Science has indicated that CP possession was unconstitutionally prohibited in the USA


Deleted member 2769

Aug 11, 2019
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
Whereas science says, from the highest impact science literature in the peer reviewed journals

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse
Could making child pornography legal lead to lower rates of child sex abuse? It could well do, according to a new study by Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, and colleagues.

Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan. Their findings are published online today in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

Impact factor (2017) 3.223
The journal was established in 1971 by Richard Green, who served as its editor-in-chief until 2001.[1] He was succeeded by Kenneth J. Zucker.[1] It is published by Springer Science+Business Media[2] and has become a leading journal in its field.[3] Associated with its editorial board and the International Academy of Sex Research are many of the world's leading figures in gender and sexuality research, including Richard Green, Kenneth Zucker, Milton Diamond, Michael Baily, and Carol Martin.
Archives of Sexual Behavior is abstracted and indexed in Biological Abstracts, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, Family & Society Studies Worldwide, Health and Safety Science Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, Referativny Zhurnal, Risk Abstracts, Sage Family Studies Abstracts, Scopus, Sexual and Relations Therapy, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Science Index,Sociological Abstracts, Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts, and Violence and Abuse Abstracts.[2] According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal's 2013 impact factor is 2.783.[4] Based on the 2011 impact factor (3.52), of 2,943 Social Science journals, Archives was ranked 102nd (96th percentile). Of 109 journals classified as Psychology (Clinical), Archives was ranked 11th (90th percentile). Of 89 journals classified as Social Science, Interdisciplinary, Archives was ranked 1st. [5]
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In the realm of sexual offenses, there has been a decrease in hands‐on offenses, but an increase in online offenses against children. CP possessors.pdf
One concern is that the accessibility of online CP has caused increases in child sexual abuse. Some research suggests that CP may trigger sexual abuse by activating and validating sexual urges in CP viewers that were previously suppressed or con- trolled (Beech et al., 2008; Quayle & Taylor, 2003; Wilson & Jones, 2008). There is no evidence of increasing abuse in the United States, however. In fact, rates of child sexual abuse have declined substantially since the mid-1990s, a time period that corresponds to the spread of CP online. Statistics from U.S. child protective service agencies show that from 1992 to 2007, child sexual abuse declined 53% (Jones & Finkelhor, 2009), including interfamilial abuse (Finkelhor & Jones, 2006). Evidence of this decline also comes from victim self-report surveys and U.S. criminal justice system data (Finkelhor & Jones, 2008; Finkelhor, Turner, Ormrod, & Hamby, 2010), as well as the child pro-tective services data collection system. The fact that this trend is revealed in multiple sources tends to undermine arguments that it is because of reduced reporting or changes in investigatory or statistical procedures.
Child pornography later re-emerged with vigor in the 1990s due in large part to the proliferation of the Internet (Jenkins, 2001)

The Sex Cult, which is an illegally respected establishment of religion, says from blogs and newspaper headlines that don't support their articles
Therefore, as these graphic sexual images populate and spread, we can unfortunately predict there will be more child sexual abuse.
Child pornography - Wikipedia

The United Kingdom children's charity NCH has stated that demand for child pornography on the Internet has led to an increase in sex abuse cases, due to an increase in the number of children abused in the production process.[38]
Note that this wikipedia article incorrectly cites the following article by its click bait headline as opposed to by its content which is contrary to its own headline:

Internet porn 'increasing child abuse'
Demand for child pornography on the internet has led to an increase in sex abuse cases, it was claimed today.
Demand for child pornography on the internet has led to an increase in sex abuse cases, it was claimed today.

Children's charity NCH - formerly National Children's Homes - said there was evidence that the 1,500% rise in child pornography cases since 1988 would be reflected in more children being abused to produce the pictures.

"The scale of the problem has changed beyond recognition in just over a decade," said NCH's internet consultant John Carr.

"The increased demand has made child pornography into big business and the consequences for children in all parts of the world are horrifying."
As you can see they go from saying there was an increase in sex abuse cases caused by the viewing of CP to saying that there was evidence indicating there WOULD BE an increase in sex abuse correlating with the viewing of CP. In reality scientific statistical analyses have determined that there is an inverse correlation between the viewing of CP and the child sexual abuse rate, which supports the substitution hypothesis.
The few existent Sex Cultist studies are in low impact journals that have higher impact journals that have refuted them.

Against the Sex Cultists

The consumption of Internet child pornography and violent and sex offending
There is an ongoing debate on whether consumers of child pornography pose a risk for hands-on sex offenses. Up until now, there have been very few studies which have analyzed the association between the consumption of child pornography and the subsequent perpetration of hands-on sex offenses...
Consuming child pornography alone is not a risk factor for committing hands-on sex offenses – at least not for those subjects who had never committed a hands-on sex offense. The majority of the investigated consumers had no previous convictions for hands-on sex offenses.
BMC Psychiatry
Dedicated to all aspects of research into conditions related to psychiatric disorders, BMC Psychiatry is a well-known international journal committed to a ...
BMC Psychiatry


