Daily reminder that Jesus Christ is God made flesh

That is just the judeochristian fake narrative to demonize our respected and beloved mother Eve.

The Qur’an affirms that both Adam and Hawa, upon them be peace, ate from the tree which they were commanded to abstain from. (Interpretation of the meaning) {He [Shaytan] lured them with lies. Their nakedness became exposed to them when they had eaten from the tree…} [Qur’an 7:22].
The woman is the representative of chaos and the gateway to darkness and death in all religious traditions of the world. Eve is no exception, she was just a bitch who put ears to the god of darkmaxxing (satan) and that's why we are all here, lamenting our existence. Adam was just a beta, a victim of manipulation.
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The woman is the representative of chaos and the gateway to darkness and death in all religious traditions of the world. Eve is no exception, she was just a bitch who put ears to the god of darkmaxxing (satan) and that's why we are all here, lamenting our existence. Adam was just a beta, a victim of manipulation.
The woman is the representative of chaos and the gateway to darkness and death in all religious traditions of the world. Eve is no exception, she was just a bitch who put ears to the god of darkmaxxing (satan) and that's why we are all here, lamenting our existence. Adam was just a beta, a victim of manipulation.

we still see this nowadays.

women are retarded and can't think for themselves.

a perfect example, most women vote left. they live the world on feelings instead of being logical and rational.
La mujer es la representante del caos y la puerta de entrada a la oscuridad y la muerte en todas las tradiciones religiosas del mundo. Eva no es la excepción, ella solo era una perra que le puso oídos al dios del darkmaxxing (satanás) y por eso estamos todos aquí, lamentando nuestra existencia. Adam era sólo un beta, una víctima de la manipulación.
Génesis 12: "Y el hombre dijo: La mujer que me diste por compañera me dio del árbol, y yo comí."
Esta es una exclamación concisa a este respecto. Una víctima más de la manipulación femenina.
I can’t help but cringe when you Muslim niggas start waxing poetic about biblical figures but your religion is antithetical to anything good and holy. This is why you cucks do the “peace be upon him/her” shit and also why you try to moralize others on the most irrelevant shit possible.
JFL. You insult our mother Eve and then start crying because we say Peace Be Upon the prophets. Yet you claim you are the one who is supposedly the follower of God and the Prophets. Ridiculous.

I'm not surprised tho. The Bible you have today is constantly insulting the honorable prophets of God (Peace and Blessings be upon them).

According to the corrupted Bible

Lut: His daughters had put alcohol in his food, making him drunk, & made sex with their own father.

Aaron: When Moses left his people for some time Aaron made a golden calf for them to worship.

David: He commited adultery with a woman called Batsheba

How can you accuse the best of examples feom commiting such major sins that are agreed upon your own scholars that they are some of the highest sins? Shame on you
It is because your religion is a cancer and plague to this world and you want to compensate for this by doing public relations work. When you translated the Quran to English, you purposely mistranslated words that would freak everyone out and changed them to become accepted by the mainstream so you cucks can later point to the English translation and say “see look, our religion is achkshually so peaceful!!”
Ridiculous. Anyone can check it in google But of course, you are like a spoiled kid. You are deaf, dumb and blind, not from the eyes, but from the heart.
The last people on this planet who have a right to be moralists are Muslims.
First i recommend you to gather the balls to read the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, instead of relying on your preachers who just tell you what you want to hear.

Then afterwards have the balls to come face to face with me and tell me that Islam is less moral than Christianity. Believe me, i'm ready.

I have all the bible verses, bible scholarly works and it's islamic counterparts. Let's adress one day for example how according to Islam the kids who die go to paradise, yet in christianity they go to hell in many cases even if they didn't do any blame. Or how the Bible insults people who are born bastard, yet in Islam there is no blame upon them for what their parents did. Or how Islam forgives and gives a chance to people to whom the religion has not reached, yet in christianity this is not the case.

How can a religion like christianity that blames people upon that which they had no choosing claim to be considered moral?

