CHildren are being raised by the state.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
I have noticed this school's these day's act like parent's they have so much surveillance every where i heard my little sister bring's her tooth brush into school just to check if their being cleaned properly isn't that the parent's job ? know i know where inceldom truly spawn's from our offspring are being raised by big brother the feminist agenda is being pushed down the youth's throat the nihilism of this culture is a direct result of the state raising our kid's i have noticed the increased silent totalitarianism rising in the youth the blind obedience to authority are we not scared cause 1984 is slowly coming to fruition hell it's already half way their the UK population where i'm at is already disarmed they are pushing to censor more information knives are being taken away cause they managed to brainwash the youth into this garbage of knife crime which was caused by statism to begin with their already brainwashing the youth into hate speech bullshit and socialist dream's their already poising the youth with socialist teacher's i know from experience which was quite recent i'm 17 so i have my fair share of recent experience's with communist teacher's it's not as bad as the us but holy fuck is it terrible their already encouraging the nihilism to that 1 step further by giving out free condom's guess what people respond to incentive's and sex at a younger age fuck's you over believe it or not i know a lot of people here are obsessed with sex but we know what the consequences truly are at a younger age every responsibility the parent's had i being transferred to the state that should raise certain hair's in your body we are slowly destroying the 1 damn place that is still bloody heaven to be in i would rather be an incel for 500 year's than live in a 3rd world country i can cope perfectly well with porn most can't i can easily but i can't cope with 3rd world standard's in living anyway's just so you know our children future offspring are going to worship more and more statism just move more toward's collectivism bro yes fuck you trad cuck's this is the system you lead to it's the state's responsibility rather than the parent's and we wonder why inceldom is on the rise maybe brainwashing at a young age has a direct impact on a individual's behaviour.
dint read
but in white country where cuck culture trive, in future you will pay taxes to raise chad baby ...JFL
Not a single word. XD
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dint read
but in white country where cuck culture trive, in future you will pay taxes to raise chad baby ...JFL

Hahahhahahahah fuck that try taxing cypto
That's why the west is slipping into communism
That's why the west is slipping into communism

Yes and i know i'm not saying of a so called conspiracy i've witnessed it they are openly communist my entire english class was the fucking femist bitch bitching about inequality this socialism that patriarchy this it pisses me off and this was in high school imagine how bad the youth of tommrow will have it and this is leading to inceldom we wonder why our kid's turn out to hate their country their own history when they should be proud they built the only free place in the world where you can truly consider yourself free sure slavery was wrong and immoral i don't think anyone disagree's with that and it should be taught so it never get's repeated but taught to hate their own heritage to hate what the Greek's gave them that's what pisses me off maybe someone else raising your kid's is a problem to be honest
Didnt read but the title is legit.
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Didnt read but the title is legit.

Dude your a sign their brainwashing has worked if your not even willing to read a text that could potentially effect you you could get a women pregnant it's wise you heed these warning's
Dude your a sign their brainwashing has worked if your not even willing to read a text that could potentially effect you you could get a women pregnant it's wise you heed these warning's
don't care bro. I'm going to raise my son in a tribal like environment without school education.
don't care bro. I'm going to raise my son in a tribal like environment without school education.

Good luck with that 1 i truly do with you the best but know this we have seen big brother coming and stealing kid's of off parent's minding their own business so don't play strong man cause when the boot's come kicking at your door don't say someone didn't warn you
Good luck with that 1 i truly do with you the best but know this we have seen big brother coming and stealing kid's of off parent's minding their own business so don't play strong man cause when the boot's come kicking at your door don't say someone didn't warn you
big brother can suck my dick and bend over to get ready for my dick and cum.I have got big plans with my ascension not just fucking bitches
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1106
Dude your a sign their brainwashing has worked if your not even willing to read a text that could potentially effect you you could get a women pregnant it's wise you heed these warning's

Bro i already know about this shit bro. I'm safe bro thanks bro
big brother can suck my dick and bend over to get ready for my dick and cum.I have got big plans with my ascension not just fucking bitches

Hhahahahhaha i love that attitude that's the zeal we need however i worry they will crack down and what are we gonna do when martial law come's what are you going to do when the new world communist state come's what are you going to do where are you going to flee too are you going to go to the moon are you going to hide in forests when they have drone's every where where are you going to
Bro i already know about this shit bro. I'm safe bro thanks bro

But if we don't do anything were gonna live under orwell's hell their is no stopping it this time
Schoolteachers are unironically retard mongoloids.
Didnt read but the title is legit.
I have noticed this school's these day's act like parent's they have so much surveillance every where i heard my little sister bring's her tooth brush into school just to check if their being cleaned properly isn't that the parent's job ? know i know where inceldom truly spawn's from our offspring are being raised by big brother the feminist agenda is being pushed down the youth's throat the nihilism of this culture is a direct result of the state raising our kid's i have noticed the increased silent totalitarianism rising in the youth the blind obedience to authority are we not scared cause 1984 is slowly coming to fruition hell it's already half way their the UK population where i'm at is already disarmed they are pushing to censor more information knives are being taken away cause they managed to brainwash the youth into this garbage of knife crime which was caused by statism to begin with their already brainwashing the youth into hate speech bullshit and socialist dream's their already poising the youth with socialist teacher's i know from experience which was quite recent i'm 17 so i have my fair share of recent experience's with communist teacher's it's not as bad as the us but holy fuck is it terrible their already encouraging the nihilism to that 1 step further by giving out free condom's guess what people respond to incentive's and sex at a younger age fuck's you over believe it or not i know a lot of people here are obsessed with sex but we know what the consequences truly are at a younger age every responsibility the parent's had i being transferred to the state that should raise certain hair's in your body we are slowly destroying the 1 damn place that is still bloody heaven to be in i would rather be an incel for 500 year's than live in a 3rd world country i can cope perfectly well with porn most can't i can easily but i can't cope with 3rd world standard's in living anyway's just so you know our children future offspring are going to worship more and more statism just move more toward's collectivism bro yes fuck you trad cuck's this is the system you lead to it's the state's responsibility rather than the parent's and we wonder why inceldom is on the rise maybe brainwashing at a young age has a direct impact on a individual's behaviour.
Learn what a paragraph is fag.

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