ireland so hard right now because they know that we have Warrior DNA that spans back thousands of years that they haven't yet been able to defeat even after 800 years of throwing the force of the Anglos (original slaves to Central Banking) at us.

The similarities to 1930s Germany is uncanny with Ireland having the third highest GDP per capita in the world right now and the highest if you excluse non white singapore and 640k population Luxemborg.
The goose has been fattened up and is ready for slaughter in the eyes of the Jews but they are not considering the level of barbarity we are capable of that was/is not present in the Aryans

The Celts also produce the best prettyboys which leads to our trustworthy but non cuckish physiognomy
Delon was a Frenchman with Celt blood who was so much of a handsome-prettyboy that he created his own category where he was neither a typical Chad nor a typical prettyboy, literally his own category of beauty
This prevalence of HTN-Chadlite prettyboys makes the Celtic Master Race seem more mortal-like because you can see them fairly regularly as opposed to North Atlantids where you are waiting for anomoly Chads to validate the moggerness of their coloring.

View attachment 2765310View attachment 2765311

When you merge the Celtid and North Atlantid Phenotype together you get the Celtantid
This is almost indistinguishable form the Celtid phenotype which is why I believe in putting both phenotypes under the same umbrella since they come from people who have almost identical genetical profiles anyway and mosty originate from Ireland

View attachment 2765385View attachment 2765389

Something that should also be noted is that the Celtid/Celtantid pehnotype can have brown eyes

View attachment 2765420View attachment 2765417

The North Atlantid however can't because with brown eyes it ceases to be North Atlantid which is defined by it's black hair/blue eyes contrast

View attachment 2765414

This means that the true Masterrace has been established as the Celtantid Pheno which includes the following colouring which all stand on equal footing
Brown Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Black Haired North Atlantid

When you see any of these you can refer to them as the Almighty Celtantid Masterrace
So where might one expect to see these magnificent creatures I hear you ask

I will order the countries with a prevalence for this pheno
England(mostly North)
France (the non Anglosphere country with the highest amount of Celts eg.Damian Kater)

There are also some countries that have small traces remaining due to hostorical Celtic conquests and those are Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Here is an example of an Italian Celt for those of you wondering

Before we reach the year 2030, everyone will know about the almighty Celtantid masterrace thanks to extreme promotion from PSL to the mainstream and as the person who originally created the supporting idealogy of the masterrace, I will be anointed as our leader and launch an army to take back our land which makes the crusades look like a Childrens tea party

sources :soy:
I was gonna write a few paragraphs but instead I deleted it and will only post

Bell Beaker Culture mogs.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Hardrada, NoReedemingFeature and 6ft4
I was gonna write a few paragraphs but instead I deleted it and will only post

Bell Beaker Culture mogs.
If you wanna write it out again feel free to PM it to me
@geezcel I never know how over it was for the Anglo and how close the Celt is to kicking out the Anglish into Germany.
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
Germanics have mogged everyone since they’ve been around, this will continue to be the case

But in saying this the celto-Germanic mix is a good one
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Hardrada and Imretarded?
^Intuition mogs muh science to the grave when you are high IQ since your brain is literally programmed to draw conclusions about the possible dangers of other creatures based on intuition which is rooted in objective truth that is hardcoded into our brains since every being has already known everything but re-lives life to experience everything again and has info dripfeeded to them to increase their sentience back to all-knowing level
(eg. prefering x-nose shape because it indicates better airflow and breathing ability that can be passed on to offspring

Since we are effectively living through the Weimar period again in modern times with major Jew influence and extreme degeneracy, Physiognomy theory is making a ressurgance.

View attachment 2765353View attachment 2765354

When normies can no longer secure a long term female partner for working hard because sexual liberation means all of the spoils go to Chads or WTM subhumans, the focus quickly shifts to males improving their looks (the beautiful ones in rat utpoia) and worship of the most genetically gifted men (PSL Gods) becomes widespread which results in people associating good genetic expression with positive character traits and bad genetic expression with negative character traits

This then leads to the belief in a particular set of genes belonging to a particular race/ethnicity being linked to objectively superior character hence superior by virtue of existing.

View attachment 2765355View attachment 2765358

In the Weimar period and during the second world war it was the prominent belief that Aryans were the masterrace and were the reason for the massive surge in Germany's economic power because of the industrious nature of the Aryan .
The Aryans were easily distinguishable by their blue eyes and blonde hair, however people with these characteristics were in the minority compared to the total German population.
This is where the rules get a bit blurry since you would think the Scandi countries should be considered superior to Germany since a greater % of the population are Aryans, but you could say that having a much larger Total number of Aryans under one united state has a greater impact on what can be achieved v having 4 million blond haired blue eyed people among a total population of 5million (eg. Sweden's rough demographics 1920)

Establishing the belief that Aryan nature was the primary reason for Germany's success, but also being able to show that a massive population is required to be an economic powerhouse (which Scandi nations lacked) allows for the acceptance of the importance of the role of non Aryan (but genetically similar) whites within society.
eg. Germans accepting Alpinids contribution

This means that there is one particular phenotype that is championed as the pinnacle, but people who are closely related genetically with some variance in phenotype are also regarded as high in value as they fit under a similar umbrella.