Allah will judge you accordingly.
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  • +1
  • Ugh..
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Bump for Jesus 🥰🥰🥰

God is all powerfull and jesus isn't so he isn't god
If God is all-powerful he can be Jesus if he wants. And Jesus is both God and flesh and that is why he is limited per say.

This is very basic stuff.
  • +1
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JFL. You insult our mother Eve and then start crying because we say Peace Be Upon the prophets. Yet you claim you are the one who is supposedly the follower of God and the Prophets. Ridiculous.

I'm not surprised tho. The Bible you have today is constantly insulting the honorable prophets of God (Peace and Blessings be upon them).

According to the corrupted Bible

Lut: His daughters had put alcohol in his food, making him drunk, & made sex with their own father.

Aaron: When Moses left his people for some time Aaron made a golden calf for them to worship.

David: He commited adultery with a woman called Batsheba

How can you accuse the best of examples feom commiting such major sins that are agreed upon your own scholars that they are some of the highest sins? Shame on you

Ridiculous. Anyone can check it in google But of course, you are like a spoiled kid. You are deaf, dumb and blind, not from the eyes, but from the heart.

First i recommend you to gather the balls to read the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, instead of relying on your preachers who just tell you what you want to hear.

Then afterwards have the balls to come face to face with me and tell me that Islam is less moral than Christianity. Believe me, i'm ready.

I have all the bible verses, bible scholarly works and it's islamic counterparts. Let's adress one day for example how according to Islam the kids who die go to paradise, yet in christianity they go to hell in many cases even if they didn't do any blame. Or how the Bible insults people who are born bastard, yet in Islam there is no blame upon them for what their parents did. Or how Islam forgives and gives a chance to people to whom the religion has not reached, yet in christianity this is not the case.

How can a religion like christianity that blames people upon that which they had no choosing claim to be considered moral?

Allah will judge you accordingly.
Dnr Quran & hadiths are a joke


Narrated Anas:
The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet (ﷺ) he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.

  • +1
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Dnr Quran & hadiths are a joke
View attachment 2722436


Narrated Anas:
The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet (ﷺ) he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.


People like to eat bee excrements and same for a lot of other animals. Nothing rare really.
People like to eat bee excrements and same for a lot of other animals. Nothing rare really.
Why did muhammed have statues of mother Mary and Jesus for 13 years in the kabbah?
You’re not white. Slavs are not white.

Slavic men have been voted the ugliest in Europe since 2009.

There’s something genetically wrong with Slavic men.

Slavic man have been voted ugliest in Europe not according to study, but according to dating websites and polls by other women, literally voted the ugliest in Europe according to beautiful.people com

The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world according to women:


Ugliest men in Europe.






Why did muhammed have statues of mother Mary and Jesus for 13 years in the kabbah?
Heard this claim. The Kaabah didn't belong to the muslims.

When the muslims conquered Makkah they destroyed the idols inside the Kaabah.

Why do christians worship images and constantly draw fake representations of God, the angels, Jesus and the Prophets and our mother Mary (Peace and Blessings be upon them), etc, when their religion forbids it completely?

Exodus 20:4
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

Leviticus 26:1
“You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God."

Acts 17-29
"Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man."
  • +1
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Heard this claim. The Kaabah didn't belong to the muslims.

When the muslims conquered Makkah they destroyed the idols inside the Kaabah.

Why do christians worship images and constantly draw fake representations of God, the angels, Jesus and the Prophets and our mother Mary (Peace and Blessings be upon them), etc, when their religion forbids it completely?

Exodus 20:4
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

Leviticus 26:1
“You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God."

Acts 17-29
"Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man."
Turbo cope. I’ll be making a thread today expounding on the topic of pedo Muhammad and his choice of statues in the kabbah.

It’s over my nigga
  • +1
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Turbo cope. I’ll be making a thread today expounding on the topic of pedo Muhammad and his choice of statues in the kabbah.

It’s over my nigga
Why instead of focusing on spreading christianity you focus on insulting Islam so much?

It's like that syndrome some countries have of always having an external enemy so that they don't rebel against the internal one. I've been many years studying religion and you probably have big faith problems in regards to your religion.