Impact Factor 2.419
For the Sex Cultists

Journal of Family Violence - Wikipedia

The Journal of Family Violence is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the study of family violence. It was established in 1986 and is published by Springer Science+Business Media. The editor-in-chief is Rebecca J. Macy (UNC School of Social Work). According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2016 impact factor of 0.871.[1]
The ‘Butner Study’ Redux: A Report of the Incidence of Hands-on Child Victimization by Child Pornography Offenders
This study compared two groups of child pornography offenders participating in a voluntary treatment program: men whose known sexual offense history at the time of judicial sentencing involved the possession, receipt, or distribution of child abuse images, but did not include any “hands-on”...
The goal was to determine whether the former group of offenders were “merely” collectors of child pornography at little risk for engaging in hands-on sexual offenses, or if they were contact sex offenders whose criminal sexual behavior involving children, with the exception of Internet crimes, went undetected. Our findings show that the Internet offenders in our sample were significantly more likely than not to have sexually abused a child via a hands-on act. They also indicate that the offenders who abused children were likely to have offended against multiple victims, and that the incidence of “crossover” by gender and age is high.
Against the Sex Cultists

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse
Could making child pornography legal lead to lower rates of child sex abuse? It could well do, according to a new study by Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, and colleagues.


Their findings are published online today in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children
Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

Impact factor (2017) 3.223
For the Sex Cultists

in a journal that has an impact factor equivalent that peaked at 1.083 and was at 0.0 at the time of publication (citations per document has an explanation).

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
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Abstract: A case study of a convicted paedophile and the relationship between his ‘thinking and doing’ is presented to reveal how his fantasy life, his use of the Internet and his contact offences against children are linked. More broadly, the authors propose a generic ‘offending space model’ to chart how, and in what circumstances fantasy becomes reality.
Wow, a case study of one whole person, who

This was not the case with James, who stands in modest contrast to Quayle and Taylor's (2003) observation that ‘there appears to be little support for the allegation of a direct causal link between viewing pornography and subsequent offending behaviour’ (p.72).
What science has to say about the previous study

impact factor 1.102 equivalence

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Pedophilia and DSM-5: The Importance of Clearly Defining the Nature of a Pedophilic Disorder
Psychiatric terminology should convey information in as clear and unambiguous a manner as possible. In light of the associated stigma, that is especially so of the terms Pedophilia and Pedophilic Disorder. Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized
From both a clinical and an actuarial statistical perspective, an early retrospective study conducted at a Federal Civil Commitment Facility in Butner, North Carolina, inferred an association between accessing child pornography and hands-on sexual offending.3 That study has been criticized regarding its methodology and lack of scientific rigor.4 More recent prospective data have questioned the contention that there is a correlation between accessing child pornography and hands-on offending.5 For example, one such study found that less than one percent of 231 men who had viewed child pornography (but with no evidence of a prior hands-on sexual offense) had gone on to commit a hands-on sexual offense.6 From a purely statistical standpoint (all else being equal) individuals with no history of a hands-on sexual offense against a child, but who have accessed child pornography, are at low risk as a group of committing a hands-on sexual offense in the future.5
Whereas science says the Sex Cult and CP moral panic is comparable to the Salem Witch Trials
Moral Panic and Child Pornography


The only criterion of Cohen’s moral panic model that appears not to have been met in the case of child pornography offenders is the fifth. Meaning, at this time, there is no dissipation of the panic. Unlike other panics such as the Salem Witch trials or the crack cocaine epidemic, both of which had a start and end date, the panic over child sexual exploitation has been durable, long-lasting and now in its fourth decade (O’Hear, 2008). Walker (2010) argues the only thing that has changed with the child pornography panic is the fervent role of the state in responding. The federal government has created a number of laws intended to severely punish and control child pornography offenders.


How to Make a Poppet
I think most people are familiar with the concept of a voodoo doll. It's a small human figure meant to represent an individual for magical...
In colonial New England these dolls were known as poppets, which is an old spelling of puppet. They were often cited in witchcraft trials as evidence of malicious magic. For example, Goody Glover, and elderly Irish woman accused of bewitching several Boston children, had in her home

"several small images, or poppets, or babies, made of rags and stuffed with goat's hair and other ingredients. When these were produced the vile woman acknowledged that her way to torment the objects of her malice was by wetting of her finger with her spittle and stroking of these little images."
The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says

"Watching child porn victimizes the child". The Voodoo science of child pornography laws | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
“However, what he didn’t turn his mind to at the time is that merely having possession and viewing images such as this does victimize and hurt the individual portrayed in the image. He appreciates that now.” Senior gets jail time, probation for having single image of child pornography We at...
“merely having possession and viewing images such as this does victimize and hurt the individual portrayed in the image.” This is some mystical religious thinking. Like in Voodoo. And note, this was said by a respectable lawyer to appease a judge. And this logic is used over and over, for example by Australian Government web sites.
Should Navy vet get prison for 'staggering' child porn collection?
When police searched Michael Jachim's bedroom in March, they found a safe. Inside it was a cache of DVDs labeled "Twisted Sisters." They were not music videos. On Tuesday, a DuPage County judge is scheduled to rule whether Jachim will go to prison for child pornography. Prosecutors said his DVD...
"... every time somebody looks at that image it's like the crime is taking place all over again…"
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"we hear that in court that they feel like they are victimized every single time someone downloads their videos or looks at their videos they feel like they are being raped all over again,” said Canonico
5 Gruesome Facts About Child Pornography: Why Some People Are Addicted To It
Child pornography is an inexcusable crime and an arrogant exploitation of our future generation. While it takes just common sense to refrain from committing such crimes, we discuss about five gruesome facts on child pornography for those that can't realize the disastrous outcomes of the crime.
The children might feel like being raped time and again when someone watches it.
Whereas science --- as well as law enforcement intelligence, as well as investigative journalism --- says there isn't a booming bazillion gazillion dollar CP industry
Jenkins (2001) claims that it was during the initial crusade against child pornography in the 1970s that moral crusaders competed to assert the most incendiary claims about child pornography, including that it was a well-organized, multi-billion dollar industry and that the number of children exploited was in the millions. Jenkins (2001) notes that while most of these claims were discredited, fear persisted.

