My thoughts on Turkey / Turkish women (long post)



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022

I'm new here. Long time lurker and decided to bite the bullet after becoming blackpilled recently and visited Turkey in my first botched attempt at "geomaxxing" there. I'm 5 ft 7 and half curry living in the West, approaching late 20s.

Reason for visiting/ Background: Honestly it really wasn't an attempt to geomax. I loved reading about Turkish/ Anatolian history and culture from an historical perspective (encompassing Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods). I know Turkey is a secular country, but I probably know more about their Islamic history and admire their Turkic origins more than they do lol. Istanbul was always on my wish list for years and seeing the lira plunge into dogshit made me bite the bullet. But in any case as a guy in their late 20s I did think about starting an LTR over there. I even started gymcelling thinking about the prospect of it back in the summer JFL.

One thing that put me off recently were anti-arab sentiments and news that were these social media hashtags that Pakis were being a bunch of pervs/weirdos and taking selfies with Turkish girls. It was posts like this that got me concerned:

 20221125 092057

There are tons of posts like that against Afghans, Paks and Arabs! And they're usually from young secular so-called 'liberal' people. The dynamics in Turkey are so fucked because the young secular people in actual European countries are pro-refugees, they celebrate diversity and act like social justice warriors when it comes to racism. Maybe because they grew up with second and third generation pakis and they know that we're nothing like those back at home. But those young Turks who want to appear as western as possible are completely the opposite of western liberals due to their weird mix of nationalism.

In any case I thought I'm fucked, but I've been told I'm a HTN (on Reddit TRM), light skin and a westernised curry and look nothing like those fresh off the boat retards. Thankfully I still don't think Pakis have a negative reputation in Turkey as in other parts of the world - but that will probably change. This attitude seemed widespread only online amongst young people but IRL everyone was quite nice to me in Istanbul.

I've NEVER tried online dating. I was about to try it before I visited but as I slowly became blackpilled I gave up and never did (with myself). However I did later change my mind and ran an experiment (with another HTN curry I know IRL) in my last few days. More details about that below.

  • Race and race perception: Honestly I was fucking surprised. I knew Turks were neither white nor brown. But definitely feels like from my perspective around 50% of the population are white or white passing. I've met few Turks in my life in the UK, but the ones I've met never really looked white. I'd say a good 10-20% are essentially indistinguishable from a white person (some having light hair and eyes) while the other 30-40% are white-passing with 'dark features' i.e dark hair. 'Most' of the other 50% definitely do not look white but neither do they look brown. They basically look like Arabs or Persians with white DNA in them. As I mentioned above there was some anti-pakistani propaganda during the summer. Now I'm a quite light-skinned curry - in fact on VERY rare occasions I've been mistaken for being Turkish in the UK. I would say I am dark as the bottom 10 or 15% of darkest Turks - from a purely color perspective. There are guys like Alpay B (YouTuber) who basically look curry and I am more light skin than him. However I was surprised that I could be easily assumed to be something else despite being light skinned - in fact I only know two other curries from my Bengali ethnicity lighter than me (my sister and a friend who is a genetic anomaly). On many occasions in Turkey, many of the store assistant or traders would assume my ethnicity to be south Asian: on four occasions I got asked if I'm Pakistani, on two occasion Indian and on another occasion both. There were on some occasion where people would start speaking Turkish or English with me - so I don't know if they were assuming something other than Indian or Paki. But for a lot of people I definitely did give of a tourist vibe. I lived in Aksaray which is full of arabs, if you told me to distinguish between Arabs and Turks I probably wouldn't have been able to do it before I visited, but now I definitely can. Likewise if there are any curries here who genuinely believe they can larp as Turkish they are having a laugh. I have SRK or Tiger Shroff (who is 1/4 Turkmen btw) type skin color, and I don't think even the people who spoke Turkish with me assumed I was turkish. The difference between a very dark Turk and a very light curry is if both spent a month in 50 degrees celsius heat the turk would look like an Arab and the curry would look Dravidian. Even though they are dark as each other they are still considered different and easily distinguished by Turks. I'm not a self-hating curry, I'm genuinely proud but I was worried I'd be considered a pervert from Pakistan despite being born and raised in the UK.
  • Face: On average facially I would say Turkish girls are about 0.75-1 point less than girls here in the UK on a standard 10/10 scale (I'm not familiar with PSL sorry). For some of you guys who are more of a blondie-type it may be 1.5 points lower. That being said, I hardly think I saw them wear fake-up. The men are anywhere between 1.5-2.5 points less than men in the UK. However in the case of men there are some extreme exotic looking chads you would never see in western countries but they are rare. I honestly think hypergamy does not exist in Turkey, if it does than it's hardly an issue and maybe they date slightly better looking guys than their looksmatch. However on average I saw many looks matched couples and very frequently I saw some absolute legit LTNs with HTB Turkish girls. The frequency at which I saw this was soul-crushing and devastating and at the same time eye opening and hopeful (I'll explain later). I don't think Turkish girls give that much weight to appearances at all (including height) and genuinely do think 'personality' as meme'd as it is, plays a role. It's true I usually did see white passing and taller Turks with better looking girls, but it wasn't as frequent and their looks gap wasnt as bad as what we see in western society. I don't know how most Turks date but there was definitely a disconnect between what I was seeing in real life and what I saw in my OKC and bumble experiment.
    • On a side note I went to the gym three times. Given I've been going consistently for like six months I don't expect to strength mog everyone. However literally all the men are stick thin with noodle arms. There were a few fat fucks but I'd say on all three occasions I was either the strongest guy or second strongest at the gym. This is never the case in the UK. That being said there is literally a gym in every corner in London and in Istanbul I hardly fucking saw any - had to travel over a mile to the nearest one.
    • Women and men are not looksmaxxed in the sense women aren't wearing make up 24/7 and men are focused on their appearance. One thing men do here rather than in the West is take care of the appearance of their hair much more than in the West.
Height - They are couple of inches shorter on average. I think the official stats saying the average height of a guy is 5 ft 8 is still true. Nothing but complete LIES from threads like this one which I read before I visited. Whoever he is, he's probably never been to the UK where officially the average height is 1.78 (5 ft 10). Yes it's probably true I also recognized younger ppl were taller but still weren't enough to convince me that they were 5'11 JFL.

Regarding the relationships - yes guys were obviously taller than their partners (water is wet). However the difference was not huge as in the West. On many occasions I saw some couple around same height and on rare occasions (almost non-existent in the West) I even saw some Turkish girls taller than the guy!

On many occasions I came across turbo manlets who were 5'5 and below. They were quite frequent (felt like maybe 25% of population). Now I'm 5'7-ish, I wore Nike air max so was probably frauding to 5.8.5'-5'9 and never in my life had I felt so fucking average!

Around like 50% of guys were taller and 50% were same of below. For women, I'd say I was was taller or same height to at least 90% of them. While approx 10% or lower were taller than me (excluding some obvious foreigners from western countries). In the UK as a 5'7 guy I reckon I'm in the top 70-75th percentile compared to womens height, and bottom 20th-25th percentile as a guy.

I've been insecure AF about my height since late teens. I usually compare myself to everyone I walk past. Towards the end of my time in Istanbul, for the first time in YEARS I pretty much stopped comparing myself to other peoples height. If I grew up here at 5'7 I highly doubt it would be a failo like in the US or Europe.

  • Religion - This didn't exactly come as a shocker to me since I was well aware of the history of Turkey since their founding. But it is a secular country and it's nice to know that both secular and religious people get along. I don't know what the situation is politically but it seemed like it was the secular people are being more militant than the religious ones - historically and even to this day. I don't know what the stats are but they are not as religious as I thought they were (even though I knew they were not religious). Maybe in other regions it's different, but it felt like even the hijabis weren't that religious besides observing their scarf. Those who are religious I think we're more likely to be Kurds I think... As a westernised curry I always felt I was too liberal for my conservative parents and also too conservative for western society and liberal Muslims. I honestly feel like I'd fit in perfectly in a country like Turkey where Muslims of all stripes (apart from those 10-15% I'll mention below) are accepting of each other's either very pious or lack of religiousity. It's very frustrating because I would never LTR a western white women and people of my own erhnicity are generally too conservative, but it pains me to know that I'm in a society where I feel like 80-90% are ok for me from a religious values perspective.
  • Hijab/Non-hijabis: I'd say around 40-50% of women wear the hijab, while the rest do not. However just because they don't wear the hijab doesn't mean they're not conservative. I saw many occasions of hijabs hanging with non-hijabis and some girls with hijabi mothers. I visited this month so maybe they dress more inappropriate in the summer, but compared to the UK even non-hijabis wore loose clothing. Anyways, the non-hjjabis are definitely not as degenerate as the west (water is wet). But I would guesstimate around 10-15% of Turkish girls are like your average western girl or worse who are very secular or atheist and happy to be rammed by several cocks. Maybe I'm wrong who knows.
  • Gender relations: This has to be another soul-crushing and very envious experience for me. I said above I believe hypergamy doesn't really exist, but corollary to this is it genuinely feels like Turkish girls actually appreciate their man! If Andrew Tate visited he'd be so fucking happy. I don't think they necessarily consider themselves a prize or have a massive ego problems like women in the West. I saw on a few occasions women stroking and massaging their man's head while sat down together - I never fucking see this in the West. On public transport / trams rather than hold the railing some girls would opt to hold on to their man. On another occasion I saw a Turkish girl trying to help her bf not lose balance. It's not a "patriarchal" segregated society like Pakistan or Saudi, neither does it seem that women have been toxified by feminism from the West either. I've read some people think Turkish girls are enticed by how much $ you make - and maybe that's true but I don't think they're necessarily gold diggers. On the contrary seems like they're loyal and actually appreciate who you are for what you've done. As a person who is probably older than 95% of this forum this does matter and I would definitely compromise myself on looks if someone's finances were stable but I was surprised that Turkish girls may be the same at an earlier age. I never though I'd say this but I wish I was Turkish! I probably am a lot better off as a 5'5 LTN quite rich curry in Turkey than a 5'7 HTN quite rich curry in the UK. If you are Turkish and an incel you must be a trucel no fucking way it's difficult for you.
  • Smoking: Everyone and their fucking cat smokes! Unbelievable. Men and women. I've already mentioned they're not looksmaxxed but they're killing whatever looks they do have by living unhealthy lifestyles. One negative is I think Turkish girls age WORSE than western girls and given most smoke I'm not fucking surprised. I don't think I saw a single cougar or MILF.
  • Language: Hardly anyone knows English! Even those who say they do, they tend to be in touristy areas like Taksim and Grand Bazaar. When I ask if they speak English they would say yes - but they only understand English to the point they can sell you a product JFL. I didn't speak to a lot of women out of fear and reverence (I know I sound like a simp here). But once I knew hardly anyone speaks English it's pointless to have a social conversation with them as it will get nowhere. I spoke to a few women and they were almost all on a customer service basis. I even went out of my way to speak to them towards the end of my stay but again it got awkward at times when it became apparent they have no idea what I'm saying when I ask something complicated. I never asked openly asked any women for things like directions because I feel in turkey it would still be seen as trying to cold approach. Turkish people seem very social and men are confident AF it seems - I've seen strangers speak to other strangers and unlike the London tube (most) people don't sit there with their faces down and hands on their phones. Things like the mental health epidemic and lonliness affecting the West probably doesn't affect people here. If you're an introvert in Turkey I think you're seen as some kind of retard. I'll explain below why you should not be geomax in Turkey, but many of you guys are autists and if you can't hold a convo IRL than you will not get anywhere here especially in a place where you can hardly communicate with local people.
Visiting as single person: I felt so alone and ashamed. Like I said I didn't come to geomax - it was just a consideration. I visited by myself and my main reason was to see all these sites I would read about as a history student. But it felt so fucking depressing to go around places sit by myself in a cafe, site by myself in the hotel at breakfast, attend tourist events as a lone guy while everyone else were couples or groups. Most of my pictures are selfies. I did ask on a couple of occasions for people to take my picture and while I'm sure it's in my head not theirs, it felt so fucking shameful to ask this. I stopped asking people to start taking pictures and just took pictures of the sites instead just out of care for my mental health. My close family and friends know I travelled alone. But I've made up elaborate stories how I met some people and chilled with them. I've lied to people I've spoken to and colleagues that I'm really here for some wedding and I know some people who live and work in Istanbul but we're foreign students at my university. But that's all a big fat lie. Seeing so many couples and families walking around and exploring the place made me realize if I was born in this society life would have been a whole lot different.