I feel kinda bad for you because i think you sre black american (Maybe im wrong) and from my experience black americans are very respectful in Islam when compared to other races.
Why instead of focusing on spreading christianity you focus on insulting Islam so much?

It's like that syndrome some countries have of always having an external enemy so that they don't rebel against the internal one. I've been many years studying religion and you probably have big faith problems in regards to your religion.

I feel kinda bad for you because i think you sre black american (Maybe im wrong) and from my experience black americans are very respectful in Islam when compared to other races.
Very close—I’m a white European. I try and spread Christianity daily on here. Surely you’ve witnessed my efforts. I also insult Judaism and every other religion that isn’t Christianity so there’s no need to feel singled out
Our Creator is ever-loving and wants personal connection with us, which manifested when He descended down to earth. In His grace, He lived among us, sharing in our struggles and joys, and ultimately sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. This divine intervention illuminates the singular path to eternal life—solely through faith in Jesus Christ that we may attain this everlasting salvation—for it is through Him alone that we are offered the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Satanists, pagans—you are all utterly fucked.

Jewcels—keep rocking back and forth and keep making business deals at the synagogue. God isn’t listening—evident by the past 2,000 years.

Muslimcels—keep eating halal and doing dawah—Jahannam is still your final destination.

Hinducels—keep burning candles and worshipping animals and influencing low IQ white foids about reincarnating into ethereal bodies into cosmic space.

Pagancels—keep worshiping Mother Nature and burying oven roasted lambs as sacrifice to the planets for good harvest.

It is over for all of you niggas. The only path to salvation is through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Repent.

Osas is the way if u preach u gotta works to avoid sin for your salvation you are not teaching the right thing
Osas is the way if u preach u gotta works to avoid sin for your salvation you are not teaching the right thing
Christianity is not a works based religion. It is a strictly faith based religion. We are guaranteed salvation by the grace of God and solely through faith in Jesus and not works.
  • +1
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Very close—I’m a white European.
Cool. Majority of white europeans here are decent people.
I try and spread Christianity daily on here. Surely you’ve witnessed my efforts. I also insult Judaism and every other religion that isn’t Christianity so there’s no need to feel singled out
Not really. I have seen you attack Islam much more than supposedly spreading Christianity the time i have been here.

I could do much more intellectual damage to christianity for example than what you would be ever able to do against Islam. I have entire essays of Biblical contradictions, biblical works and debunking all the possible refutations. It is just a matter of copy and paste for me since i have almost memorized every controversial bible verse. Many in this forum witnessed part of it years ago. But that's just not my objective, i would only do it if someone attacks Islam unnecessarily and angers me. The most i do nowadays is from time to time write one of those comments like the bible verses i brought you up there and of course to which you didn't respond me and instead resorted to attack Islam. I respect Christianity to a certain extent especially unitarian christians.
I feel kinda bad for you because i think you sre black american (Maybe im wrong)
OP is from Serbia. He’s Slavic, so not white European.
  • +1
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  • +1
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So i was right all along. A slavic, the black americans of europe.
He‘s a Russian, born in Serbia. He said it in the past. All "white Europeans“ in this forum are just Slavs. White Europeans don’t really give a shit about any religion
  • +1
Reactions: MaghrebGator
He‘s a Russian, born in Serbia. He said it in the past. All "white Europeans“ in this forum are just Slavs. White Europeans don’t really give a shit about any religion
Yeah i know that. I don't even understand where the heck they get from those "England is 50% christian" or "Germany is 50% christian numbers"

When you meet south and central europeans its extremely difficult to find religious ones. In fact the only religious majority apart from the muslims were the gypsies.
So i was right all along. A slavic, the black americans of europe.
Slavic men have been voted the ugliest in Europe since 2009.

There’s something genetically wrong with Slavic men.

Slavic man have been voted ugliest in Europe not according to study, but according to dating websites and polls by other women, literally voted the ugliest in Europe according to beautiful.people com

The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world according to women:


Ugliest men in Europe.





Our Creator is ever-loving and wants personal connection with us, which manifested when He descended down to earth. In His grace, He lived among us, sharing in our struggles and joys, and ultimately sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. This divine intervention illuminates the singular path to eternal life—solely through faith in Jesus Christ that we may attain this everlasting salvation—for it is through Him alone that we are offered the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Satanists, pagans—you are all utterly fucked.

