Guide for taking topical minoxidil orally(not mine)



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Sep 8, 2023
Found this useful guide on reddit, as i'm researching using topical minoxidil as an oral one, thought that it is worth it for more people to see since i learned a lot from it

Complete Guide to Orally Taking Topical Minoxidil


I have received an abundance of replies and DMs about how to go about taking topical minoxidil orally. I will go over safety, dosing, side effects, and FAQs. I will preface this by saying: I am not a doctor. I am a licensed worker in the medical field, and have a firm understanding/a plethora of knowledge on researched data on pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of drugs, especially hair loss drugs. By posting this guide, I am not implying that you should do as I do. If you have cardiac issues, or a strong family history of cardiac issues, do not take oral minoxidil. Trying to spread some harm reduction for people that want to get into this method of taking minoxidil, as it becoming more popular.


If you have never heard of anyone drinking topical minoxidil, you are probably concerned about the safety/side effects, confused why you would do it over getting a prescription of Loniten (pill form), and possibly think people are generally stupid for doing it. These are valid concerns, but I will elucidate them.

The main concern you probably have is that it is unsafe to consume, because it is meant for topical application. The formulation for most brands includes: minoxidil, alcohol, propylene glycol, and purified water. All of these ingredients are completely safe for human consumption, especially in the minuscule amount that you would be taking. Keeps, Rogaine, Kirkland, CVS brand, Walgreens brand, and Equate are all formulated with these ingredients. However, this is only the case for liquid formulas, NOT FOAM. Foams are formulated with ingredients that are NOT safe for human consumption. It is also important to mention that accurately dosing with foam is nearly impossible, and dosing with a sprayer is also nearly impossible. To do this correctly, you need to buy a dropper if yours does not come with one. Do not eyeball your doses.

Minoxidil as a drug was created in the 50s, and has been in wide use since the 70s originally as a blood pressure drug. It is prescribed at doses of up to 40mg, so there is little concern to be had at low doses unless you have cardiac issues.


The dose for oral minoxidil is going to depend on: the percentage of minoxidil in your solution, presence of side effects, and how long you have been taking oral minoxidil. If you have Keeps 5% minoxidil solution, 1 drop contains 1.25mg of minoxidil. The way to figure out the mg per drop of whatever brand you have, you will draw exactly 1mL of solution, and count how many drops were in the 1mL. You will then take that amount of drops, and divide it by the amount of mg per mL that your bottle contains. For example: Keeps has 50mg per mL...there are 40 drops per mL... 50/40= 1.25mg per drop. The average starting dose is 1.25mg for men, and .625mg for women. So, starting with 1 drop is a safe starting spot.

So, how much should you take? Once you have decided it is safe to take, and started off on your one drop once per day dose, it is safe to increase your dose after roughly five days if you tolerate it well. Loniten is prescribed at doses of 2.5mg, 5mg, and 10mg once per day (The aforementioned 1.25mg starting dose comes from cutting the 2.5mg pill in half). I would advise to keep your total daily dose below 10mg, as this is approaching significant blood pressure reducing territory. Personally, I take 3 drops, 3.75mg, in the morning, and 3 drops at night. I should mention that you are only supposed to take it once per day, but I am using myself as a guinea pig for the sake of research. I tolerate it well, and have good results. Needless to say, If you have really bad side effects, either decrease your dosage, or cease taking the drug.

The best way to dose is to take a shot glass, fill it halfway with water, add your dose, and take it like a regular shot.

**Oral vs Topical Minoxidil**

Why not use it topically as it is meant to be used? Many people, including myself, either do not respond to topical, have disappointing results, or lose effect after a period of time. It is important to understand how minoxidil is processed in the body to understand why some people respond, and why others do not. Minoxidil itself does not stimulate follicle growth; It's active metabolite, minoxidil sulfate, is what stimulates growth. This is important, because the conversion of minoxidil into minoxidil sulfate is facilitated by sulfotransferase enzymes. When applied topically, you rely on scalp enzymes to make this conversion. But, if you do not have enough sulfotransferase enzymes on your scalp, you will not respond to treatment. However, when taken orally, you utilize your liver's sulfotransferase enzymes, which most people have an abundance of.

It is important to understand that sublingual (under the tongue) dosing is not the same as oral dosing. By taking it sublingually, you are bypassing your liver, and relying on your scalp's enzymes (just like topical) to make the conversion to minoxidil sulfate. If you respond well to topical, this would make sense to do from a financial and convenience viewpoint.

Topical minoxidil is a major pain in the ass. You have to cover your entire scalp with it twice a day, and it leaves your hair looking like shit. Oral is a 15 second process of dropping a couple drops into a shot glass and drinking it. Incredibly easy and effective.

