HQNPmaxxing Guide: Chad Addiction & How To Scout for HQNP Women.

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Good post
  • +1
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Hey man, the resources to fix this are all in this thread here.
but idk where to start thats the problem and nobody takes facial rating/advice seriously here are seen from my previous threads where i posted my face :(
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
but idk where to start thats the problem and nobody takes facial rating/advice seriously here are seen from my previous threads where i posted my face :(
I'm in the works of making a personalized looksmaxing service (paid of course because it's detailed to the brim), are you interested?
I'm in the works of making a personalized looksmaxing service (paid of course because it's detailed to the brim), are you interested?
sure. but what if im broke? have some mercy on your fellow collegecel
sure. but what if im broke? have some mercy on your fellow collegecel
$47.97, you should be able to pay $15.99 for 3 months to pay it off I'm hoping (if Stripe allows me)
nigga wtf. most looksmax services are only $5.
I'm giving you a 20+ category detailed full-stack looksmaxing plan that is 50+ pages long.
make a guide on how to make a woman fall madly in love with you like to the point where they obsess over you

HQNPmaxxing Guide: Chad Addiction & How To Scout for HQNP Women.​

What is the attractiveness-primitiveness chart?​

This is basically a chart that puts women in four quadrants, and two spectrums, attractiveness, and primitiveness (promiscuity).

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According to https://incels.wiki/w/Quality_and_primitivity_theory, here are the traits of each category:

High Quality (HQ)
Low Quality (LQ)
Non-Primitive (NP)
  • High inhibition (general shyness)
  • Intelligent, or at least not stupid.
  • Slow life history speed
Primitive (P)

Some things to keep in mind!​

  1. Very HQNP woman is going to be interested in Sub-Chadlites. It is what it is. If you aren't at least a 7/10 in total physical attractiveness, there is no HQNP woman for you unless you're her specific type and not ugly or using a Just be [Insert Demographic Here] Card. Get to looksmaxxing!
  2. Women who hold their virginity cards for long periods of time are doing it so they can be of the highest value to the guys they are very attracted to.
  3. Feminism is basically politicizing female nature. Everything is oriented around maximizing women's chances with Chad. Anti-fat-shaming exists in hopes that Chad doesn't judge them on obesity, women working eradicate having to get with normies and uglies for money. Pro-choice exists because women don't want the single mother SMV tank, to maximize their chance with Chad, "Don't ask a woman her age" is basically trying to get Chad to look past her aging body, etc. Everything can be tied back to "maximizing their chance with Chad and eradication of normies and uglies". I am not pro or anti-feminist, but this is something ingrained in every woman's psychology from birth, even Islamic Women. I wouldn't be shocked if polygamy was legalized, as that also helps female nature's goal. dating capitalism (Unregulated Dating Market) is the norm and dating communism (Enforced Monogamy) is the exception when you observe genetic history. Just like economic capitalism is preferred by those who know the game well, know how to compete, and/or can compete and economic communism is the opposite, the dating market is the same. Explains why India has to do arranged marriages :lul:
  4. Now let's begin!

What causes promiscuity?​

Promiscuity is either caused by either getting pumped and dumped consistently, or low self-esteem prior to becoming sexually active, but 95/100 times is the first scenario. That's it! Very few women voluntarily choose to become promiscuous, contrary to what red-pilled bafoon copers try to tell you. No woman is immune to Chad Addiction, the girl you thought could never be a hoe could become one very quickly if three Chads approached her that month just to hook up, remember this!

Promiscuous women are just women who are desperate for Chad's commitment and will spread their legs for any Chad she finds in hopes he will commit, a very similar kind of addiction and reasoning as people who are addicted to gambling or the lottery. Women are commitment-only in dating, anyone who says otherwise is a liar. They absolutely despise being fuckzoned.

A woman's main goal in dating and maybe even in life is to get commitment from a man she finds attractive. Look at Disney movies, they are all very geared towards average-looking women getting Chad's commitment. When a woman gets pumped and dumped, it damages her self-esteem deeper than my penis can go down the Marinaras Trench. When a woman gets pumped and dumped, especially her first few times, she asks herself questions like this...
  • Am I not pretty enough for him to keep me around?
  • Does he not love me back?
  • Am I not worthy of love?
  • Why doesn't he want to commit to me?
  • Is there something wrong with me?
  • Why am I not enough for him?
  • What can I do to make him love me?
The woman also goes through heartbreak-like symptoms and patterns of thought. This ruins her self-esteem, self-image, and sense of self-worth, but also... DEVELOPS A CHAD ADDICTION. A woman will NEVER be over Chad (unless she finds what she believes to be a better one)! When a woman experiences one of the hardest, most addicting drugs known to humanity, "The feeling of being with Chad", it is laughably unlikely she'll ever revert. To override it, you need to be better than her previous Chad. The more she gets pumped and dumped, the more likely she is to become mentally unstable due to consistent heartbreaks. Imagine getting your self-esteem eaten alive and getting heartbroken every week, for decades on top of it being a high-functioning addiction. There's no way you aren't getting mentally damaged from that.