Jewcels—keep rocking back and forth and keep making business deals at the synagogue. God isn’t listening—evident by the past 2,000 years.

Muslimcels—keep eating halal and doing dawah—Jahannam is still your final destination.

Hinducels—keep burning candles and worshipping animals and influencing low IQ white foids about reincarnating into ethereal bodies into cosmic space.

Pagancels—keep worshiping Mother Nature and burying oven roasted lambs as sacrifice to the planets for good harvest.

It is over for all of you niggas. The only path to salvation is through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Repent.

Jesus was aryan and he hated niggers
Cool. Majority of white europeans here are decent people.

Not really. I have seen you attack Islam much more than supposedly spreading Christianity the time i have been here.

I could do much more intellectual damage to christianity for example than what you would be ever able to do against Islam. I have entire essays of Biblical contradictions, biblical works and debunking all the possible refutations. It is just a matter of copy and paste for me since i have almost memorized every controversial bible verse. Many in this forum witnessed part of it years ago. But that's just not my objective, i would only do it if someone attacks Islam unnecessarily and angers me. The most i do nowadays is from time to time write one of those comments like the bible verses i brought you up there and of course to which you didn't respond me and instead resorted to attack Islam. I respect Christianity to a certain extent especially unitarian christians.

Yes there are contradictions for both the old and New Testament. The Bible is not inerrant albeit the contradictions have no bearing on the greater points within the gospels/pentateuch. Your point being?

Go ahead and post it all my nigga, I don’t care LOL. The historical evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection is insurmountable. The historicity for the virgin birth is also confirmed. The foundation of Christianity is cemented on a layer of bedrock.

There is nothing you can ever say/quote/scrutinize to make me question my faith.
Our Creator is ever-loving and wants personal connection with us, which manifested when He descended down to earth. In His grace, He lived among us, sharing in our struggles and joys, and ultimately sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. This divine intervention illuminates the singular path to eternal life—solely through faith in Jesus Christ that we may attain this everlasting salvation—for it is through Him alone that we are offered the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Satanists, pagans—you are all utterly fucked.

Jewcels—keep rocking back and forth and keep making business deals at the synagogue. God isn’t listening—evident by the past 2,000 years.

Muslimcels—keep eating halal and doing dawah—Jahannam is still your final destination.

Hinducels—keep burning candles and worshipping animals and influencing low IQ white foids about reincarnating into ethereal bodies into cosmic space.

Pagancels—keep worshiping Mother Nature and burying oven roasted lambs as sacrifice to the planets for good harvest.

It is over for all of you niggas. The only path to salvation is through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Repent.

Yes there are contradictions for both the old and New Testament. The Bible is not inerrant albeit the contradictions have no bearing on the greater points within the gospels/pentateuch. Your point being?
Don't worry hahaha. I have an answer for this old narrative that the Bible accepts contradictions as well as other funny arguments like the classic scribal errors.

i will only use those arguments if necessary by a time and place of my choosing.
Go ahead and post it all my nigga, I don’t care LOL. The historical evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection is insurmountable. The historicity for the virgin birth is also confirmed. The foundation of Christianity is cemented on a layer of bedrock.
Same. All the crucifixtion relates, different narrations, supposed proofs, supposed messianic prophecies, etc. All compiled, don't worry.
There is nothing you can ever say/quote/scrutinize to make me question my faith.
Ok. It's not like i wake up in the morning thinking "Ahh, i need to convert that incel from Looksmax to Islam"
Slavic men have been voted the ugliest in Europe since 2009.

There’s something genetically wrong with Slavic men.

Slavic man have been voted ugliest in Europe not according to study, but according to dating websites and polls by other women, literally voted the ugliest in Europe according to beautiful.people com

The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world according to women:


Ugliest men in Europe.

View attachment 2722508

View attachment 2722509

View attachment 2722507

View attachment 2722511

Nah, don't be racist please. There are a lot of good slavs.