The Spread of Rumors

In 1986 the Senate Commission33 under the chairmanship of William V. Roth, Republican from Delaware, came to the same conclusion as the ILIC report. Nevertheless, neither the Roth report nor the ILIC report were able to dampen the spread of rumors about an enormous trade. Even in 1986, the claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber continued to come up as facts in official reports: the Meese Commission, initiated by the Reagan administration to prepare a drastic sharpening of the anti-pornography laws, uncritically took over these claims.34 According to the Meese Commission, Congress had discovered that child pornography and child prostitution "have become highly organized, multi-million dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."35 The monthly appearance of 264 magazines (Densen-Gerber) was again reported as truth, alongside the 30,000 exploited children of Los Angeles (Lloyd Martin).

The U.S. Supreme Court took over these claims in their first child pornography case, New York v Ferber (1982), saying that child pornography comprised, "highly organized multimillion dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."36 The otherwise dignified court was so upset by the alleged extent of the problem that the solicitor for the accused, Herald Price Fahringer, lost his composure and fled the sitting as fast as he could.37

The claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber also appeared outside the U.S.A. The report, Exploitation of Child Labour, which was submitted in 1981 to the Commission for Human Rights of the United Nations, claimed: "In the United States there are at least 264 pornographic magazines specializing in pornography concerning children."38 It was claimed that in 1977, 15,000 slides and 4,000 films of child pornography had been intercepted by the police, which was, according to the report, 5% of the total stock in circulation.

According to the United Nations report, the value of trade in child pornography in 1977 was estimated at $500 million. Such estimates are not based on any kind of empirical evidence, and are easy to refute. If these claims were true then the allegedly intercepted slides and films would have had a value of thousands of dollars each.39 In reality, these films were sold for much less, which can be checked with reference to the advertisement brochures of Deltaboek, publisher of homosexual pornography and literature. From here it is apparent that the Golden Boys film series, produced by COQ in Denmark, cost 85 guilders each, which is about $35.

In 1986, Defence for Children International prepared a report on child prostitution in which they claimed: "Estimates on the number of child prostitutes vary from 300,000 to several millions for the U.S. and Canada."40 A year later these figures were taken over by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice.41 This report was later submitted to the Ministers of Justice of the member countries of the Council of Europe. Within the Council of Europe a report on child exploitation was written in which it was claimed that: "A study of boy prostitutes had suggested that there were 300,000 boy prostitutes in the United States, many of whom are designated runaways."42 The claims of the United Nations report were also repeated. As late as 1988 the Dutch language world development magazine, Onze Wereld (Our World), claimed that: "The American (sic) periodical43 Child Abuse and Neglect reported that in the United States at least 264 different child pornography magazines are in circulation. The kiddieporn stars are drawn from the numerous American runaway teenagers."44 The same article made similar exaggerated claims about alleged illicit trade in donor organs obtained from children killed for the purpose. The story about donor organs had also appeared in the report of the Council of Europe, although there was never any evidence and the story was not credible from the beginning.45

The alleged size of the child pornography trade and the many children said to have been involved, are little more than myths. They are the result of the arbitrary multiplication of arbitrary numbers of alleged victims made by a journalist. The claims had taken on a life of their own. The fact that these claims had by 1980 been rejected by thorough official investigations was insufficient to prevent the claim from reappearing, not only in the media but also in other official circles, including the United States Senate, the United States Supreme Court, a Commission of the American Justice Department, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. After the number had been cited in the Hearings of the House of Representatives, it became associated with an ostensibly reliable source. The fact that the original source was anything but reliable was forgotten.
Some law-enforcement officials contend that disrupting the companies making a profit off child pornography may only be the tip of the iceberg. Matt Dunn, of the Cyber Crimes Center at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau, said that non-commercial child pornography -- images shared without money changing hands -- is more of a concern than the for-profit industry.

Swapping child porn over file-sharing networks is ongoing -- and it's usually non-commercial, Dunn said. "It's happening every second of every day," he said.

Dunn also questions the estimate that commercial child porn is a $20 billion a year industry -- a figure cited in a 2006 congressional hearing -- and instead thinks it's substantially lower, perhaps in the tens of millions of dollars.
Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ]
Information about the origin and history of various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading, statistics which appeared in Australian media reports and articles in 2008. Also includes information on more recent statistics.
"child pornography is one of the fastest growing online businesses generating approximately $US3 billion ($3.43 billion) each year"

This '$US3 billion' figure has no credibility and even if it was factual as at January 2008, (when it appeared in an opinion article by Bernadette McMenamin, CEO of Child Wise/ ECPAT in Australia, with citing a source), then it could be regarded as 'good news' because it would mean (based on previously promulgated 'statistics') that there had been no increase at all in the five years to 2008, therefore 'child pornography' could not be "one of the fastest growing online businesses".