This develops into aligning with feminism, insecure attachment style (due to getting pumped and dumped so frequently), misandry, obscene dressing styles, pornography, and mental-level hyper-desperate attempts for commitment, whether that means trapping Chad, or threatening to blackmail Chad if he doesn't commit, etc.

Some footage that explains my point about mental damage caused by getting pumped and dumped.​

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How to filter out primitive women​

Before I get into this, I would like to say, a lot of the jargon redpillers talk about is either misleading or false when it comes to detecting promiscuous women, and I have come here to simplify it, there are only a few you have to remember, here they are.
  • Insecure Attachment Style and signs of it
  • Misandrist and harsh to men, unless you're attractive.
  • Displays personality disorders
  • Has promiscuous friends
  • Converts her sexuality from heterosexual to bisexuality or lesbian (to cope with rejection)
  • Dresses like a literal pornstar (showing skin is something all girls use to attract guys, but when it is intentionally graphic, it becomes an issue)
  • Low Self-Esteem (pornography is a huge sign of low-self esteem, this is why Mia Khalifa got into pornography)
  • Feminist (Women who are successful in dating are at most mildly feminist, nothing past it)
  • Chad Addiction, anything that indicates a history of being pumped and dumped. Passionate answers to these kinds of questions.
    • Are you sick and tired of men just using you for sex?
    • Don't you hate it when men fuckzone you?
    • How bad is the fuckzone?
    • Do you agree that men don't commit nowadays?
    • Is getting past the talking stage a major struggle for you?
    • Is being used as a sex toy by men a reoccurring problem for you?
      • If she gives a passionate answer or an answer that seems as if she relates to it, that's just bad. This indicates she's being pumped and dumped. If she can't answer the question personally due to a lack of personal experience, you have a gem.

Signs of non-primitive women​

Disclaimer: A woman raised in a religious household is a poor indicator of this if she isn't committed to the religion. Just going every week isn't enough. If anything, it may be an indicator she wants to free herself from it and increases her chances of getting into a pump and dump cycle. This is also especially true of women with strict parents!
  • Average or Above-Average IQ
  • Doesn't display mental health issues
  • Has no history or at most one occurrence of getting pumped and dumped
  • Her friends are non-primitive.
  • Good or high self-esteem and takes care of herself
  • Not a misandrist
  • General shyness (even though extroverted women can also be non-primitive if she meets other categories)
  • Has no real-life experience with Chads
  • Neutral or Friendly to Normies
  • Not dressing like a pornstar (she may show a decent amount of skin (this is a universal tactic by females) like short yoga pants, but not self-disrespecting graphic displays of it)
  • Women that don't go to places that men go for hookups.
  • She's at most 20, the older she is, the more likely she is either in an LTR or primitve.

Where to find HQNP women​

  • Elementary School (only an option if you're in elementary or 6th Grade)
  • Middle School (only an option if you're in middle school or 9th Grade)
  • High School (only an option if you're in high school or College Freshman, or you have a law that permits this in your state/province/nation)
  • Freshmen in College
  • Libraries or High IQ places/meetings
  • Women who watch self-improvement content in their teenage years
  • Charities
  • Grocery Store
  • Churches/Mosques (Women who are genuinely committed to the religion ONLY)
  • Hinge (Maximum Age: 19-20)
  • Places that men don't go for hookups.
  • Strict Muslim Countries
  • (Adding to this list in the comments would be of great use)

Some Random Information related to this topic​

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Good luck, you must be attractive though to get these women though...​

Else it is as equally pathetic as Indians thinking India is a current global superpower or a near-future superpower or Black Supremacist Pan-Africanist copers thinking the continent will be a superpower by the middle of the century.
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This is how you find a hqnp whatever the fuck that means.

You need to be somewhat attractive
You need to be rich
You need to have masculine traits and mindset (this and being rich is most important)

Then you have to be social, insert yourself into as many friend groups or if are cultured you can be that guy within your family-friend circle for example when I go back to my home country, most of the tourist girls that are also from that country are hqnp and if you become that guy then you can find a really good wifey ltr material that is virgin.

Literally just focus on money, masculinity, and learning to be a father figure man and you will find a virgin hqnp wife.

Where to find HQNP women​

  • Elementary School (only an option if you're in elementary or 6th Grade)
  • Middle School (only an option if you're in middle school or 9th Grade)
  • High School (only an option if you're in high school or College Freshman, or you have a law that permits this in your state/province/nation)
  • Freshmen in College
  • Libraries or High IQ places/meetings
  • Women who watch self-improvement content in their teenage years
  • Charities
  • Grocery Store
  • Churches/Mosques (Women who are genuinely committed to the religion ONLY)
  • Hinge (Maximum Age: 19-20)
  • Places that men don't go for hookups.
  • Strict Muslim Countries
  • (Adding to this list in the comments would be of great use)

Didn’t read but if you’re ugly you won’t get a hqnp girl simple. If she was hqnp she wouldn’t be giving her pussy out to some random guy with nothing going for him. She wouldn’t even be a virgin then considering she would have fucked half the guys she meets.

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