On the other hand this place is fucking beautiful and unlike London or New York you can explore and do things without breaking the bank. Clothing is cheap, the food is cheap thanks to the lira.

Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are both amazing. Blue mosque was a disappointing due to renovation and inaccessible. However I genuinely did enjoy myself, but would have felt 100x better if I wasn't so alone... 😭

Online experiment - As mentioned I didn't bother doing it myself. But after 3 days of stay and seeing how almost perfect Turkish women are, I decided to do so for the last 2.5 days but instead of using my pic, I used a HTN curry. I used only OKC and Bumble.

On my profile I wrote I don't speak any Turkish at all and I'm only here for a 'while,'.

This experiment was an absolute shocker and ruined what I thought was a perfect country! I know it's definitely not representative of society at large but it feels like the bottom 10-15% of the least religious and degenerate Turks have assembled on dating apps to seek each other out.

  • These are guesstimates but approx 50% of women probably identify as atheist/agnostic! 20% were "spiritual" JFL 15% didn't fill it out, 5% were other, 3% were probably Jew or Christian and maybe 2% were Muslim (and about half those were probably foreign people lol).
  • Yes that's right I saw more people identify as Christian and Jewish than Muslim! It almost like they're ashamed to say so.
  • Hijabi women on dating apps were like 1 in 150 compared to almost half the population in real life JFL.
  • Height: There must be a lot of LARPers because I swear about 50% of girls were listed like 5'7 and above. I don't fucking get it because outside 90% of them are my height or shorter but they're larping like as if they're Dutch or Balkan women.
  • I think like 1 in 20 profiles were 160cm or less even though outside IRL feels like maybe 40% of population are that.
  • Almost everyone smokes, dresses in very revealing clothes compared to IRL, doesn't want any children, has alcohol in their hands. I mean not even in the UK I see profiles like this wtf! Yes it's common but I felt it was more common in Turkey.

This is the typical profile.

 20221125 093735

Larping as taller (looks short in other pics), drinks, smokes, lists interest as 'feminism' and doesn't ever go gym.

Results: Way better off in the UK wtf!
Although I only swiped right on if they looked like and identified with having conservative values - sounds easy given what I saw with my own eyes in Istanbul, but pretty fucking hard online!

On bumble I got one like from a fucking landwhale who openly said 120kg and proud!

On OKC I got 0 matches and 11 likes but I think most were bots as I discerned two of them were abroad and not from Turkey lol.

Maybe it's because I said I don't speak Turkish, or maybe it's because the guy I used is curry (I can share who I used via PM if interested) but I did think I'd match with at least some girls! I go around Istanbul and still mog quite a few guys myself in height and face yet I don't understand how my HTN curry could not pull off any matches at all! I'm really confused as while I think hypergamy doesn't exist, the experiment I ran leads me to conclude it's fucking worse than the UK online and no geomaxxing destination.

As mentioned above I think the people in this app are an extremely tiny minority. That's pretty much obvious.

A city of two halves. I was incredibly impressed and still do hold Turkish girls in real life as the ideal. But the chances you would ever ascend with one is fucking zero. Language problems, religious conservatism and absolute degeneracy of online dating apps just as bad as the west.

If there are any Turks here you probably hate me coz Im a curry who visited your country. But that's fine I love you and your country and I envy the fuck out of you. I'll be visiting next year and supporting your shitty local economy. But fuck I wish I was Turkish everything seems (almost) perfect. I'll most likely never have a Turkish wife, unless the ones in London give me a chance but they're more like the degenerate type in my experience, so no thanks.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC, i_love_roosters, Alton and 12 others
do people actually read threads like this?

dnrd btw
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, flippasav, BrahminBoss and 6 others
do people actually read threads like this?

dnrd btw
I tried to make it accessible by using bullet points and bold characters for you short attention span-cels. But yes I am aware most will not read it, but I do hope it's useful to some people and can be used as a reference in the future even if there is no engagement rn.
  • +1
Reactions: murdah, zura, Krakowski and 2 others
Did you fuck any girls there
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah, Jasonfedele.is_god, Deleted member 19620 and 2 others
  • +1
Reactions: murdah, Jasonfedele.is_god and Elvisandreaa
@PacinoCel @Tallooksmaxxer @CertifiedMoggingCha
tagging some turkcels
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20848, Tallooksmaxxer and SecularIslamist
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620
@PacinoCel @Tallooksmaxxer @CertifiedMoggingCha
tagging some turkcels
Thank you bro.

I'd love a locals opinion on it. I imagine they're young and obsessed with Atatürk? They probably hate me it's fine.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620
Man imagine writing all this essay on some races women

When I saw preview' my thoughts on turkey' i thought you were gonna talk about the meat/thanksgivin culture; instead you typed this incel essay that PHD thesis dont even bother writing for their degrees
  • JFL
Reactions: zura, flippasav, Primalsplit and 5 others
muh muh secular islamist, kys nigger, learn tawheed

@beatEMinGTA @seth
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 18522
muh muh secular islamist, kys nigger, learn tawheed
Lmao I'm not secular (I hate all progressives and liberals) neither am I Islamist (as I think that's a modern form of politicising religion using western thought). I'd describe myself as western conservative if I were to compare myself to an average turk.
  • WTF
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro, Deleted member 19620 and Tallooksmaxxer
i need to get bimax right now clock is ticking :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
dn rd ? @Tallooksmaxxer
Bump because I need more turkcel opinions.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Shit post you need to be white or black or Latin or hook basically anything but mena or curry or jungle
  • +1
Reactions: Elvisandreaa
I think 5'7 and half curry in the west summed it up
Shit post you need to be white or black or Latin or hook basically anything but mena or curry or jungle
Seriously I mogged more people than I thought I would in both height and looks. There were giga manlets over there, being 5'5 is as common as 5'7 in the West.

My conclusion is really, Turkey is basically just a less worse version than Western countries imo. But on the positive side they're less degenerate and conservative, however you have no chance of ascending there because of language and culture.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620 and Deleted member 18522
Bump because I need more turkcel opinions.
you observed shit right. turkey is nearly in the same level as the west, ppl are coping by muh you a trucel or turkey= easy mode. hell nah! bitches here want everything of their man MAXXED OUT (jawline status, adrenaline, sex, validation, simping). im happy that im not interacting with those hypergamic whores and filtering them using my observations
  • +1
Reactions: Elvisandreaa
you observed shit right. turkey is nearly in the same level as the west, ppl are coping by muh you a trucel or turkey= easy mode. hell nah! bitches here want everything of their man MAXXED OUT (jawline status, adrenaline, sex, validation, simping). im happy that im not interacting with those hypergamic whores and filtering them using my observations
Hell fucking no! I admire Turkey but you are fucking deluded. They can looksmax all they want they're still not mogging the West. I bet you've never even been to fucking central London to Manhattan, you will get mogged back and forth.

I haven't even watch these two videos but it's so fucking obvious which place mogs the other.

That being said I would prefer being in Istanbul because the place is more chill.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19620 and Deleted member 19036
I am in Turkiye and a foreigner as well. I am white, 6'2 ft tall, gymcell, pro swimmer and kind of financially ok!.

I've using Bumble for the last 7 months and I gotta confirm your observations about online dating in Turkiye, Istanbul specifically.

I've matched and dated many girls using Bumble but guess what? 95% of those women are foreigners JFL. My Turkish matches form around 25% of my matches but across the last months I went out on a date with only TWO and the rest bailed JFL.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist and bloomercel
I am in Turkiye and a foreigner as well. I am white, 6'2 ft tall, gymcell, pro swimmer and kind of financially ok!.

I've using Bumble for the last 7 months and I gotta confirm your observations about online dating in Turkiye, Istanbul specifically.

I've matched and dated many girls using Bumble but guess what? 95% of those women are foreigners JFL. My Turkish matches form around 25% of my matches but across the last months I went out on a date with only TWO and the rest bailed JFL.
Turkey is hell
I am 6'1 white looking guy(not nordic) and barely get average girls(90% of times i fail though)
Hard country to slay.JBW hardly works in here
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Seriously I mogged more people than I thought I would in both height and looks. There were giga manlets over there, being 5'5 is as common as 5'7 in the West.

My conclusion is really, Turkey is basically just a less worse version than Western countries imo. But on the positive side they're less degenerate and conservative, however you have no chance of ascending there because of language and culture.
IMG 7813

14.5 sexual partners in a turkroach girl’s whole lifetime. You must be kidding with this thread man…. @TRUE_CEL
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: goldpill and Michael Myers
This is actually about Turkish men. But fucking hell, that’s degenerate AF.
I mean, they have to fuck the opposite gender am I right? Or wait! They are gay or fuck goats! That’s it! You are a genius!
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
I mean, they have to fuck the opposite gender am I right? Or wait! They are gay or fuck goats! That’s it! You are a genius!
You got a point, but the number may be lower (or higher, even) for foids. We need to see similar stats.
  • +1
Reactions: deadmanwalking
Turkey is hell
I am 6'1 white looking guy(not nordic) and barely get average girls(90% of times i fail though)
Hard country to slay.JBW hardly works in here
Turkish girls are loyal to their men. Western turks like the ones in London, u might have a shot at but even then they still prefer their own men, mostly because of family values and the girls being addicted to Turkish shows :ROFLMAO:. The easiest Turkish girls you will get are the feminist/westernized turks living in Turkey, they are delusional and with the Turkish economy being shit, they look at western men and any foreign man being more superior to their own men
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Deleted member 32669
Man imagine writing all this essay on some races women

When I saw preview' my thoughts on turkey' i thought you were gonna talk about the meat/thanksgivin culture; instead you typed this incel essay that PHD thesis dont even bother writing for their degrees
Need a summary of that jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: ReadBooksEveryday

I'm new here. Long time lurker and decided to bite the bullet after becoming blackpilled recently and visited Turkey in my first botched attempt at "geomaxxing" there. I'm 5 ft 7 and half curry living in the West, approaching late 20s.