**Why Not Get a Minoxidil Pill Prescription?**

This is a very common question. The benefits of taking drops over pills are mainly convenience, accessibility, and financial. From a convenience point of view, you do not need to make doctor visits, and potential pharmacy visits. Accessibility-wise, some people find it hard to get their doctor to prescribe them Loniten due to the fact that it is a blood pressure drug, due to the fact that they don't think your hair loss is bad enough, or due to their age. The financial benefit is the biggest reason for me. If you buy a 3 pack of Keeps 5% 60mL minoxidil for $29.99 on amazon, it gives you 2400 doses (3 drops), which will last you 6 years. if you have a loniten prescription, you will have to pay for pills every month, and doctor visits every so often.

**Side Effects**

It is important to remember that this was originally a blood pressure drug. It was designed to lower blood pressure. I have checked my blood pressure multiple times throughout my time taking it, and it did not decrease as a result of taking it at a dose of 7.5mg per day. Another important thing to note, is that most side effects typically only occur during the first week or so of taking the drug until your body adapts. Some anecdotal side effect reports that I have seen on this subreddit include: increased heart rate, headaches, temporary facial water retention (swelling), bags under eyes, lightheadedness, Hypertrichosis (increased body hair growth) and orthostatic hypotension (vision goes dark when you stand up too fast).

**Maximizing Hair Growth**

The most important thing to know is that minoxidil is NOT a hair loss preventer; It is a hair growth stimulant. This means that DHT will still bind to your hair follicles, and you will still lose hair over time if you are not using an androgen blocker. Growth stimulants should always be used in conjunction with an androgen blocker such as finasteride, dutasteride, or ketocanazole. Other really good growth stimulants to add to your regimen include: stemoxydine, United Pure Hair Growth Blast Serum, and derma rolling with a 1.5mm roller, or derma pen preferably. Stemoxydine creates a hypoxic (oxygen free) environment to encourage stem cell formation. United Pure contains redensyl, capixyl, baicapil, AnaGain, and caffeine, which are all very good stimulants. Derma rolling increases blood flow and growth factors to the traumatized area.


-Will I have a shedding phase upon starting oral minoxidil?

I personally did not have a shedding phase when I started, however, there are many anecdotal reports of varying degrees of shedding when first starting. Moreover, since I responded very well, this means that if you do not have a shedding phase, it does not mean that you will not have good results.

-I did not respond to topical, does that mean I will not respond to oral?

As I mentioned above, the two different routes of administration utilize two different part of your body to convert the minoxidil to its active metabolite. If you did not respond to topical, it does not mean that you will not respond to oral.

-If I stop taking it, will I lose my gains?

Yes. Any new growth you have will fall out if you stop taking it. Your hairs become dependent on the minoxidil sulfate, so this is a lifelong commitment. However, it is extremely easy, and should by no means be seen as a massive drag on your life.

-How long till I see results?

I started noticing results after only about 20 days. I am now at the 9 week mark, and the amount of growth I have had is astonishing. You can look at the pictures I have recently posted for my results. I will continue to post my results about every month

-Will I get beard/facial hair gains?

I have heard that some people do in fact get beard gains from oral minoxidil. I personally have had an increase in beard gains, but I also apply it topically to my face, so i cannot say how much the oral is contributing. Additionally, my lashes, eyebrows, and pubes have increased in density.

-Does it taste bad?

There is a very slight alcohol taste when diluted in the small amount of water.

-Does it matter if I eat before or after taking it?

I have noticed no difference if I eat before or after

-Can I use topical and oral at the same time?

I personally use topical minoxidil on my face for increased beard gains, but I do not see the point of applying it to the scalp if you are going to take it orally.

- Do you think I am going to respond to oral minox?

I do not have a crystal ball

-Is it bad to consume the alcohol that is in the minox every day?

It is an extremely small amount of alcohol. You will be fine
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Yeah taking it orally is much quicker, cheaper and doesnt dry the fuck out ur scalp or skin
u just have to be careful not drinking too much, 2 drops twice a day
Whats best for eyebrows only?
Whats best for eyebrows only?
I'd say dermarolling and minox is best, that is if you do not want eyebrows implant or microblading
unrelated but is stemoxydine valid for eyebrow growth?
unrelated but is stemoxydine valid for eyebrow growth?
It has Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, so it might be somewhat useful, never tried it, but quite expensive, minox is cheaper and legit, while this might be cooe
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Will oral minoxidil rape collagen because collagen loss can be a slow killer with minoxidil and many just may not notice it
It has Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, so it might be somewhat useful, never tried it, but quite expensive, minox is cheaper and legit, while this might be cooe
iirc castor oil isnt the way it works, its because it creates a low oxygen environment which increases hair growth for some reason. im just wondering if it works on eyebrows as well as scalp hair
If u do microneedling topical mogs oral to mumbai and beyond
Will oral minoxidil rape collagen because collagen loss can be a slow killer with minoxidil and many just may not notice it
I think that minoxidil itself does not rape collagen, alcohol in it does, when you take it orally you usually can get heart side effects, not skin

Also, i've been taking it 2 weeks now, started with 2 drops of minox 2 times per day

Got sides, just 1: my nose got stuffed, hard to breath thru 1 nostril, after going to 1 drop 2 times per day, no sides

So be sure to stop and readjust when anything happens

Also taking it orally is huge time saver, if you take topical, you have to apply it, let it dry, wash it off... 2 times a day

Also, if you take topical form on skin, i heard that some people experience lot of collagen loss after repeating sleeping with it, without washing it off...