As you seen in the quoted text at the beginning of the thread, physiognomy became popular in the late 18th century (around 1790) then returned in Weimar Germany (around 1918) and is once again becoming prevailant in modern society (2024) meaning it takes slightly more than 100 years for this theory to prop up and become widespread again and again.

With the increase in recognition of the physiognomy pill, people wont just be satisfied with looking to Chads and PSL Gods as the "Masterrace" since they are anomolies and people will begin looking for an actual group of people sharing common traits that can be propelled to master race status.
This is where the Celts come in.

Some of you may be familiar with the extensive work I've done on highlighting how the Hollywood Pheno and Hollywood coloring (which the world associates with the pinnacle of whiteness) is not Aryan coloring or Mainland European Phenos but instead the phenos and coloring found in Britian and Ireland, particularly in the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Everyone in the PSL sphere is familiar with the North Atlantid pheno of white skin, black hair and blue eyes
People can easily equate this to being the best colouring since you are swapping out the lightest possible hair of the Aryans for the darkest possible hair for great contrast.

View attachment 2765293View attachment 2765294

However this phenotype can be seen as rather unattainable since it is only really common in Celtic countries which have a combined population of only 15 million people.
So it is actually rarer than Aryan coloring so holding this as the sole pinnacle coloring because of a hanful of giga moggers like Matt Bomer doesn't make sense when you are highlighting a master-race.
Also it can require a significant amount of masculinity to fulfill the phenos potential as you see the prettyboy version of the pheno is lacking something, like the softer face doesn't live up to the expected character of the coloring.

When we look at the Celtic coloring of Brown hair and Blue eyes, we find a nice middle ground between the anomoly of the North Atlantid coloring and the most distant from ethnics coloring of the Aryan.
Having Brown hair and blue eyes make you extremely distant from ethnics, but not so far that you lose the behavior that is necessary to dominate over the ethnics.
Aryans have lost the ability to summon their inner predator and put ethnics in their place to sit at the top of the foodchain
In the 1920s, people probably associated Aryans with the ruthlessness of the Vikings while also having a civilized, industrious edge.
However that perception has well and truly evaporated given the typical behavior of the modern Aryan with regions that are home to lots of Aryan coloring males being the most cucked eg. Sweden, Germany, England.

Celts however dont suffer from this. We are showing the most pushback in Western Europe against the Cabal and have the strongest in-group preference and hold the most anti race dilution sentiment.

View attachment 2765453View attachment 2765459

It is not as profitable yet for the Cabal to pump ethnics into Eastern Europe although the groundwork is being laid to break down traditional values and in-group preference in EE nations.
EE nationals were also encouraged to leave their countries to seek the prosperity of Western Europe which may ultimately lead to their downfall.

The Jews/Cabal are going hard at bringing about the destruction of Ireland (just as they brought about the destruction of Germany during the 20th century) because Ireland was an economic miracle where most of the population went from living in destitute poverty in the 1960s after generations of land confiscation and lasting effects of genocide, to having one of the best performing economies by the year 2000 before hardly an ethnic had stepped on our shores.

This is what Jews/Cabal look to for their sacrifice, to slaughter a nation that has pure blood and an industrious nature.
That is the reason they are attacking Ireland so hard right now because they know that we have Warrior DNA that spans back thousands of years that they haven't yet been able to defeat even after 800 years of throwing the force of the Anglos (original slaves to Central Banking) at us.

The similarities to 1930s Germany is uncanny with Ireland having the third highest GDP per capita in the world right now and the highest if you excluse non white singapore and 640k population Luxemborg.
The goose has been fattened up and is ready for slaughter in the eyes of the Jews but they are not considering the level of barbarity we are capable of that was/is not present in the Aryans

The Celts also produce the best prettyboys which leads to our trustworthy but non cuckish physiognomy
Delon was a Frenchman with Celt blood who was so much of a handsome-prettyboy that he created his own category where he was neither a typical Chad nor a typical prettyboy, literally his own category of beauty
This prevalence of HTN-Chadlite prettyboys makes the Celtic Master Race seem more mortal-like because you can see them fairly regularly as opposed to North Atlantids where you are waiting for anomoly Chads to validate the moggerness of their coloring.