Reason for visiting/ Background: Honestly it really wasn't an attempt to geomax. I loved reading about Turkish/ Anatolian history and culture from an historical perspective (encompassing Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods). I know Turkey is a secular country, but I probably know more about their Islamic history and admire their Turkic origins more than they do lol. Istanbul was always on my wish list for years and seeing the lira plunge into dogshit made me bite the bullet. But in any case as a guy in their late 20s I did think about starting an LTR over there. I even started gymcelling thinking about the prospect of it back in the summer JFL.

One thing that put me off recently were anti-arab sentiments and news that were these social media hashtags that Pakis were being a bunch of pervs/weirdos and taking selfies with Turkish girls. It was posts like this that got me concerned:

View attachment 1967061

There are tons of posts like that against Afghans, Paks and Arabs! And they're usually from young secular so-called 'liberal' people. The dynamics in Turkey are so fucked because the young secular people in actual European countries are pro-refugees, they celebrate diversity and act like social justice warriors when it comes to racism. Maybe because they grew up with second and third generation pakis and they know that we're nothing like those back at home. But those young Turks who want to appear as western as possible are completely the opposite of western liberals due to their weird mix of nationalism.

In any case I thought I'm fucked, but I've been told I'm a HTN (on Reddit TRM), light skin and a westernised curry and look nothing like those fresh off the boat retards. Thankfully I still don't think Pakis have a negative reputation in Turkey as in other parts of the world - but that will probably change. This attitude seemed widespread only online amongst young people but IRL everyone was quite nice to me in Istanbul.

I've NEVER tried online dating. I was about to try it before I visited but as I slowly became blackpilled I gave up and never did (with myself). However I did later change my mind and ran an experiment (with another HTN curry I know IRL) in my last few days. More details about that below.

  • Race and race perception: Honestly I was fucking surprised. I knew Turks were neither white nor brown. But definitely feels like from my perspective around 50% of the population are white or white passing. I've met few Turks in my life in the UK, but the ones I've met never really looked white. I'd say a good 10-20% are essentially indistinguishable from a white person (some having light hair and eyes) while the other 30-40% are white-passing with 'dark features' i.e dark hair. 'Most' of the other 50% definitely do not look white but neither do they look brown. They basically look like Arabs or Persians with white DNA in them. As I mentioned above there was some anti-pakistani propaganda during the summer. Now I'm a quite light-skinned curry - in fact on VERY rare occasions I've been mistaken for being Turkish in the UK. I would say I am dark as the bottom 10 or 15% of darkest Turks - from a purely color perspective. There are guys like Alpay B (YouTuber) who basically look curry and I am more light skin than him. However I was surprised that I could be easily assumed to be something else despite being light skinned - in fact I only know two other curries from my Bengali ethnicity lighter than me (my sister and a friend who is a genetic anomaly). On many occasions in Turkey, many of the store assistant or traders would assume my ethnicity to be south Asian: on four occasions I got asked if I'm Pakistani, on two occasion Indian and on another occasion both. There were on some occasion where people would start speaking Turkish or English with me - so I don't know if they were assuming something other than Indian or Paki. But for a lot of people I definitely did give of a tourist vibe. I lived in Aksaray which is full of arabs, if you told me to distinguish between Arabs and Turks I probably wouldn't have been able to do it before I visited, but now I definitely can. Likewise if there are any curries here who genuinely believe they can larp as Turkish they are having a laugh. I have SRK or Tiger Shroff (who is 1/4 Turkmen btw) type skin color, and I don't think even the people who spoke Turkish with me assumed I was turkish. The difference between a very dark Turk and a very light curry is if both spent a month in 50 degrees celsius heat the turk would look like an Arab and the curry would look Dravidian. Even though they are dark as each other they are still considered different and easily distinguished by Turks. I'm not a self-hating curry, I'm genuinely proud but I was worried I'd be considered a pervert from Pakistan despite being born and raised in the UK.
  • Face: On average facially I would say Turkish girls are about 0.75-1 point less than girls here in the UK on a standard 10/10 scale (I'm not familiar with PSL sorry). For some of you guys who are more of a blondie-type it may be 1.5 points lower. That being said, I hardly think I saw them wear fake-up. The men are anywhere between 1.5-2.5 points less than men in the UK. However in the case of men there are some extreme exotic looking chads you would never see in western countries but they are rare. I honestly think hypergamy does not exist in Turkey, if it does than it's hardly an issue and maybe they date slightly better looking guys than their looksmatch. However on average I saw many looks matched couples and very frequently I saw some absolute legit LTNs with HTB Turkish girls. The frequency at which I saw this was soul-crushing and devastating and at the same time eye opening and hopeful (I'll explain later). I don't think Turkish girls give that much weight to appearances at all (including height) and genuinely do think 'personality' as meme'd as it is, plays a role. It's true I usually did see white passing and taller Turks with better looking girls, but it wasn't as frequent and their looks gap wasnt as bad as what we see in western society. I don't know how most Turks date but there was definitely a disconnect between what I was seeing in real life and what I saw in my OKC and bumble experiment.
    • On a side note I went to the gym three times. Given I've been going consistently for like six months I don't expect to strength mog everyone. However literally all the men are stick thin with noodle arms. There were a few fat fucks but I'd say on all three occasions I was either the strongest guy or second strongest at the gym. This is never the case in the UK. That being said there is literally a gym in every corner in London and in Istanbul I hardly fucking saw any - had to travel over a mile to the nearest one.
    • Women and men are not looksmaxxed in the sense women aren't wearing make up 24/7 and men are focused on their appearance. One thing men do here rather than in the West is take care of the appearance of their hair much more than in the West.
Height - They are couple of inches shorter on average. I think the official stats saying the average height of a guy is 5 ft 8 is still true. Nothing but complete LIES from threads like this one which I read before I visited. Whoever he is, he's probably never been to the UK where officially the average height is 1.78 (5 ft 10). Yes it's probably true I also recognized younger ppl were taller but still weren't enough to convince me that they were 5'11 JFL.

Regarding the relationships - yes guys were obviously taller than their partners (water is wet). However the difference was not huge as in the West. On many occasions I saw some couple around same height and on rare occasions (almost non-existent in the West) I even saw some Turkish girls taller than the guy!

On many occasions I came across turbo manlets who were 5'5 and below. They were quite frequent (felt like maybe 25% of population). Now I'm 5'7-ish, I wore Nike air max so was probably frauding to 5.8.5'-5'9 and never in my life had I felt so fucking average!

Around like 50% of guys were taller and 50% were same of below. For women, I'd say I was was taller or same height to at least 90% of them. While approx 10% or lower were taller than me (excluding some obvious foreigners from western countries). In the UK as a 5'7 guy I reckon I'm in the top 70-75th percentile compared to womens height, and bottom 20th-25th percentile as a guy.

I've been insecure AF about my height since late teens. I usually compare myself to everyone I walk past. Towards the end of my time in Istanbul, for the first time in YEARS I pretty much stopped comparing myself to other peoples height. If I grew up here at 5'7 I highly doubt it would be a failo like in the US or Europe.

  • Religion - This didn't exactly come as a shocker to me since I was well aware of the history of Turkey since their founding. But it is a secular country and it's nice to know that both secular and religious people get along. I don't know what the situation is politically but it seemed like it was the secular people are being more militant than the religious ones - historically and even to this day. I don't know what the stats are but they are not as religious as I thought they were (even though I knew they were not religious). Maybe in other regions it's different, but it felt like even the hijabis weren't that religious besides observing their scarf. Those who are religious I think we're more likely to be Kurds I think... As a westernised curry I always felt I was too liberal for my conservative parents and also too conservative for western society and liberal Muslims. I honestly feel like I'd fit in perfectly in a country like Turkey where Muslims of all stripes (apart from those 10-15% I'll mention below) are accepting of each other's either very pious or lack of religiousity. It's very frustrating because I would never LTR a western white women and people of my own erhnicity are generally too conservative, but it pains me to know that I'm in a society where I feel like 80-90% are ok for me from a religious values perspective.
  • Hijab/Non-hijabis: I'd say around 40-50% of women wear the hijab, while the rest do not. However just because they don't wear the hijab doesn't mean they're not conservative. I saw many occasions of hijabs hanging with non-hijabis and some girls with hijabi mothers. I visited this month so maybe they dress more inappropriate in the summer, but compared to the UK even non-hijabis wore loose clothing. Anyways, the non-hjjabis are definitely not as degenerate as the west (water is wet). But I would guesstimate around 10-15% of Turkish girls are like your average western girl or worse who are very secular or atheist and happy to be rammed by several cocks. Maybe I'm wrong who knows.
  • Gender relations: This has to be another soul-crushing and very envious experience for me. I said above I believe hypergamy doesn't really exist, but corollary to this is it genuinely feels like Turkish girls actually appreciate their man! If Andrew Tate visited he'd be so fucking happy. I don't think they necessarily consider themselves a prize or have a massive ego problems like women in the West. I saw on a few occasions women stroking and massaging their man's head while sat down together - I never fucking see this in the West. On public transport / trams rather than hold the railing some girls would opt to hold on to their man. On another occasion I saw a Turkish girl trying to help her bf not lose balance. It's not a "patriarchal" segregated society like Pakistan or Saudi, neither does it seem that women have been toxified by feminism from the West either. I've read some people think Turkish girls are enticed by how much $ you make - and maybe that's true but I don't think they're necessarily gold diggers. On the contrary seems like they're loyal and actually appreciate who you are for what you've done. As a person who is probably older than 95% of this forum this does matter and I would definitely compromise myself on looks if someone's finances were stable but I was surprised that Turkish girls may be the same at an earlier age. I never though I'd say this but I wish I was Turkish! I probably am a lot better off as a 5'5 LTN quite rich curry in Turkey than a 5'7 HTN quite rich curry in the UK. If you are Turkish and an incel you must be a trucel no fucking way it's difficult for you.
  • Smoking: Everyone and their fucking cat smokes! Unbelievable. Men and women. I've already mentioned they're not looksmaxxed but they're killing whatever looks they do have by living unhealthy lifestyles. One negative is I think Turkish girls age WORSE than western girls and given most smoke I'm not fucking surprised. I don't think I saw a single cougar or MILF.
  • Language: Hardly anyone knows English! Even those who say they do, they tend to be in touristy areas like Taksim and Grand Bazaar. When I ask if they speak English they would say yes - but they only understand English to the point they can sell you a product JFL. I didn't speak to a lot of women out of fear and reverence (I know I sound like a simp here). But once I knew hardly anyone speaks English it's pointless to have a social conversation with them as it will get nowhere. I spoke to a few women and they were almost all on a customer service basis. I even went out of my way to speak to them towards the end of my stay but again it got awkward at times when it became apparent they have no idea what I'm saying when I ask something complicated. I never asked openly asked any women for things like directions because I feel in turkey it would still be seen as trying to cold approach. Turkish people seem very social and men are confident AF it seems - I've seen strangers speak to other strangers and unlike the London tube (most) people don't sit there with their faces down and hands on their phones. Things like the mental health epidemic and lonliness affecting the West probably doesn't affect people here. If you're an introvert in Turkey I think you're seen as some kind of retard. I'll explain below why you should not be geomax in Turkey, but many of you guys are autists and if you can't hold a convo IRL than you will not get anywhere here especially in a place where you can hardly communicate with local people.
Visiting as single person: I felt so alone and ashamed. Like I said I didn't come to geomax - it was just a consideration. I visited by myself and my main reason was to see all these sites I would read about as a history student. But it felt so fucking depressing to go around places sit by myself in a cafe, site by myself in the hotel at breakfast, attend tourist events as a lone guy while everyone else were couples or groups. Most of my pictures are selfies. I did ask on a couple of occasions for people to take my picture and while I'm sure it's in my head not theirs, it felt so fucking shameful to ask this. I stopped asking people to start taking pictures and just took pictures of the sites instead just out of care for my mental health. My close family and friends know I travelled alone. But I've made up elaborate stories how I met some people and chilled with them. I've lied to people I've spoken to and colleagues that I'm really here for some wedding and I know some people who live and work in Istanbul but we're foreign students at my university. But that's all a big fat lie. Seeing so many couples and families walking around and exploring the place made me realize if I was born in this society life would have been a whole lot different.