Also don't mock people who were starved to death. If you had passed through hunger you would understand why i say it.
  • +1
Reactions: nullandvoid
Christianity is not a works based religion. It is a strictly faith based religion. We are guaranteed salvation by the grace of God and solely through faith in Jesus and not works.
  • +1
Reactions: Eternal_
OP is from Serbia. He’s Slavic, so not white European.
It was nice having you on ignore.

That said, you are an Albanian manlet. You are quite literally the most off-putting and deformed of any European peoples. It is a sin to consider Albanians European because you’re all hyper-manlet mongrels who have nothing in common with Europe.

Per the most recent IQ averages of all European countries, Albania ranked dead last with an IQ of 81. You are a clinically retarded people and Albania is a nation of emigrants. It is a failed country. 99% of Albanians are deeply uncivilized villagers.

You are the shortest country in all of the Balkans and I believe close to the bottom of the list when all of Europe is taken into account. Most Albanian men are dumb, manlet emigrants cleaning the toilets of Western European countries.

You have no culture, no army, no religion, no education and no cohesion in your country. You have no architecture, no industry, no economy. Albanians are tribalistic apes who still actively practice blood feud. You were born to be servile and all of Europe hates you, just remember this.
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It was nice having you on ignore.

That said, you are an Albanian manlet. You are quite literally the most off-putting and deformed of any European peoples. It is a sin to consider Albanians European because you’re all hyper-manlet mongrels who have nothing in common with Europe.

Per the most recent IQ averages of all European countries, Albania ranked dead last with an IQ of 81. You are a clinically retarded people and Albania is a nation of emigrants. It is a failed country. 99% of Albanians are deeply uncivilized villagers.

You are the shortest country in all of the Balkans and I believe close to the bottom of the list when all of Europe is taken into account. Most Albanian men are dumb, manlet emigrants cleaning the toilets of Western European countries.

You have no culture, no army, no religion, no education and no cohesion in your country. You have no architecture, no industry, no economy. Albanians are tribalistic apes who still actively practice blood feud. You were born to be servile.
Not a single word, slavshit. Keep writing essays for me.
People like to eat bee excrements and same for a lot of other animals. Nothing rare really.

Holy cope
We clearly came from bacteria that became fish that became salamanders that became monkeys that became us
We clearly came from a fairy tale worshipping a Jew
Our Creator is ever-loving and wants personal connection with us, which manifested when He descended down to earth. In His grace, He lived among us, sharing in our struggles and joys, and ultimately sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. This divine intervention illuminates the singular path to eternal life—solely through faith in Jesus Christ that we may attain this everlasting salvation—for it is through Him alone that we are offered the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Satanists, pagans—you are all utterly fucked.

Jewcels—keep rocking back and forth and keep making business deals at the synagogue. God isn’t listening—evident by the past 2,000 years.

Muslimcels—keep eating halal and doing dawah—Jahannam is still your final destination.

Hinducels—keep burning candles and worshipping animals and influencing low IQ white foids about reincarnating into ethereal bodies into cosmic space.

Pagancels—keep worshiping Mother Nature and burying oven roasted lambs as sacrifice to the planets for good harvest.

It is over for all of you niggas. The only path to salvation is through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Repent.

daily remember that islam is the true and only religion
daily remember that islam is the true and only religion
You condone pedophilia. Islam and many of its followers are a complete abomination.

Every single Muslim I ask the hypothetical of whether they would give their 6 year old daughter to a 54 year old man for marriage says YES. You are all profoundly psychologically ill!!

You condone pedophilia. Islam and many of its followers are a complete abomination.

Every single Muslim I ask the hypothetical of whether they would give their 6 year old daughter to a 54 year old man for marriage says YES. You are all profoundly psychologically ill!!

it was usual for people back then to marry a younger one
it is a you problem not the problem of islam

that said keep coping
it was usual for people back then to marry a younger one
it is a you problem not the problem of islam

that said keep coping
If you had a 6 year old daughter in present time and a 54 year old devout muslim man (similar to Muhammad) asks for her hand in marriage, with the promise to not consummate until puberty—would you ever say yes and hand her over?

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