Just realized that most people are stupid as fuck coping faggots



Dec 4, 2020
Just had realization about blackpill/redpill stuff. There is your average guy who never hit the gym, he is 20-25% body fat, skinny fat in some cases, in some cases he looks normal. Then he finds redpill, he goes to the gym, after few months he is leaner and his bones on the face show up and he thinks that it is so easy to look good. Then he starts to preach like "just go to the gym bro, you will be a chad". He doesn't even realize that he won genetic lottery and he had chadlite potential under that skinny fat face. He thinks that he did 100% works to be good looking. Unfortunately most of us don't have it. We are average at best after thousands of hours of gymmaxxing hard. Just watched guy who was average before as a fat 40%+ fat% and he became literal chadlite at 15% and he starts to preach about it being so easy. This shit guy won genetic loterry, he stopped eating like pig and now he made channel dedicated to redpill being 100% true. This world is fuck up with 60 iq losers like him.
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