On the other hand this place is fucking beautiful and unlike London or New York you can explore and do things without breaking the bank. Clothing is cheap, the food is cheap thanks to the lira.

Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are both amazing. Blue mosque was a disappointing due to renovation and inaccessible. However I genuinely did enjoy myself, but would have felt 100x better if I wasn't so alone... 😭

Online experiment - As mentioned I didn't bother doing it myself. But after 3 days of stay and seeing how almost perfect Turkish women are, I decided to do so for the last 2.5 days but instead of using my pic, I used a HTN curry. I used only OKC and Bumble.

On my profile I wrote I don't speak any Turkish at all and I'm only here for a 'while,'.

This experiment was an absolute shocker and ruined what I thought was a perfect country! I know it's definitely not representative of society at large but it feels like the bottom 10-15% of the least religious and degenerate Turks have assembled on dating apps to seek each other out.

  • These are guesstimates but approx 50% of women probably identify as atheist/agnostic! 20% were "spiritual" JFL 15% didn't fill it out, 5% were other, 3% were probably Jew or Christian and maybe 2% were Muslim (and about half those were probably foreign people lol).
  • Yes that's right I saw more people identify as Christian and Jewish than Muslim! It almost like they're ashamed to say so.
  • Hijabi women on dating apps were like 1 in 150 compared to almost half the population in real life JFL.
  • Height: There must be a lot of LARPers because I swear about 50% of girls were listed like 5'7 and above. I don't fucking get it because outside 90% of them are my height or shorter but they're larping like as if they're Dutch or Balkan women.
  • I think like 1 in 20 profiles were 160cm or less even though outside IRL feels like maybe 40% of population are that.
  • Almost everyone smokes, dresses in very revealing clothes compared to IRL, doesn't want any children, has alcohol in their hands. I mean not even in the UK I see profiles like this wtf! Yes it's common but I felt it was more common in Turkey.

This is the typical profile.

View attachment 1967073
Larping as taller (looks short in other pics), drinks, smokes, lists interest as 'feminism' and doesn't ever go gym.

Results: Way better off in the UK wtf!
Although I only swiped right on if they looked like and identified with having conservative values - sounds easy given what I saw with my own eyes in Istanbul, but pretty fucking hard online!

On bumble I got one like from a fucking landwhale who openly said 120kg and proud!

On OKC I got 0 matches and 11 likes but I think most were bots as I discerned two of them were abroad and not from Turkey lol.

Maybe it's because I said I don't speak Turkish, or maybe it's because the guy I used is curry (I can share who I used via PM if interested) but I did think I'd match with at least some girls! I go around Istanbul and still mog quite a few guys myself in height and face yet I don't understand how my HTN curry could not pull off any matches at all! I'm really confused as while I think hypergamy doesn't exist, the experiment I ran leads me to conclude it's fucking worse than the UK online and no geomaxxing destination.

As mentioned above I think the people in this app are an extremely tiny minority. That's pretty much obvious.

A city of two halves. I was incredibly impressed and still do hold Turkish girls in real life as the ideal. But the chances you would ever ascend with one is fucking zero. Language problems, religious conservatism and absolute degeneracy of online dating apps just as bad as the west.

If there are any Turks here you probably hate me coz Im a curry who visited your country. But that's fine I love you and your country and I envy the fuck out of you. I'll be visiting next year and supporting your shitty local economy. But fuck I wish I was Turkish everything seems (almost) perfect. I'll most likely never have a Turkish wife, unless the ones in London give me a chance but they're more like the degenerate type in my experience, so no thanks.
@Manchild GTFIH

I'm new here. Long time lurker and decided to bite the bullet after becoming blackpilled recently and visited Turkey in my first botched attempt at "geomaxxing" there. I'm 5 ft 7 and half curry living in the West, approaching late 20s.

Reason for visiting/ Background: Honestly it really wasn't an attempt to geomax. I loved reading about Turkish/ Anatolian history and culture from an historical perspective (encompassing Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods). I know Turkey is a secular country, but I probably know more about their Islamic history and admire their Turkic origins more than they do lol. Istanbul was always on my wish list for years and seeing the lira plunge into dogshit made me bite the bullet. But in any case as a guy in their late 20s I did think about starting an LTR over there. I even started gymcelling thinking about the prospect of it back in the summer JFL.

One thing that put me off recently were anti-arab sentiments and news that were these social media hashtags that Pakis were being a bunch of pervs/weirdos and taking selfies with Turkish girls. It was posts like this that got me concerned:

View attachment 1967061

There are tons of posts like that against Afghans, Paks and Arabs! And they're usually from young secular so-called 'liberal' people. The dynamics in Turkey are so fucked because the young secular people in actual European countries are pro-refugees, they celebrate diversity and act like social justice warriors when it comes to racism. Maybe because they grew up with second and third generation pakis and they know that we're nothing like those back at home. But those young Turks who want to appear as western as possible are completely the opposite of western liberals due to their weird mix of nationalism.

In any case I thought I'm fucked, but I've been told I'm a HTN (on Reddit TRM), light skin and a westernised curry and look nothing like those fresh off the boat retards. Thankfully I still don't think Pakis have a negative reputation in Turkey as in other parts of the world - but that will probably change. This attitude seemed widespread only online amongst young people but IRL everyone was quite nice to me in Istanbul.

I've NEVER tried online dating. I was about to try it before I visited but as I slowly became blackpilled I gave up and never did (with myself). However I did later change my mind and ran an experiment (with another HTN curry I know IRL) in my last few days. More details about that below.

  • Race and race perception: Honestly I was fucking surprised. I knew Turks were neither white nor brown. But definitely feels like from my perspective around 50% of the population are white or white passing. I've met few Turks in my life in the UK, but the ones I've met never really looked white. I'd say a good 10-20% are essentially indistinguishable from a white person (some having light hair and eyes) while the other 30-40% are white-passing with 'dark features' i.e dark hair. 'Most' of the other 50% definitely do not look white but neither do they look brown. They basically look like Arabs or Persians with white DNA in them. As I mentioned above there was some anti-pakistani propaganda during the summer. Now I'm a quite light-skinned curry - in fact on VERY rare occasions I've been mistaken for being Turkish in the UK. I would say I am dark as the bottom 10 or 15% of darkest Turks - from a purely color perspective. There are guys like Alpay B (YouTuber) who basically look curry and I am more light skin than him. However I was surprised that I could be easily assumed to be something else despite being light skinned - in fact I only know two other curries from my Bengali ethnicity lighter than me (my sister and a friend who is a genetic anomaly). On many occasions in Turkey, many of the store assistant or traders would assume my ethnicity to be south Asian: on four occasions I got asked if I'm Pakistani, on two occasion Indian and on another occasion both. There were on some occasion where people would start speaking Turkish or English with me - so I don't know if they were assuming something other than Indian or Paki. But for a lot of people I definitely did give of a tourist vibe. I lived in Aksaray which is full of arabs, if you told me to distinguish between Arabs and Turks I probably wouldn't have been able to do it before I visited, but now I definitely can. Likewise if there are any curries here who genuinely believe they can larp as Turkish they are having a laugh. I have SRK or Tiger Shroff (who is 1/4 Turkmen btw) type skin color, and I don't think even the people who spoke Turkish with me assumed I was turkish. The difference between a very dark Turk and a very light curry is if both spent a month in 50 degrees celsius heat the turk would look like an Arab and the curry would look Dravidian. Even though they are dark as each other they are still considered different and easily distinguished by Turks. I'm not a self-hating curry, I'm genuinely proud but I was worried I'd be considered a pervert from Pakistan despite being born and raised in the UK.
  • Face: On average facially I would say Turkish girls are about 0.75-1 point less than girls here in the UK on a standard 10/10 scale (I'm not familiar with PSL sorry). For some of you guys who are more of a blondie-type it may be 1.5 points lower. That being said, I hardly think I saw them wear fake-up. The men are anywhere between 1.5-2.5 points less than men in the UK. However in the case of men there are some extreme exotic looking chads you would never see in western countries but they are rare. I honestly think hypergamy does not exist in Turkey, if it does than it's hardly an issue and maybe they date slightly better looking guys than their looksmatch. However on average I saw many looks matched couples and very frequently I saw some absolute legit LTNs with HTB Turkish girls. The frequency at which I saw this was soul-crushing and devastating and at the same time eye opening and hopeful (I'll explain later). I don't think Turkish girls give that much weight to appearances at all (including height) and genuinely do think 'personality' as meme'd as it is, plays a role. It's true I usually did see white passing and taller Turks with better looking girls, but it wasn't as frequent and their looks gap wasnt as bad as what we see in western society. I don't know how most Turks date but there was definitely a disconnect between what I was seeing in real life and what I saw in my OKC and bumble experiment.
    • On a side note I went to the gym three times. Given I've been going consistently for like six months I don't expect to strength mog everyone. However literally all the men are stick thin with noodle arms. There were a few fat fucks but I'd say on all three occasions I was either the strongest guy or second strongest at the gym. This is never the case in the UK. That being said there is literally a gym in every corner in London and in Istanbul I hardly fucking saw any - had to travel over a mile to the nearest one.
    • Women and men are not looksmaxxed in the sense women aren't wearing make up 24/7 and men are focused on their appearance. One thing men do here rather than in the West is take care of the appearance of their hair much more than in the West.
Height - They are couple of inches shorter on average. I think the official stats saying the average height of a guy is 5 ft 8 is still true. Nothing but complete LIES from threads like this one which I read before I visited. Whoever he is, he's probably never been to the UK where officially the average height is 1.78 (5 ft 10). Yes it's probably true I also recognized younger ppl were taller but still weren't enough to convince me that they were 5'11 JFL.