The '$US3 billion' figure has been promulgated far and wide since at least mid 2003, when Utah-based Jerry Ropelato commenced publishing it, without citing a source, on his web site, which has since become part of his According to Texas-based Red Orbit News (5 Nov 2006) Ropelato was "formerly chief operating officer of ContentWatch, a Salt Lake City-based developer of Internet filtering and virus protection software. He is also known locally as a speaker and presenter on Internet safety issues, and as a crusader against online pornography."[44]

The "fastest growing online businesses" claim originated with the U.S. NCMEC, in August 2005, which based its claim on the then two-year old US$3 billion 'statistic' promulgated by Ropelato. (The U.S. NCMEC has a long history of promulgating exaggerated/false statistics[45].)

The origins and history of '$US3 billion' and 'fastest growing' claims is outlined below.
"child pornography is a $20 billion industry worldwide"

This out-of-date/discredited $20 billion 'statistic' was given new life in March 2008 when it appeared in Australian media reports as a result of a joint media release between the Australian Federal Police and Microsoft. The statistic was disowned in April 2006 by the organisations to which it had been, and still is being, attributed (i.e. the FBI and Unicef).

The history of this number is outlined below.
The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says --- well, they say all kinds of things and can't even keep their story straight

from a self identified feminist journalist:

The Digital Pedophiles Among Us
How a Norwegian newspaper uncovered 100,000 downloaders of child abuse material.
Booming Cross-Border Business

According to a frequently mentioned statistic, the child pornography industry generates $50 billion every year; other sources speak of a $20 billion industry. In other words, the CAM industry is not a select club of old perverts roaming the web in the privacy of their musty apartment—it’s a multibillion-dollar business of global magnitude, with thriving demand and supply.
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Which cites this seemingly evangelical Christian oriented site:

Protecting Children from Pornography | The Policy Pages from Center for Arizona Policy
By some reports, child pornography is estimated to be as much as a $50 billion a year industry.[1]
Click to expand...
Which much like this apparently plagiarized paper on feminism,

Gender sensitivity about feminism


Another thing that keeps these web sites going is the amount of money that can, and is being made with this business. Some reports show that child pornography over the internet is more than a 50 billion dollar a year business.
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Cites this now 404 but archived .edu site,

Child Pornography
Child pornography is a very large and in many cases touchy subject. This is one of the reasons that it is hard to catch the people perpetrating it. Many people do not want to talk about it because it is such a horrible thing. This silence is one of the things child pornographers count on to keep their business going. In recent months the issue of child pornography has become visible in the media. Talk show hosts like Oprah Winfrey have produced shows exposing some of the information they have found about child pornography and the people who help to make it such a large and profitable industry. Recently, Oprah had a young man on her show who had been doing sex shows at home and on the Internet for money and who is now working with government officials to help bring down the people who prey on children through this medium.

Another thing that keeps these web sites going is the amount of money that can, and is being made with this business. Some reports show that child pornography over the internet is more than a 50 billion dollar a year business. With technology growing faster and faster everyday and the Internet being such an instant source gratification in so many ways it has become easier for people who run child pornography sites to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. Another thing that keeps child pornography sites going is the laws. The United States has laws against child pornography and prostitution, but many other countries do not have the same laws. In some countries prostitution is legal. This link to other places makes it very appealing to people who wish to view and/or promote this type of material. There are, however, people and organizations in some of these countries that are trying to help expose these child pornographers. There are several organizations that have international ties and work with countries outside of the United States to help stop the spread of child pornography on the Internet. There are organizations that work with local and federal agencies in the United States, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to help locate and round up the people running these child pornography rings and put a stop to the people using them. In the past year there have been two major child pornography rings busted. In both cases the people running the rings were spread across more than one country. Both cases included people from the United States and Canada.

The sites listed on the 2005 white paper on this topic are great for information on protecting children from predators as well as informing parents on the issues, dangers, and prevention of child pornography. There are some organizations listed in it that help with these issues. In this addendum I will give some additional sites for that purpose as well as some sites with more recent information. Some of these will be about specific cases and others will be about the laws that are in place to help protect our children. One of the sites of particular interest included help and support from the adult film industry. Some of the people in this industry have gotten together to help stop child pornography and the people who keep it going. This group helps to report and investigate suspected child pornographers and their customers in order to assist the government agencies with their reviews of suspected sites.
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Which cites nothing and is just an ipsedixitism essentially.
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Child Pornography Dodges Detection on Web
Child-porn ads--the bulk of which feature girls, some under 5--are pouring into e-mail in-boxes. The $3 billion global industry is concentrated in the U.S. and operates through temporary Web sites and online credit card payments.
$3 Billion in Annual Sales

Allen says that global sales of illegal pornography that exploits children--including those under 4 years old--are about $3 billion a year.
Statistics on Pornography, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators and their Effects on Children, Pastors and Churches
As of December 2005, child pornography was a $3 billion annual industry (Internet Filter Review).