Also, make sure that what you use is actually minoxidil, buy bleach, use something like petri's misk, it doesn't matter what, just so you can clearly see and do not waste too much minox, then put minox into it, if it turns orange almost instantly, you got good thing, real minox
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If u do microneedling topical mogs oral to mumbai and beyond
Not sure, i think oral will always mog, it is systematic, so you make your eyebrows, hair, eyelashes and beard better

Also topical is the pain in the ass, it takes too much time to put it on, dry it out, wash off, 2x a day...
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Not sure, i think oral will always mog, it is systematic, so you make your eyebrows, hair, eyelashes and beard better

Also topical is the pain in the ass, it takes too much time to put it on, dry it out, wash off, 2x a day...
How much in ml i should take with 5 % ?
How much in ml i should take with 5 % ?
I'd say 1 drop 2x a day

1 ml = 50 mg of minoxidil, too much, not even patients with heart problems use that much of it

1 drop - 1,25 mg +/-

Oral minoxidil has 2,5-10 mg of minoxidil in 1 tablet, so you should be taking lower doses

It's safe to use 1-4 drops per day, i would start by 2 drops a day (1 in the morning, other obe 4 hours before bed)
iirc castor oil isnt the way it works, its because it creates a low oxygen environment which increases hair growth for some reason. im just wondering if it works on eyebrows as well as scalp hair
I'd be happy to help, but never tried it, so my information will be incorrect and might lead to side effects which might be dangerous

I'd say to ask on some subreddit guys using it what it does and if it helps
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I'd say 1 drop 2x a day

1 ml = 50 mg of minoxidil, too much, not even patients with heart problems use that much of it

1 drop - 1,25 mg +/-

Oral minoxidil has 2,5-10 mg of minoxidil in 1 tablet, so you should be taking lower doses

It's safe to use 1-4 drops per day, i would start by 2 drops a day (1 in the morning, other obe 4 hours before bed)
Tbh the only reason i think of doing this is about money you save so fucking much + a lot of minoxidil doesnt event get absorbed because it sticks in ur hair
Tbh the only reason i think of doing this is about money you save so fucking much + a lot of minoxidil doesnt event get absorbed because it sticks in ur hair
Yes, i read somewhere that by using topical orally 1 bottle lasts you around 600 days (2 drops a day)
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Doesn't minox expire?
Yes, but it usually has 1-2 years expiration date, just wanted to say that buying 6 bottle package will be useless if you plan to drink topical minox, you would literally throw out 5 of them...

Just never forget, always do bleach test
  • +1
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Yes, but it usually has 1-2 years expiration date, just wanted to say that buying 6 bottle package will be useless if you plan to drink topical minox, you would literally throw out 5 of them...

Just never forget, always do bleach test
Why bleach test?
Why bleach test?
Let's say you buy kirkland minoxidil from amazon, and you get fake one (there are some fakes there)

#1 scenario: you use it for a year, you get very small progress (placebo in effect) and say that minox is not for you, even thought you never used it

#2 scenario: you use it for a long time, but you do not know what is in it, what if it harms you and you drink it and think those are sides of minox, there may be some stuff you shouldn't drink, for example, you should never try to eat minox in foam form, it has ingredients that are inedible

You should just buy bleach, it's cheap, you can buy universal bleach or something and test it out, it will be painful to know you used fake for months
  • +1
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Let's say you buy kirkland minoxidil from amazon, and you get fake one (there are some fakes there)

#1 scenario: you use it for a year, you get very small progress (placebo in effect) and say that minox is not for you, even thought you never used it

#2 scenario: you use it for a long time, but you do not know what is in it, what if it harms you and you drink it and think those are sides of minox, there may be some stuff you shouldn't drink, for example, you should never try to eat minox in foam form, it has ingredients that are inedible

You should just buy bleach, it's cheap, you can buy universal bleach or something and test it out, it will be painful to know you used fake for months
where do i buy minoxidil from amazon cant find it
where do i buy minoxidil from amazon cant find it
Depends where you live, you can look at some drug store e-shop and order it online as well
Depends where you live, you can look at some drug store e-shop and order it online as well
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