Regarding the relationships - yes guys were obviously taller than their partners (water is wet). However the difference was not huge as in the West. On many occasions I saw some couple around same height and on rare occasions (almost non-existent in the West) I even saw some Turkish girls taller than the guy!

On many occasions I came across turbo manlets who were 5'5 and below. They were quite frequent (felt like maybe 25% of population). Now I'm 5'7-ish, I wore Nike air max so was probably frauding to 5.8.5'-5'9 and never in my life had I felt so fucking average!

Around like 50% of guys were taller and 50% were same of below. For women, I'd say I was was taller or same height to at least 90% of them. While approx 10% or lower were taller than me (excluding some obvious foreigners from western countries). In the UK as a 5'7 guy I reckon I'm in the top 70-75th percentile compared to womens height, and bottom 20th-25th percentile as a guy.

I've been insecure AF about my height since late teens. I usually compare myself to everyone I walk past. Towards the end of my time in Istanbul, for the first time in YEARS I pretty much stopped comparing myself to other peoples height. If I grew up here at 5'7 I highly doubt it would be a failo like in the US or Europe.

  • Religion - This didn't exactly come as a shocker to me since I was well aware of the history of Turkey since their founding. But it is a secular country and it's nice to know that both secular and religious people get along. I don't know what the situation is politically but it seemed like it was the secular people are being more militant than the religious ones - historically and even to this day. I don't know what the stats are but they are not as religious as I thought they were (even though I knew they were not religious). Maybe in other regions it's different, but it felt like even the hijabis weren't that religious besides observing their scarf. Those who are religious I think we're more likely to be Kurds I think... As a westernised curry I always felt I was too liberal for my conservative parents and also too conservative for western society and liberal Muslims. I honestly feel like I'd fit in perfectly in a country like Turkey where Muslims of all stripes (apart from those 10-15% I'll mention below) are accepting of each other's either very pious or lack of religiousity. It's very frustrating because I would never LTR a western white women and people of my own erhnicity are generally too conservative, but it pains me to know that I'm in a society where I feel like 80-90% are ok for me from a religious values perspective.
  • Hijab/Non-hijabis: I'd say around 40-50% of women wear the hijab, while the rest do not. However just because they don't wear the hijab doesn't mean they're not conservative. I saw many occasions of hijabs hanging with non-hijabis and some girls with hijabi mothers. I visited this month so maybe they dress more inappropriate in the summer, but compared to the UK even non-hijabis wore loose clothing. Anyways, the non-hjjabis are definitely not as degenerate as the west (water is wet). But I would guesstimate around 10-15% of Turkish girls are like your average western girl or worse who are very secular or atheist and happy to be rammed by several cocks. Maybe I'm wrong who knows.
  • Gender relations: This has to be another soul-crushing and very envious experience for me. I said above I believe hypergamy doesn't really exist, but corollary to this is it genuinely feels like Turkish girls actually appreciate their man! If Andrew Tate visited he'd be so fucking happy. I don't think they necessarily consider themselves a prize or have a massive ego problems like women in the West. I saw on a few occasions women stroking and massaging their man's head while sat down together - I never fucking see this in the West. On public transport / trams rather than hold the railing some girls would opt to hold on to their man. On another occasion I saw a Turkish girl trying to help her bf not lose balance. It's not a "patriarchal" segregated society like Pakistan or Saudi, neither does it seem that women have been toxified by feminism from the West either. I've read some people think Turkish girls are enticed by how much $ you make - and maybe that's true but I don't think they're necessarily gold diggers. On the contrary seems like they're loyal and actually appreciate who you are for what you've done. As a person who is probably older than 95% of this forum this does matter and I would definitely compromise myself on looks if someone's finances were stable but I was surprised that Turkish girls may be the same at an earlier age. I never though I'd say this but I wish I was Turkish! I probably am a lot better off as a 5'5 LTN quite rich curry in Turkey than a 5'7 HTN quite rich curry in the UK. If you are Turkish and an incel you must be a trucel no fucking way it's difficult for you.
  • Smoking: Everyone and their fucking cat smokes! Unbelievable. Men and women. I've already mentioned they're not looksmaxxed but they're killing whatever looks they do have by living unhealthy lifestyles. One negative is I think Turkish girls age WORSE than western girls and given most smoke I'm not fucking surprised. I don't think I saw a single cougar or MILF.
  • Language: Hardly anyone knows English! Even those who say they do, they tend to be in touristy areas like Taksim and Grand Bazaar. When I ask if they speak English they would say yes - but they only understand English to the point they can sell you a product JFL. I didn't speak to a lot of women out of fear and reverence (I know I sound like a simp here). But once I knew hardly anyone speaks English it's pointless to have a social conversation with them as it will get nowhere. I spoke to a few women and they were almost all on a customer service basis. I even went out of my way to speak to them towards the end of my stay but again it got awkward at times when it became apparent they have no idea what I'm saying when I ask something complicated. I never asked openly asked any women for things like directions because I feel in turkey it would still be seen as trying to cold approach. Turkish people seem very social and men are confident AF it seems - I've seen strangers speak to other strangers and unlike the London tube (most) people don't sit there with their faces down and hands on their phones. Things like the mental health epidemic and lonliness affecting the West probably doesn't affect people here. If you're an introvert in Turkey I think you're seen as some kind of retard. I'll explain below why you should not be geomax in Turkey, but many of you guys are autists and if you can't hold a convo IRL than you will not get anywhere here especially in a place where you can hardly communicate with local people.
Visiting as single person: I felt so alone and ashamed. Like I said I didn't come to geomax - it was just a consideration. I visited by myself and my main reason was to see all these sites I would read about as a history student. But it felt so fucking depressing to go around places sit by myself in a cafe, site by myself in the hotel at breakfast, attend tourist events as a lone guy while everyone else were couples or groups. Most of my pictures are selfies. I did ask on a couple of occasions for people to take my picture and while I'm sure it's in my head not theirs, it felt so fucking shameful to ask this. I stopped asking people to start taking pictures and just took pictures of the sites instead just out of care for my mental health. My close family and friends know I travelled alone. But I've made up elaborate stories how I met some people and chilled with them. I've lied to people I've spoken to and colleagues that I'm really here for some wedding and I know some people who live and work in Istanbul but we're foreign students at my university. But that's all a big fat lie. Seeing so many couples and families walking around and exploring the place made me realize if I was born in this society life would have been a whole lot different.

On the other hand this place is fucking beautiful and unlike London or New York you can explore and do things without breaking the bank. Clothing is cheap, the food is cheap thanks to the lira.

Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are both amazing. Blue mosque was a disappointing due to renovation and inaccessible. However I genuinely did enjoy myself, but would have felt 100x better if I wasn't so alone... 😭

Online experiment - As mentioned I didn't bother doing it myself. But after 3 days of stay and seeing how almost perfect Turkish women are, I decided to do so for the last 2.5 days but instead of using my pic, I used a HTN curry. I used only OKC and Bumble.

On my profile I wrote I don't speak any Turkish at all and I'm only here for a 'while,'.

This experiment was an absolute shocker and ruined what I thought was a perfect country! I know it's definitely not representative of society at large but it feels like the bottom 10-15% of the least religious and degenerate Turks have assembled on dating apps to seek each other out.

  • These are guesstimates but approx 50% of women probably identify as atheist/agnostic! 20% were "spiritual" JFL 15% didn't fill it out, 5% were other, 3% were probably Jew or Christian and maybe 2% were Muslim (and about half those were probably foreign people lol).
  • Yes that's right I saw more people identify as Christian and Jewish than Muslim! It almost like they're ashamed to say so.
  • Hijabi women on dating apps were like 1 in 150 compared to almost half the population in real life JFL.
  • Height: There must be a lot of LARPers because I swear about 50% of girls were listed like 5'7 and above. I don't fucking get it because outside 90% of them are my height or shorter but they're larping like as if they're Dutch or Balkan women.
  • I think like 1 in 20 profiles were 160cm or less even though outside IRL feels like maybe 40% of population are that.
  • Almost everyone smokes, dresses in very revealing clothes compared to IRL, doesn't want any children, has alcohol in their hands. I mean not even in the UK I see profiles like this wtf! Yes it's common but I felt it was more common in Turkey.

This is the typical profile.

View attachment 1967073
Larping as taller (looks short in other pics), drinks, smokes, lists interest as 'feminism' and doesn't ever go gym.

Results: Way better off in the UK wtf!
Although I only swiped right on if they looked like and identified with having conservative values - sounds easy given what I saw with my own eyes in Istanbul, but pretty fucking hard online!

On bumble I got one like from a fucking landwhale who openly said 120kg and proud!

On OKC I got 0 matches and 11 likes but I think most were bots as I discerned two of them were abroad and not from Turkey lol.

Maybe it's because I said I don't speak Turkish, or maybe it's because the guy I used is curry (I can share who I used via PM if interested) but I did think I'd match with at least some girls! I go around Istanbul and still mog quite a few guys myself in height and face yet I don't understand how my HTN curry could not pull off any matches at all! I'm really confused as while I think hypergamy doesn't exist, the experiment I ran leads me to conclude it's fucking worse than the UK online and no geomaxxing destination.

As mentioned above I think the people in this app are an extremely tiny minority. That's pretty much obvious.

A city of two halves. I was incredibly impressed and still do hold Turkish girls in real life as the ideal. But the chances you would ever ascend with one is fucking zero. Language problems, religious conservatism and absolute degeneracy of online dating apps just as bad as the west.

If there are any Turks here you probably hate me coz Im a curry who visited your country. But that's fine I love you and your country and I envy the fuck out of you. I'll be visiting next year and supporting your shitty local economy. But fuck I wish I was Turkish everything seems (almost) perfect. I'll most likely never have a Turkish wife, unless the ones in London give me a chance but they're more like the degenerate type in my experience, so no thanks.
Do you have a picture of the htn curry you were larping as?
Turkish girls are loyal to their men. Western turks like the ones in London, u might have a shot at but even then they still prefer their own men, mostly because of family values and the girls being addicted to Turkish shows :ROFLMAO:. The easiest Turkish girls you will get are the feminist/westernized turks living in Turkey, they are delusional and with the Turkish economy being shit, they look at western men and any foreign man being more superior to their own men
how do I know if some Turkish girl is westernized?
how do I know if some Turkish girl is westernized?
You’ll find them in turkey in the aegan holiday places, isntabul, izmir, big cities.

These girls are worst than feminists here but they are different, they are the hoe type feminist. You will jus know bro, they have short hair usually coloured, at universities mostly, they are on tiktok posting bullshit videos. Most like pretty boys and white guys because of western influence.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 32669 and SecularIslamist
hated every ketter go fuck yourself we will not cater to browns kys paki send adress again i will put the of god into you

I'm new here. Long time lurker and decided to bite the bullet after becoming blackpilled recently and visited Turkey in my first botched attempt at "geomaxxing" there. I'm 5 ft 7 and half curry living in the West, approaching late 20s.