House Hears Online Child Porn Testimony - InternetNews.
Testimony claims parents are producing porn starring their own children, some just infants and toddlers.
Congressional estimates put the online child pornography business at $20 billion a year and growing. Online or offline, child pornography is illegal in the United States and most other countries.

Galgiani's Child Exploitation Legislation in Committee
Sacramento, CA—Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani (D- Livingston) at a Capitol press conference today continued her fight to protect children from sexual predators. Galgiani called for passage of As
“Child porn is a $3 billion dollar industry, fueled by images of sexual abuse, rape, and torture of children,”

UN expert: child porn on Internet increases
The number of Web sites containing child pornography is increasing and more images show serious abuses, a U.N. expert said Wednesday.
More than 4 million Web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the U.N. investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M'jid Maalla.

Maalla urged international cooperation to stop the child pornography industry, which she estimated to be worth between $3 billion and $20 billion. She recommended countries share information on sites containing child pornography in order to block them faster.
Child Pornography: Basic Facts About a Horrific Crime
The focus is always on the perpetrator. But, what about the children whose photos or videos he has in his possession? What circumstances occurred whereby...
Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses online, with estimated annual revenue of $3 billion.
In 2016 some of the splinter organizations are starting to reject the veracity of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry, for example ICMEC which is a splinter denomination from NCMEC:
Little more than a decade ago, child pornography was a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise and was among the fastest growing businesses on the Internet. Today, the commercial trade of child pornography online has been significantly reduced due to a variety of successful efforts to combat its growth.
As you can see, these people cannot all simultaneously be correct. The United Nations "expert" said that in 2013 CP was a booming 3-20 billion dollar industry, whereas the ICMEC "expert" said that it was over a decade ago that it was a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise. In reality they are both religiously insane, but their delusional fantasy worlds are incompatible with each other.

Numerous miscellaneous mentions of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry:
commercial child porn is a $20 billion a year industry -- a figure cited in a 2006 congressional hearing
Phinney, aided by Assistant County Attorney Sarah Warecki, also said society needs deterrence because "predators such as Curry provide the motivation to this multibillion-dollar industry,"
Child pornography is among the fastest growing businesses on the Internet, a $20 billion per year enterprise.
Dr. Lori Handrahan

When these kinds of crimes are ignored by the Department of Justice, there is a clear crisis in our Homeland. Children are being trafficked to feed America’s billion-dollar child porn industry. Too many police are involved. Mr. Holder is allowing this national epidemic of child porn to flourish inside our justice system, crippling our most vulnerable citizens; our children.
Half of all child porn now originates in America. The profits are massive. Estimated porn profits in 2006 exceed combined revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink ranging from $3-$20 billion annually.
Science indicates that the Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion.

Religious people have mental illness, neuroscientist warns | Face Of Malawi
Are you a religious person? Well, if you answer in the affirmative, a neuroscientist says you are mentally unstable! A professor at Stanford University, Robert Sapolsky, has said that religion is a mental illness, and that the behaviours exhibited by ‘prophets’ in religious texts are diagnosable...
A professor at Stanford University, Robert Sapolsky, has said that religion is a mental illness, and that the behaviours exhibited by ‘prophets’ in religious texts are diagnosable acts.

The self-described atheist, who is also a neuroendocrinologist, argues that religion is comparable to a shared schizophrenia.
Children Exposed To Religion Have Difficulty Distinguishing Fact From Fiction, Study Finds | Richard Dawkins Foundation

Young children who are exposed to religion have a hard time differentiating between fact and fiction, according to a new study published in the July issue of Cognitive Science.
Why some people are so sure they're right, even when they are not: Insight suggests ways to communicate with people who ignore evidence that contradicts cherished beliefs
Two studies examine the personality characteristics that drive dogmatism in the religious and nonreligious. In both groups, higher critical reasoning skills were associated with lower levels of dogmatism. But these two groups diverge in how moral concern influences their dogmatic thinking.
"It suggests that religious individuals may cling to certain beliefs, especially those which seem at odds with analytic reasoning, because those beliefs resonate with their moral sentiments," said Jared Friedman, a PhD student in organizational behavior and co-author of the studies.

"Emotional resonance helps religious people to feel more certain -- the more moral correctness they see in something, the more it affirms their thinking," said Anthony Jack, associate professor of philosophy and co-author of the research. "In contrast, moral concerns make nonreligious people feel less certain."
Conflict between science, religion lies in our brains
The conflict between science and religion may have its origins in the structure of our brains. To believe in a supernatural god or universal spirit, people appear to suppress the brain network used for analytical thinking and engage the empathetic network. When thinking analytically about the...
"When there's a question of faith, from the analytic point of view, it may seem absurd," said Tony Jack, who led the research. "But, from what we understand about the brain, the leap of faith to belief in the supernatural amounts to pushing aside the critical/analytical way of thinking to help us achieve greater social and emotional insight."
The Sex Cult is traced back to the delusions of diagnosed schizophrenics who converged into psychotic decompensation, similarly to the Gang Stalking movement

gang stalking movement:

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers
An online community known as “targeted individuals” says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.
A growing tribe of troubled minds

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

Yet, the phenomenon remains virtually unresearched.