View attachment 2765310View attachment 2765311

When you merge the Celtid and North Atlantid Phenotype together you get the Celtantid
This is almost indistinguishable form the Celtid phenotype which is why I believe in putting both phenotypes under the same umbrella since they come from people who have almost identical genetical profiles anyway and mosty originate from Ireland

View attachment 2765385View attachment 2765389

Something that should also be noted is that the Celtid/Celtantid pehnotype can have brown eyes

View attachment 2765420View attachment 2765417

The North Atlantid however can't because with brown eyes it ceases to be North Atlantid which is defined by it's black hair/blue eyes contrast

View attachment 2765414

This means that the true Masterrace has been established as the Celtantid Pheno which includes the following colouring which all stand on equal footing
Brown Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Brown Haired Celtid
Blue Eyed, Black Haired North Atlantid

When you see any of these you can refer to them as the Almighty Celtantid Masterrace
So where might one expect to see these magnificent creatures I hear you ask

I will order the countries with a prevalence for this pheno
England(mostly North)
France (the non Anglosphere country with the highest amount of Celts eg.Damian Kater)

There are also some countries that have small traces remaining due to hostorical Celtic conquests and those are Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy

Here is an example of an Italian Celt for those of you wondering
Before we reach the year 2030, everyone will know about the almighty Celtantid masterrace thanks to extreme promotion from PSL to the mainstream and as the person who originally created the supporting idealogy of the masterrace, I will be anointed as our leader and launch an army to take back our land which makes the crusades look like a Childrens tea party

sources :soy:
IMG 5999
Have never been prouder to be Irish.
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
  • JFL
Reactions: Hardrada and Imretarded?
Irish are ugly though.

Also aryanism was popular decades before hitler was even born. It started when the british took over india and realized their religion talks about nordic warriors conquering brown people.

If scientific racism comes back, it'll just be Nordic supremacy again. Since There the best looking whites by a big margin.
Irish are ugly though.

Also aryanism was popular decades before hitler was even born. It started when the british took over india and realized their religion talks about nordic warriors conquering brown people.

If scientific racism comes back, it'll just be Nordic supremacy again. Since There the best looking whites by a big margin.
All of these bullshit race theories are so much cringe.

What people like OP don't seem to understand is that the concept of the uber-race is basically one giant apex fallacy: 90% of every race is GARBAGE by default, because normies are all a bunch of worthless, braindead loser NPCs.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Ricky212, shabby890, Imretarded? and 1 other person
how can i determine my pheno
Germanics have mogged everyone since they’ve been around, this will continue to be the case

But in saying this the celto-Germanic mix is a good one
I'm celto germanic
  • +1
Reactions: Sanguinius
What does north Atlantid mean like what country(s) is north Atlantid I never heard that word before
This is the peak of all Celtic culture
All of these bullshit race theories are so much cringe.

What people like OP don't seem to understand is that the concept of the uber-race is basically one giant apex fallacy: 90% of every race is GARBAGE by default, because normies are all a bunch of worthless, braindead loser NPCs.
Amen brother
Amen brother
I'm not kidding about this btw. The world would legitimately fall into disarray if the most critically thinking 5% of humanity varnished.
  • +1
Reactions: Beau Brummell and Imretarded?
All of these bullshit race theories are so much cringe.

What people like OP don't seem to understand is that the concept of the uber-race is basically one giant apex fallacy: 90% of every race is GARBAGE by default, because normies are all a bunch of worthless, braindead loser NPCs.
I concur. Threads such as these appeal to nothing more than overly sentimental fantasists who are in want of grandiose ideas to make life interesting. Not to mention what has been said many times before - most talk of a ‘master race’ is usually an exercise in self indulgence and gratification, trying to find some inherent worth in one’s identity.
I concur. Threads such as these appeal to nothing more than overly sentimental fantasists who are in want of grandiose ideas to make life interesting. Not to mention what has been said many times before - most talk of a ‘master race’ is usually an exercise in self indulgence and gratification, trying to find some inherent worth in one’s identity.
Tbf there is limited truth in the alt-right narrative, such as third-world migration being bad for civilized nations, but just about everything else about it is pure bonafide cope.
  • +1
Reactions: Beau Brummell
Tbf there is limited truth in the alt-right narrative, such as third-world migration being bad for civilized nations, but just about everything else about it is pure bonafide cope.
Yes I agree. One of the biggest common errors of logic in our society is the assumption that all ethnicities have the same average cognitive ability. Most discussion of this topic in the mainstream revolves around the credibility of empirical studies on IQ - but this only distracts from what should be apparent to anyone who considers the matter honestly: there is no reason why the brain would be unaffected by regional genetic variance in the same way every other organ clearly is.

One might then think about which regions have the greater concentrations of genes for greater cognitive function, and the different trajectories of human history in each continent could be taken as a clear and conclusive indicator.

What I think is ridiculous and fanciful is the singling out of one ‘phenotype’ as archetypal. Most of the time these are very imprecise concepts and by searching for celts, OP is trying to define and separate a group that has been seamlessly genetically integrated with other European ethnicities for thousands of years.

I think much the same of the tendency on these forums to ascribe evil and shared intentions to Jews. That whole idea is both conceptually impossible and completely unsubstantiated on all available evidence. It’s intellectual laziness and immaturity.
Utter subhuman cope. Your blue eyed black haired pretty celtic boy is gonna get mogged by bronze coloured aryan people. brunette hair, amber eyes masc moggers.

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