Reason for visiting/ Background: Honestly it really wasn't an attempt to geomax. I loved reading about Turkish/ Anatolian history and culture from an historical perspective (encompassing Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods). I know Turkey is a secular country, but I probably know more about their Islamic history and admire their Turkic origins more than they do lol. Istanbul was always on my wish list for years and seeing the lira plunge into dogshit made me bite the bullet. But in any case as a guy in their late 20s I did think about starting an LTR over there. I even started gymcelling thinking about the prospect of it back in the summer JFL.

One thing that put me off recently were anti-arab sentiments and news that were these social media hashtags that Pakis were being a bunch of pervs/weirdos and taking selfies with Turkish girls. It was posts like this that got me concerned:

View attachment 1967061

There are tons of posts like that against Afghans, Paks and Arabs! And they're usually from young secular so-called 'liberal' people. The dynamics in Turkey are so fucked because the young secular people in actual European countries are pro-refugees, they celebrate diversity and act like social justice warriors when it comes to racism. Maybe because they grew up with second and third generation pakis and they know that we're nothing like those back at home. But those young Turks who want to appear as western as possible are completely the opposite of western liberals due to their weird mix of nationalism.

In any case I thought I'm fucked, but I've been told I'm a HTN (on Reddit TRM), light skin and a westernised curry and look nothing like those fresh off the boat retards. Thankfully I still don't think Pakis have a negative reputation in Turkey as in other parts of the world - but that will probably change. This attitude seemed widespread only online amongst young people but IRL everyone was quite nice to me in Istanbul.

I've NEVER tried online dating. I was about to try it before I visited but as I slowly became blackpilled I gave up and never did (with myself). However I did later change my mind and ran an experiment (with another HTN curry I know IRL) in my last few days. More details about that below.

  • Race and race perception: Honestly I was fucking surprised. I knew Turks were neither white nor brown. But definitely feels like from my perspective around 50% of the population are white or white passing. I've met few Turks in my life in the UK, but the ones I've met never really looked white. I'd say a good 10-20% are essentially indistinguishable from a white person (some having light hair and eyes) while the other 30-40% are white-passing with 'dark features' i.e dark hair. 'Most' of the other 50% definitely do not look white but neither do they look brown. They basically look like Arabs or Persians with white DNA in them. As I mentioned above there was some anti-pakistani propaganda during the summer. Now I'm a quite light-skinned curry - in fact on VERY rare occasions I've been mistaken for being Turkish in the UK. I would say I am dark as the bottom 10 or 15% of darkest Turks - from a purely color perspective. There are guys like Alpay B (YouTuber) who basically look curry and I am more light skin than him. However I was surprised that I could be easily assumed to be something else despite being light skinned - in fact I only know two other curries from my Bengali ethnicity lighter than me (my sister and a friend who is a genetic anomaly). On many occasions in Turkey, many of the store assistant or traders would assume my ethnicity to be south Asian: on four occasions I got asked if I'm Pakistani, on two occasion Indian and on another occasion both. There were on some occasion where people would start speaking Turkish or English with me - so I don't know if they were assuming something other than Indian or Paki. But for a lot of people I definitely did give of a tourist vibe. I lived in Aksaray which is full of arabs, if you told me to distinguish between Arabs and Turks I probably wouldn't have been able to do it before I visited, but now I definitely can. Likewise if there are any curries here who genuinely believe they can larp as Turkish they are having a laugh. I have SRK or Tiger Shroff (who is 1/4 Turkmen btw) type skin color, and I don't think even the people who spoke Turkish with me assumed I was turkish. The difference between a very dark Turk and a very light curry is if both spent a month in 50 degrees celsius heat the turk would look like an Arab and the curry would look Dravidian. Even though they are dark as each other they are still considered different and easily distinguished by Turks. I'm not a self-hating curry, I'm genuinely proud but I was worried I'd be considered a pervert from Pakistan despite being born and raised in the UK.
  • Face: On average facially I would say Turkish girls are about 0.75-1 point less than girls here in the UK on a standard 10/10 scale (I'm not familiar with PSL sorry). For some of you guys who are more of a blondie-type it may be 1.5 points lower. That being said, I hardly think I saw them wear fake-up. The men are anywhere between 1.5-2.5 points less than men in the UK. However in the case of men there are some extreme exotic looking chads you would never see in western countries but they are rare. I honestly think hypergamy does not exist in Turkey, if it does than it's hardly an issue and maybe they date slightly better looking guys than their looksmatch. However on average I saw many looks matched couples and very frequently I saw some absolute legit LTNs with HTB Turkish girls. The frequency at which I saw this was soul-crushing and devastating and at the same time eye opening and hopeful (I'll explain later). I don't think Turkish girls give that much weight to appearances at all (including height) and genuinely do think 'personality' as meme'd as it is, plays a role. It's true I usually did see white passing and taller Turks with better looking girls, but it wasn't as frequent and their looks gap wasnt as bad as what we see in western society. I don't know how most Turks date but there was definitely a disconnect between what I was seeing in real life and what I saw in my OKC and bumble experiment.
    • On a side note I went to the gym three times. Given I've been going consistently for like six months I don't expect to strength mog everyone. However literally all the men are stick thin with noodle arms. There were a few fat fucks but I'd say on all three occasions I was either the strongest guy or second strongest at the gym. This is never the case in the UK. That being said there is literally a gym in every corner in London and in Istanbul I hardly fucking saw any - had to travel over a mile to the nearest one.
    • Women and men are not looksmaxxed in the sense women aren't wearing make up 24/7 and men are focused on their appearance. One thing men do here rather than in the West is take care of the appearance of their hair much more than in the West.
Height - They are couple of inches shorter on average. I think the official stats saying the average height of a guy is 5 ft 8 is still true. Nothing but complete LIES from threads like this one which I read before I visited. Whoever he is, he's probably never been to the UK where officially the average height is 1.78 (5 ft 10). Yes it's probably true I also recognized younger ppl were taller but still weren't enough to convince me that they were 5'11 JFL.

Regarding the relationships - yes guys were obviously taller than their partners (water is wet). However the difference was not huge as in the West. On many occasions I saw some couple around same height and on rare occasions (almost non-existent in the West) I even saw some Turkish girls taller than the guy!

On many occasions I came across turbo manlets who were 5'5 and below. They were quite frequent (felt like maybe 25% of population). Now I'm 5'7-ish, I wore Nike air max so was probably frauding to 5.8.5'-5'9 and never in my life had I felt so fucking average!

Around like 50% of guys were taller and 50% were same of below. For women, I'd say I was was taller or same height to at least 90% of them. While approx 10% or lower were taller than me (excluding some obvious foreigners from western countries). In the UK as a 5'7 guy I reckon I'm in the top 70-75th percentile compared to womens height, and bottom 20th-25th percentile as a guy.

I've been insecure AF about my height since late teens. I usually compare myself to everyone I walk past. Towards the end of my time in Istanbul, for the first time in YEARS I pretty much stopped comparing myself to other peoples height. If I grew up here at 5'7 I highly doubt it would be a failo like in the US or Europe.

  • Religion - This didn't exactly come as a shocker to me since I was well aware of the history of Turkey since their founding. But it is a secular country and it's nice to know that both secular and religious people get along. I don't know what the situation is politically but it seemed like it was the secular people are being more militant than the religious ones - historically and even to this day. I don't know what the stats are but they are not as religious as I thought they were (even though I knew they were not religious). Maybe in other regions it's different, but it felt like even the hijabis weren't that religious besides observing their scarf. Those who are religious I think we're more likely to be Kurds I think... As a westernised curry I always felt I was too liberal for my conservative parents and also too conservative for western society and liberal Muslims. I honestly feel like I'd fit in perfectly in a country like Turkey where Muslims of all stripes (apart from those 10-15% I'll mention below) are accepting of each other's either very pious or lack of religiousity. It's very frustrating because I would never LTR a western white women and people of my own erhnicity are generally too conservative, but it pains me to know that I'm in a society where I feel like 80-90% are ok for me from a religious values perspective.
  • Hijab/Non-hijabis: I'd say around 40-50% of women wear the hijab, while the rest do not. However just because they don't wear the hijab doesn't mean they're not conservative. I saw many occasions of hijabs hanging with non-hijabis and some girls with hijabi mothers. I visited this month so maybe they dress more inappropriate in the summer, but compared to the UK even non-hijabis wore loose clothing. Anyways, the non-hjjabis are definitely not as degenerate as the west (water is wet). But I would guesstimate around 10-15% of Turkish girls are like your average western girl or worse who are very secular or atheist and happy to be rammed by several cocks. Maybe I'm wrong who knows.
  • Gender relations: This has to be another soul-crushing and very envious experience for me. I said above I believe hypergamy doesn't really exist, but corollary to this is it genuinely feels like Turkish girls actually appreciate their man! If Andrew Tate visited he'd be so fucking happy. I don't think they necessarily consider themselves a prize or have a massive ego problems like women in the West. I saw on a few occasions women stroking and massaging their man's head while sat down together - I never fucking see this in the West. On public transport / trams rather than hold the railing some girls would opt to hold on to their man. On another occasion I saw a Turkish girl trying to help her bf not lose balance. It's not a "patriarchal" segregated society like Pakistan or Saudi, neither does it seem that women have been toxified by feminism from the West either. I've read some people think Turkish girls are enticed by how much $ you make - and maybe that's true but I don't think they're necessarily gold diggers. On the contrary seems like they're loyal and actually appreciate who you are for what you've done. As a person who is probably older than 95% of this forum this does matter and I would definitely compromise myself on looks if someone's finances were stable but I was surprised that Turkish girls may be the same at an earlier age. I never though I'd say this but I wish I was Turkish! I probably am a lot better off as a 5'5 LTN quite rich curry in Turkey than a 5'7 HTN quite rich curry in the UK. If you are Turkish and an incel you must be a trucel no fucking way it's difficult for you.
  • Smoking: Everyone and their fucking cat smokes! Unbelievable. Men and women. I've already mentioned they're not looksmaxxed but they're killing whatever looks they do have by living unhealthy lifestyles. One negative is I think Turkish girls age WORSE than western girls and given most smoke I'm not fucking surprised. I don't think I saw a single cougar or MILF.
  • Language: Hardly anyone knows English! Even those who say they do, they tend to be in touristy areas like Taksim and Grand Bazaar. When I ask if they speak English they would say yes - but they only understand English to the point they can sell you a product JFL. I didn't speak to a lot of women out of fear and reverence (I know I sound like a simp here). But once I knew hardly anyone speaks English it's pointless to have a social conversation with them as it will get nowhere. I spoke to a few women and they were almost all on a customer service basis. I even went out of my way to speak to them towards the end of my stay but again it got awkward at times when it became apparent they have no idea what I'm saying when I ask something complicated. I never asked openly asked any women for things like directions because I feel in turkey it would still be seen as trying to cold approach. Turkish people seem very social and men are confident AF it seems - I've seen strangers speak to other strangers and unlike the London tube (most) people don't sit there with their faces down and hands on their phones. Things like the mental health epidemic and lonliness affecting the West probably doesn't affect people here. If you're an introvert in Turkey I think you're seen as some kind of retard. I'll explain below why you should not be geomax in Turkey, but many of you guys are autists and if you can't hold a convo IRL than you will not get anywhere here especially in a place where you can hardly communicate with local people.
Visiting as single person: I felt so alone and ashamed. Like I said I didn't come to geomax - it was just a consideration. I visited by myself and my main reason was to see all these sites I would read about as a history student. But it felt so fucking depressing to go around places sit by myself in a cafe, site by myself in the hotel at breakfast, attend tourist events as a lone guy while everyone else were couples or groups. Most of my pictures are selfies. I did ask on a couple of occasions for people to take my picture and while I'm sure it's in my head not theirs, it felt so fucking shameful to ask this. I stopped asking people to start taking pictures and just took pictures of the sites instead just out of care for my mental health. My close family and friends know I travelled alone. But I've made up elaborate stories how I met some people and chilled with them. I've lied to people I've spoken to and colleagues that I'm really here for some wedding and I know some people who live and work in Istanbul but we're foreign students at my university. But that's all a big fat lie. Seeing so many couples and families walking around and exploring the place made me realize if I was born in this society life would have been a whole lot different.