For the few specialists who have looked closely, these individuals represent an alarming development in the history of mental illness: thousands of sick people, banded together and demanding recognition on the basis of shared paranoias.

They raise money, hold awareness campaigns, host international conferences and fight for their causes in courts and legislatures

Perhaps their biggest victory came last year, when believers in Richmond, Calif., persuaded the City Council to pass a resolution banning space-based weapons that they believe could be used for mind control. A similar lobbying effort is underway in Tucson.
genesis of the modern Sex Cult and prohibition of CP possession:

IPT Journal - "You're Not Paranoid Schizophrenic: You Only Have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder"
Since the early 1980s, with the breakdown of the Communist empire, sex abusers have become the most common persecutors for paranoids.
Satan Has No Interest in Molesting Your Kids
The Satanic panic of the 1980s bedeviled our conceptions about childcare and family. Today, The Satanic Temple lobbies for children’s rights. By Malcolm Harris
Victorian-style devil outrage reached a fever pitch in the family-values 1980s. In his 2015 book We Believe the Children: A Moral Panic in the 1980s, author Richard Beck tells the story of a series of allegations of ritualized Satanic child abuse in daycare centers around the country. Through painstaking elicitation, police, prosecutors, and investigators managed to get children to testify to all sorts of unthinkable violations. Not just sexual assault: There were allegations of gamified animal torture and vast networks of child porn production and distribution. And, of course, the devil.

I asked Beck if in all his exhaustive research he had been able to track down a single instance of verified Satanic ritual child abuse. “No,” says. “My editor and I joked that the book would sell better if I could find an actual case, but as far as I could find it never happened.” Since they didn’t occur in reality, the infernal elements had to be products of adult interpretation and suggestion. Yet whole municipalities managed to convince themselves that there were hidden networks of devil worship and child abuse in their own backyards. How did they accomplish such a feat?
Couple Exonerated in 'Satanic Panic' Child Ritual Abuse Case
What caused the "Satanic Panic" phenomenon to begin in the 1980s, and how did a husband and wife who started a daycare center get swept into the center of it?
At trial, Dr. Noblitt testified about the existence of cults using ritual abuse and of organized satanic networks engaged in wide-ranging criminal enterprises including child abuse. The picture painted by Dr. Noblitt in his testimony at trial is one where criminal cults are common across the United States, and that these alleged cults typically engage in torture and murder of both adults and children. Furthermore, Dr. Noblitt opined that these cults are experts in a form of mind control or brainwashing in which victims are so heavily traumatized that they develop total and complete amnesia until the victim enters therapy and recovers the memory. His descriptions of these cults involved rape, murder, torture, grave robbing, and ceremonial animal and human sacrifice. Furthermore, he alleged that these activities took place at churches, involved police officers and other professional individuals. Lurid media coverage of this issue at the time additionally invoked the specter of widespread cannibalism. In order to explain the lack of physical evidence for these outrageous crimes, Dr. Noblitt explained to the jury that these cults will frequently lead their victims to believe in something preposterous, so that if they ever told of their tortures the stories would involve elements that would be so far-fetched that the victims would necessarily be disbelieved. This, according to Dr. Noblitt, was done intentionally by the cults as part of the mind control programming in order to discredit their victims.

In an interview shortly after the trial in a local newspaper, Dr. Noblitt was described as having been the prosecution expert witness in many ritual abuse cases, including the Keller case (Dickinson, 1993). He stated in that interview that Dan Keller, while in court, used a mysterious hand signal to mind-control people within the courtroom. Further, he asserted that cults use severe torture on victims and that all memory of the torture is repressed. In a direct quote from this news article, Dr. Noblitt stated: “I believe they use a technique of mind control unknown in legitimate psychology. It’s akin to hypnosis, created through abuse…the state of shock is so severe that it sends the victim into a deep trance state. Then cult members use different signals or triggers…” to control the victims.
Children of Satan: What do their disturbing tales of bloody rituals mean?
IT WAS the chilling story that horrified affluent families in a leafy north London suburb.
In 1983, Judy Johnson, of California, accused a teacher at her son’s preschool of raping him, said faculty members had sex with animals and even claimed the teacher could fly.

Johnson was hospitalised with paranoid schizophrenia and died before the end of the preliminary hearing from problems related to alcoholism. But LA’s Children’s Institute International then interviewed several hundred children about the alleged incident.

The students were coerced through suggestive interview techniques into making bizarre claims including the existence of secret tunnels under the school in which the alleged abuse took place; orgies supposedly conducted in car washes and airports; disturbing games in which children were allegedly photographed nude; mutilation of corpses; blood drinking; baby sacrifice and a flying teacher.

Pazder was consulted by the prosecution as an expert on Satanic ritual abuse and corroborated the claims. All parties in the McMartin preschool trial were acquitted of all charges in 1990.
Dr. Judianne Densen-Gerber Is Dead at 68; Founded Odyssey House Group Drug Program
Dr Judianne Densen-Gerber, lawyer and psychiatrist who founded drug treatment program Odyssey House and went on to give widely quoted but sometimes disputed testimonyt on subjects like child abuse and pornography, dies at age 68; photo (M)
A 1979 profile in New York magazine quoted Mayor Edward I. Koch as saying that she was ''one of those seminal forces, original, a go-getter.'' He said there were ''few people who can claim as many accomplishments.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber's success at getting government help became her downfall when the state investigated her use of public funds in the early 1980's and found irregularities. She resigned as executive director of Odyssey House in 1983, but remained active in affiliated programs.