On the other hand this place is fucking beautiful and unlike London or New York you can explore and do things without breaking the bank. Clothing is cheap, the food is cheap thanks to the lira.

Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are both amazing. Blue mosque was a disappointing due to renovation and inaccessible. However I genuinely did enjoy myself, but would have felt 100x better if I wasn't so alone... 😭

Online experiment - As mentioned I didn't bother doing it myself. But after 3 days of stay and seeing how almost perfect Turkish women are, I decided to do so for the last 2.5 days but instead of using my pic, I used a HTN curry. I used only OKC and Bumble.

On my profile I wrote I don't speak any Turkish at all and I'm only here for a 'while,'.

This experiment was an absolute shocker and ruined what I thought was a perfect country! I know it's definitely not representative of society at large but it feels like the bottom 10-15% of the least religious and degenerate Turks have assembled on dating apps to seek each other out.

  • These are guesstimates but approx 50% of women probably identify as atheist/agnostic! 20% were "spiritual" JFL 15% didn't fill it out, 5% were other, 3% were probably Jew or Christian and maybe 2% were Muslim (and about half those were probably foreign people lol).
  • Yes that's right I saw more people identify as Christian and Jewish than Muslim! It almost like they're ashamed to say so.
  • Hijabi women on dating apps were like 1 in 150 compared to almost half the population in real life JFL.
  • Height: There must be a lot of LARPers because I swear about 50% of girls were listed like 5'7 and above. I don't fucking get it because outside 90% of them are my height or shorter but they're larping like as if they're Dutch or Balkan women.
  • I think like 1 in 20 profiles were 160cm or less even though outside IRL feels like maybe 40% of population are that.
  • Almost everyone smokes, dresses in very revealing clothes compared to IRL, doesn't want any children, has alcohol in their hands. I mean not even in the UK I see profiles like this wtf! Yes it's common but I felt it was more common in Turkey.

This is the typical profile.

View attachment 1967073
Larping as taller (looks short in other pics), drinks, smokes, lists interest as 'feminism' and doesn't ever go gym.

Results: Way better off in the UK wtf!
Although I only swiped right on if they looked like and identified with having conservative values - sounds easy given what I saw with my own eyes in Istanbul, but pretty fucking hard online!

On bumble I got one like from a fucking landwhale who openly said 120kg and proud!

On OKC I got 0 matches and 11 likes but I think most were bots as I discerned two of them were abroad and not from Turkey lol.

Maybe it's because I said I don't speak Turkish, or maybe it's because the guy I used is curry (I can share who I used via PM if interested) but I did think I'd match with at least some girls! I go around Istanbul and still mog quite a few guys myself in height and face yet I don't understand how my HTN curry could not pull off any matches at all! I'm really confused as while I think hypergamy doesn't exist, the experiment I ran leads me to conclude it's fucking worse than the UK online and no geomaxxing destination.

As mentioned above I think the people in this app are an extremely tiny minority. That's pretty much obvious.

A city of two halves. I was incredibly impressed and still do hold Turkish girls in real life as the ideal. But the chances you would ever ascend with one is fucking zero. Language problems, religious conservatism and absolute degeneracy of online dating apps just as bad as the west.

If there are any Turks here you probably hate me coz Im a curry who visited your country. But that's fine I love you and your country and I envy the fuck out of you. I'll be visiting next year and supporting your shitty local economy. But fuck I wish I was Turkish everything seems (almost) perfect. I'll most likely never have a Turkish wife, unless the ones in London give me a chance but they're more like the degenerate type in my experience, so no thanks.
Enjoyed this thread!

I’m Bengali too and my gf is a white passing ethnic and she treats me like these Turk girls treat their man affectionately etc
I’d say it’s conservative modest values also but overall a lower body count
I’d say a girl at 25 for example her body count which would be acceptable is 5 max for her not to be tan through
She needs to be relationship focused too and not willing to given it up easy
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
I dont blame turks for wanting to be seen as european.

European= automatically looked up to by literally everyone else in the world. On average highest HDI developed countries, secularism so you are allowed to be degen as much as you want without the cloud of religion constantly hanging over your head, cleanest and most aesthetic looking countries in terms of infrastructure, and finally white european people being seen as pretty much the universal standard of beauty.

Like its really simple to see why turks wanna be considered euros, and them being right on the actual border of europe, makes that pull so much more stronger for them. For the sake of turkish people though, they better hope that god/allah doesnt exist.
Legitimate method, I am half-Turkish and can confirm this.

I'm new here. Long time lurker and decided to bite the bullet after becoming blackpilled recently and visited Turkey in my first botched attempt at "geomaxxing" there. I'm 5 ft 7 and half curry living in the West, approaching late 20s.

Reason for visiting/ Background: Honestly it really wasn't an attempt to geomax. I loved reading about Turkish/ Anatolian history and culture from an historical perspective (encompassing Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods). I know Turkey is a secular country, but I probably know more about their Islamic history and admire their Turkic origins more than they do lol. Istanbul was always on my wish list for years and seeing the lira plunge into dogshit made me bite the bullet. But in any case as a guy in their late 20s I did think about starting an LTR over there. I even started gymcelling thinking about the prospect of it back in the summer JFL.

One thing that put me off recently were anti-arab sentiments and news that were these social media hashtags that Pakis were being a bunch of pervs/weirdos and taking selfies with Turkish girls. It was posts like this that got me concerned:

View attachment 1967061

There are tons of posts like that against Afghans, Paks and Arabs! And they're usually from young secular so-called 'liberal' people. The dynamics in Turkey are so fucked because the young secular people in actual European countries are pro-refugees, they celebrate diversity and act like social justice warriors when it comes to racism. Maybe because they grew up with second and third generation pakis and they know that we're nothing like those back at home. But those young Turks who want to appear as western as possible are completely the opposite of western liberals due to their weird mix of nationalism.

In any case I thought I'm fucked, but I've been told I'm a HTN (on Reddit TRM), light skin and a westernised curry and look nothing like those fresh off the boat retards. Thankfully I still don't think Pakis have a negative reputation in Turkey as in other parts of the world - but that will probably change. This attitude seemed widespread only online amongst young people but IRL everyone was quite nice to me in Istanbul.

I've NEVER tried online dating. I was about to try it before I visited but as I slowly became blackpilled I gave up and never did (with myself). However I did later change my mind and ran an experiment (with another HTN curry I know IRL) in my last few days. More details about that below.

  • Race and race perception: Honestly I was fucking surprised. I knew Turks were neither white nor brown. But definitely feels like from my perspective around 50% of the population are white or white passing. I've met few Turks in my life in the UK, but the ones I've met never really looked white. I'd say a good 10-20% are essentially indistinguishable from a white person (some having light hair and eyes) while the other 30-40% are white-passing with 'dark features' i.e dark hair. 'Most' of the other 50% definitely do not look white but neither do they look brown. They basically look like Arabs or Persians with white DNA in them. As I mentioned above there was some anti-pakistani propaganda during the summer. Now I'm a quite light-skinned curry - in fact on VERY rare occasions I've been mistaken for being Turkish in the UK. I would say I am dark as the bottom 10 or 15% of darkest Turks - from a purely color perspective. There are guys like Alpay B (YouTuber) who basically look curry and I am more light skin than him. However I was surprised that I could be easily assumed to be something else despite being light skinned - in fact I only know two other curries from my Bengali ethnicity lighter than me (my sister and a friend who is a genetic anomaly). On many occasions in Turkey, many of the store assistant or traders would assume my ethnicity to be south Asian: on four occasions I got asked if I'm Pakistani, on two occasion Indian and on another occasion both. There were on some occasion where people would start speaking Turkish or English with me - so I don't know if they were assuming something other than Indian or Paki. But for a lot of people I definitely did give of a tourist vibe. I lived in Aksaray which is full of arabs, if you told me to distinguish between Arabs and Turks I probably wouldn't have been able to do it before I visited, but now I definitely can. Likewise if there are any curries here who genuinely believe they can larp as Turkish they are having a laugh. I have SRK or Tiger Shroff (who is 1/4 Turkmen btw) type skin color, and I don't think even the people who spoke Turkish with me assumed I was turkish. The difference between a very dark Turk and a very light curry is if both spent a month in 50 degrees celsius heat the turk would look like an Arab and the curry would look Dravidian. Even though they are dark as each other they are still considered different and easily distinguished by Turks. I'm not a self-hating curry, I'm genuinely proud but I was worried I'd be considered a pervert from Pakistan despite being born and raised in the UK.
  • Face: On average facially I would say Turkish girls are about 0.75-1 point less than girls here in the UK on a standard 10/10 scale (I'm not familiar with PSL sorry). For some of you guys who are more of a blondie-type it may be 1.5 points lower. That being said, I hardly think I saw them wear fake-up. The men are anywhere between 1.5-2.5 points less than men in the UK. However in the case of men there are some extreme exotic looking chads you would never see in western countries but they are rare. I honestly think hypergamy does not exist in Turkey, if it does than it's hardly an issue and maybe they date slightly better looking guys than their looksmatch. However on average I saw many looks matched couples and very frequently I saw some absolute legit LTNs with HTB Turkish girls. The frequency at which I saw this was soul-crushing and devastating and at the same time eye opening and hopeful (I'll explain later). I don't think Turkish girls give that much weight to appearances at all (including height) and genuinely do think 'personality' as meme'd as it is, plays a role. It's true I usually did see white passing and taller Turks with better looking girls, but it wasn't as frequent and their looks gap wasnt as bad as what we see in western society. I don't know how most Turks date but there was definitely a disconnect between what I was seeing in real life and what I saw in my OKC and bumble experiment.
    • On a side note I went to the gym three times. Given I've been going consistently for like six months I don't expect to strength mog everyone. However literally all the men are stick thin with noodle arms. There were a few fat fucks but I'd say on all three occasions I was either the strongest guy or second strongest at the gym. This is never the case in the UK. That being said there is literally a gym in every corner in London and in Istanbul I hardly fucking saw any - had to travel over a mile to the nearest one.
    • Women and men are not looksmaxxed in the sense women aren't wearing make up 24/7 and men are focused on their appearance. One thing men do here rather than in the West is take care of the appearance of their hair much more than in the West.
Height - They are couple of inches shorter on average. I think the official stats saying the average height of a guy is 5 ft 8 is still true. Nothing but complete LIES from threads like this one which I read before I visited. Whoever he is, he's probably never been to the UK where officially the average height is 1.78 (5 ft 10). Yes it's probably true I also recognized younger ppl were taller but still weren't enough to convince me that they were 5'11 JFL.