Her influence extended to areas like child pornography. In 1977, her testimony that there were 264 monthly publications devoted to the subject helped persuade the House of Representatives to unanimously pass a bill to regulate it.

IPT, the publication of the Institute for Psychological Therapy, reported in 1992 that later government investigations proved her estimates to be exaggerated by ''several orders of magnitude.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber also commented on many other hot issues from a psychiatric point of view.

In 1991, she went to Omaha to testify in court that her interview with a man convinced her he had witnessed four satanic ritual killings. She characterized herself as an expert at deprogramming survivors of satanic cults.

The Origin of the Myths

In 1976 Robin Lloyd, correspondent for NBC, published For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America (Out of Print)(Out of Print).18 In the book, for which a U.S. senator had written an introduction, Lloyd claimed that a huge network of prostitution involving 300,000 boys existed. The notion that child pornography trade is big business was initiated in this book. Yet, nowhere in the book is there any empirical basis for the number 300,000. Indeed, Lloyd admitted that it was a working hypothesis which he had suggested to a number of experts to test their reactions.19 This didn't prevent Judianne Densen-Gerber, director of Odyssey House, a chain of residential treatment clinics for drug addicts, from taking over the figure as if it represented a reliable statistic. She set about to mobilize public opinion against child pornography to which, she said, Lloyd had alerted her.

The media followed the stories of child exploitation in detail. In the national periodicals during 1977 nine articles appeared.20 The New York Times, a paper known to avoid sensationalism, printed 27 articles that year compared to one in the two years before. When in May, 1977 the highly popular television series Sixty Minutes devoted a program to child pornography, a tidal wave of letters to politicians resulted.21 That spring a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives held a series of hearings on the subject which lasted until autumn, keeping child pornography in the news in the U.S.A. A platform was established by crusaders against child pornography, and in the prevailing climate of moral panic their cries for stronger measures received wide political support.

The chairman of the committee was Representative John Conyers Jr., who had organized the hearings to pass judgment on the proposal of Representatives Kildee and Murphy for a first Federal law against child pornography. It was this series of hearings that would make the question of child pornography a national issue. The first hearing was dominated by the appearance of Judianne Densen-Gerber. Equipped. with some child pornography magazines, she shocked congressional representatives with her claim that she had, together with Robin Lloyd, counted 264 comparable publications that, according to her, appeared monthly (an exaggeration by a factor of several orders of magnitude as we shall see). The figures which Robin Lloyd had mentioned as a working hypothesis were repeated by Densen-Gerber as fact:

Lloyd's book documented the involvement of 300,000 boys, aged 8 to 16, in activities revolving around sex for sale.22

She then multiplied the number by two, because her intuition told her that 300,000 girls were also involved in such activities. She then multiplied it again by two since, according to Lloyd, the real figure was "twice what he (could) statistically validate,"23 and this lead to something like a million children. The chairman Conyers multiplied this again by two since, he reasoned, America had not only one million runaways but another one million school drop outs. In this way the contours of a national disaster were drawn. According to Conyers:

"So we have somewhere possibly in the neighbourhood of 2 million kids who form a ready market for sexual exploitation from pornographers and the like."24

Densen-Gerber could not agree more. The Kildee-Murphy proposal was made law without any opposition: 401 for, 0 against.
The Sex Cult believes in a scientifically refuted fantasy world described across a themed collection of scientifically refuted fiction materials traced back to the delusional imaginations of the insane, and they manifest a neurological inability to end their belief in the fantasy world described in the fiction materials of their 20th century establishment of religion.



The autistic community has been disproportionately targeted by this legislation --- which is blasphemy legislation passed in respect of a 20th century establishment of religion --- because autistic people are less likely to believe in the fiction materials of establishments of religion.

Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion. Why?
Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion.
Taboo subject of autism and paedophilia ‘must be tackled to improve lives’
The effects of Asperger’s and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on everything from depression to gender dysphoria could be being overlooked, according to a world-renowned expert on the syndrome. Tony
Most controversially, he believes society needs to tackle the taboo subject of ASD and paedophilia. Speaking ahead of World Autism Awareness Day today, he suggested that many inmates in sex offender units, including those convicted of child pornography offences, show signs of Asperger’s or ASD.
Mr. Mahoney said Mr. Lundberg's case is one of many nationwide in which people with autism are prosecuted for child pornography offenses without proper understanding of their mental struggles
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama, NateJacobs, 3links2 and 32 others
Ok be honest. Who actually read the whole thing
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, !MagicMan777, mogging and 19 others
Fine I’ll read it
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and !MagicMan777
This is fucking sick
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, Daniel Plainview, Pearshaped and 15 others
child pornography cannot be legalized because people who produce it need to rape kids
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, EverydayIsHell, fjor2096 and 27 others
copy-pasted from mr.z from sluthate

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12165, 5'8manlet and Deleted member 4612
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Whereas science says, from the highest impact science literature in the peer reviewed journals

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

Error - Cookies Turned Off CP possessors.pdf

The Sex Cult, which is an illegally respected establishment of religion, says from blogs and newspaper headlines that don't support their articles

The few existent Sex Cultist studies are in low impact journals that have higher impact journals that have refuted them.