Regarding the relationships - yes guys were obviously taller than their partners (water is wet). However the difference was not huge as in the West. On many occasions I saw some couple around same height and on rare occasions (almost non-existent in the West) I even saw some Turkish girls taller than the guy!

On many occasions I came across turbo manlets who were 5'5 and below. They were quite frequent (felt like maybe 25% of population). Now I'm 5'7-ish, I wore Nike air max so was probably frauding to 5.8.5'-5'9 and never in my life had I felt so fucking average!

Around like 50% of guys were taller and 50% were same of below. For women, I'd say I was was taller or same height to at least 90% of them. While approx 10% or lower were taller than me (excluding some obvious foreigners from western countries). In the UK as a 5'7 guy I reckon I'm in the top 70-75th percentile compared to womens height, and bottom 20th-25th percentile as a guy.

I've been insecure AF about my height since late teens. I usually compare myself to everyone I walk past. Towards the end of my time in Istanbul, for the first time in YEARS I pretty much stopped comparing myself to other peoples height. If I grew up here at 5'7 I highly doubt it would be a failo like in the US or Europe.

  • Religion - This didn't exactly come as a shocker to me since I was well aware of the history of Turkey since their founding. But it is a secular country and it's nice to know that both secular and religious people get along. I don't know what the situation is politically but it seemed like it was the secular people are being more militant than the religious ones - historically and even to this day. I don't know what the stats are but they are not as religious as I thought they were (even though I knew they were not religious). Maybe in other regions it's different, but it felt like even the hijabis weren't that religious besides observing their scarf. Those who are religious I think we're more likely to be Kurds I think... As a westernised curry I always felt I was too liberal for my conservative parents and also too conservative for western society and liberal Muslims. I honestly feel like I'd fit in perfectly in a country like Turkey where Muslims of all stripes (apart from those 10-15% I'll mention below) are accepting of each other's either very pious or lack of religiousity. It's very frustrating because I would never LTR a western white women and people of my own erhnicity are generally too conservative, but it pains me to know that I'm in a society where I feel like 80-90% are ok for me from a religious values perspective.
  • Hijab/Non-hijabis: I'd say around 40-50% of women wear the hijab, while the rest do not. However just because they don't wear the hijab doesn't mean they're not conservative. I saw many occasions of hijabs hanging with non-hijabis and some girls with hijabi mothers. I visited this month so maybe they dress more inappropriate in the summer, but compared to the UK even non-hijabis wore loose clothing. Anyways, the non-hjjabis are definitely not as degenerate as the west (water is wet). But I would guesstimate around 10-15% of Turkish girls are like your average western girl or worse who are very secular or atheist and happy to be rammed by several cocks. Maybe I'm wrong who knows.
  • Gender relations: This has to be another soul-crushing and very envious experience for me. I said above I believe hypergamy doesn't really exist, but corollary to this is it genuinely feels like Turkish girls actually appreciate their man! If Andrew Tate visited he'd be so fucking happy. I don't think they necessarily consider themselves a prize or have a massive ego problems like women in the West. I saw on a few occasions women stroking and massaging their man's head while sat down together - I never fucking see this in the West. On public transport / trams rather than hold the railing some girls would opt to hold on to their man. On another occasion I saw a Turkish girl trying to help her bf not lose balance. It's not a "patriarchal" segregated society like Pakistan or Saudi, neither does it seem that women have been toxified by feminism from the West either. I've read some people think Turkish girls are enticed by how much $ you make - and maybe that's true but I don't think they're necessarily gold diggers. On the contrary seems like they're loyal and actually appreciate who you are for what you've done. As a person who is probably older than 95% of this forum this does matter and I would definitely compromise myself on looks if someone's finances were stable but I was surprised that Turkish girls may be the same at an earlier age. I never though I'd say this but I wish I was Turkish! I probably am a lot better off as a 5'5 LTN quite rich curry in Turkey than a 5'7 HTN quite rich curry in the UK. If you are Turkish and an incel you must be a trucel no fucking way it's difficult for you.
  • Smoking: Everyone and their fucking cat smokes! Unbelievable. Men and women. I've already mentioned they're not looksmaxxed but they're killing whatever looks they do have by living unhealthy lifestyles. One negative is I think Turkish girls age WORSE than western girls and given most smoke I'm not fucking surprised. I don't think I saw a single cougar or MILF.
  • Language: Hardly anyone knows English! Even those who say they do, they tend to be in touristy areas like Taksim and Grand Bazaar. When I ask if they speak English they would say yes - but they only understand English to the point they can sell you a product JFL. I didn't speak to a lot of women out of fear and reverence (I know I sound like a simp here). But once I knew hardly anyone speaks English it's pointless to have a social conversation with them as it will get nowhere. I spoke to a few women and they were almost all on a customer service basis. I even went out of my way to speak to them towards the end of my stay but again it got awkward at times when it became apparent they have no idea what I'm saying when I ask something complicated. I never asked openly asked any women for things like directions because I feel in turkey it would still be seen as trying to cold approach. Turkish people seem very social and men are confident AF it seems - I've seen strangers speak to other strangers and unlike the London tube (most) people don't sit there with their faces down and hands on their phones. Things like the mental health epidemic and lonliness affecting the West probably doesn't affect people here. If you're an introvert in Turkey I think you're seen as some kind of retard. I'll explain below why you should not be geomax in Turkey, but many of you guys are autists and if you can't hold a convo IRL than you will not get anywhere here especially in a place where you can hardly communicate with local people.
Visiting as single person: I felt so alone and ashamed. Like I said I didn't come to geomax - it was just a consideration. I visited by myself and my main reason was to see all these sites I would read about as a history student. But it felt so fucking depressing to go around places sit by myself in a cafe, site by myself in the hotel at breakfast, attend tourist events as a lone guy while everyone else were couples or groups. Most of my pictures are selfies. I did ask on a couple of occasions for people to take my picture and while I'm sure it's in my head not theirs, it felt so fucking shameful to ask this. I stopped asking people to start taking pictures and just took pictures of the sites instead just out of care for my mental health. My close family and friends know I travelled alone. But I've made up elaborate stories how I met some people and chilled with them. I've lied to people I've spoken to and colleagues that I'm really here for some wedding and I know some people who live and work in Istanbul but we're foreign students at my university. But that's all a big fat lie. Seeing so many couples and families walking around and exploring the place made me realize if I was born in this society life would have been a whole lot different.

On the other hand this place is fucking beautiful and unlike London or New York you can explore and do things without breaking the bank. Clothing is cheap, the food is cheap thanks to the lira.

Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia are both amazing. Blue mosque was a disappointing due to renovation and inaccessible. However I genuinely did enjoy myself, but would have felt 100x better if I wasn't so alone... 😭

Online experiment - As mentioned I didn't bother doing it myself. But after 3 days of stay and seeing how almost perfect Turkish women are, I decided to do so for the last 2.5 days but instead of using my pic, I used a HTN curry. I used only OKC and Bumble.

On my profile I wrote I don't speak any Turkish at all and I'm only here for a 'while,'.

This experiment was an absolute shocker and ruined what I thought was a perfect country! I know it's definitely not representative of society at large but it feels like the bottom 10-15% of the least religious and degenerate Turks have assembled on dating apps to seek each other out.

  • These are guesstimates but approx 50% of women probably identify as atheist/agnostic! 20% were "spiritual" JFL 15% didn't fill it out, 5% were other, 3% were probably Jew or Christian and maybe 2% were Muslim (and about half those were probably foreign people lol).
  • Yes that's right I saw more people identify as Christian and Jewish than Muslim! It almost like they're ashamed to say so.
  • Hijabi women on dating apps were like 1 in 150 compared to almost half the population in real life JFL.
  • Height: There must be a lot of LARPers because I swear about 50% of girls were listed like 5'7 and above. I don't fucking get it because outside 90% of them are my height or shorter but they're larping like as if they're Dutch or Balkan women.
  • I think like 1 in 20 profiles were 160cm or less even though outside IRL feels like maybe 40% of population are that.
  • Almost everyone smokes, dresses in very revealing clothes compared to IRL, doesn't want any children, has alcohol in their hands. I mean not even in the UK I see profiles like this wtf! Yes it's common but I felt it was more common in Turkey.

This is the typical profile.

View attachment 1967073
Larping as taller (looks short in other pics), drinks, smokes, lists interest as 'feminism' and doesn't ever go gym.

Results: Way better off in the UK wtf!
Although I only swiped right on if they looked like and identified with having conservative values - sounds easy given what I saw with my own eyes in Istanbul, but pretty fucking hard online!

On bumble I got one like from a fucking landwhale who openly said 120kg and proud!

On OKC I got 0 matches and 11 likes but I think most were bots as I discerned two of them were abroad and not from Turkey lol.

Maybe it's because I said I don't speak Turkish, or maybe it's because the guy I used is curry (I can share who I used via PM if interested) but I did think I'd match with at least some girls! I go around Istanbul and still mog quite a few guys myself in height and face yet I don't understand how my HTN curry could not pull off any matches at all! I'm really confused as while I think hypergamy doesn't exist, the experiment I ran leads me to conclude it's fucking worse than the UK online and no geomaxxing destination.

As mentioned above I think the people in this app are an extremely tiny minority. That's pretty much obvious.

A city of two halves. I was incredibly impressed and still do hold Turkish girls in real life as the ideal. But the chances you would ever ascend with one is fucking zero. Language problems, religious conservatism and absolute degeneracy of online dating apps just as bad as the west.

If there are any Turks here you probably hate me coz Im a curry who visited your country. But that's fine I love you and your country and I envy the fuck out of you. I'll be visiting next year and supporting your shitty local economy. But fuck I wish I was Turkish everything seems (almost) perfect. I'll most likely never have a Turkish wife, unless the ones in London give me a chance but they're more like the degenerate type in my experience, so no thanks.
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Reactions: SecularIslamist
I tried to make it accessible by using bullet points and bold characters for you short attention span-cels. But yes I am aware most will not read it, but I do hope it's useful to some people and can be used as a reference in the future even if there is no engagement rn.
Damn. Bro was hella bashful and respectful back then.
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist and i_love_roosters
Damn. Bro was hella bashful and respectful back then.
@SecularIslamist yeah nigga, I noticed that too. Your old posts always get bumped for some reason and I've noticed how chill you were back then. What turned you into a villain?
  • JFL
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