Against the Sex Cultists

The consumption of Internet child pornography and violent and sex offending
There is an ongoing debate on whether consumers of child pornography pose a risk for hands-on sex offenses. Up until now, there have been very few studies which have analyzed the association between the consumption of child pornography and the subsequent perpetration of hands-on sex offenses...

BMC Psychiatry
Dedicated to all aspects of research into conditions related to psychiatric disorders, BMC Psychiatry is a well-known international journal committed to a ...

For the Sex Cultists

Journal of Family Violence - Wikipedia

The ‘Butner Study’ Redux: A Report of the Incidence of Hands-on Child Victimization by Child Pornography Offenders
This study compared two groups of child pornography offenders participating in a voluntary treatment program: men whose known sexual offense history at the time of judicial sentencing involved the possession, receipt, or distribution of child abuse images, but did not include any “hands-on”...

Against the Sex Cultists

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

For the Sex Cultists

in a journal that has an impact factor equivalent that peaked at 1.083 and was at 0.0 at the time of publication (citations per document has an explanation).

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
Error - Cookies Turned Off

Wow, a case study of one whole person, who

What science has to say about the previous study

impact factor 1.102 equivalence

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Pedophilia and DSM-5: The Importance of Clearly Defining the Nature of a Pedophilic Disorder
Psychiatric terminology should convey information in as clear and unambiguous a manner as possible. In light of the associated stigma, that is especially so of the terms Pedophilia and Pedophilic Disorder. Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized

Whereas science says the Sex Cult and CP moral panic is comparable to the Salem Witch Trials


How to Make a Poppet
I think most people are familiar with the concept of a voodoo doll. It's a small human figure meant to represent an individual for magical...

The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says

"Watching child porn victimizes the child". The Voodoo science of child pornography laws | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
“However, what he didn’t turn his mind to at the time is that merely having possession and viewing images such as this does victimize and hurt the individual portrayed in the image. He appreciates that now.” Senior gets jail time, probation for having single image of child pornography We at...

Should Navy vet get prison for 'staggering' child porn collection?
When police searched Michael Jachim's bedroom in March, they found a safe. Inside it was a cache of DVDs labeled "Twisted Sisters." They were not music videos. On Tuesday, a DuPage County judge is scheduled to rule whether Jachim will go to prison for child pornography. Prosecutors said his DVD...

Sorry, this content is not available in your region.

5 Gruesome Facts About Child Pornography: Why Some People Are Addicted To It
Child pornography is an inexcusable crime and an arrogant exploitation of our future generation. While it takes just common sense to refrain from committing such crimes, we discuss about five gruesome facts on child pornography for those that can't realize the disastrous outcomes of the crime.

Whereas science --- as well as law enforcement intelligence, as well as investigative journalism --- says there isn't a booming bazillion gazillion dollar CP industry

Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ]
Information about the origin and history of various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading, statistics which appeared in Australian media reports and articles in 2008. Also includes information on more recent statistics.

The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says --- well, they say all kinds of things and can't even keep their story straight


Child Pornography Dodges Detection on Web
Child-porn ads--the bulk of which feature girls, some under 5--are pouring into e-mail in-boxes. The $3 billion global industry is concentrated in the U.S. and operates through temporary Web sites and online credit card payments.

Statistics on Pornography, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators and their Effects on Children, Pastors and Churches


House Hears Online Child Porn Testimony - InternetNews.
Testimony claims parents are producing porn starring their own children, some just infants and toddlers.


Galgiani's Child Exploitation Legislation in Committee
Sacramento, CA—Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani (D- Livingston) at a Capitol press conference today continued her fight to protect children from sexual predators. Galgiani called for passage of As


UN expert: child porn on Internet increases
The number of Web sites containing child pornography is increasing and more images show serious abuses, a U.N. expert said Wednesday.

Child Pornography: Basic Facts About a Horrific Crime
The focus is always on the perpetrator. But, what about the children whose photos or videos he has in his possession? What circumstances occurred whereby...

In 2016 some of the splinter organizations are starting to reject the veracity of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry, for example ICMEC which is a splinter denomination from NCMEC:

As you can see, these people cannot all simultaneously be correct. The United Nations "expert" said that in 2013 CP was a booming 3-20 billion dollar industry, whereas the ICMEC "expert" said that it was over a decade ago that it was a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise. In reality they are both religiously insane, but their delusional fantasy worlds are incompatible with each other.

Numerous miscellaneous mentions of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry:


Science indicates that the Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion.

Religious people have mental illness, neuroscientist warns | Face Of Malawi
Are you a religious person? Well, if you answer in the affirmative, a neuroscientist says you are mentally unstable! A professor at Stanford University, Robert Sapolsky, has said that religion is a mental illness, and that the behaviours exhibited by ‘prophets’ in religious texts are diagnosable...

Children Exposed To Religion Have Difficulty Distinguishing Fact From Fiction, Study Finds | Richard Dawkins Foundation

Why some people are so sure they're right, even when they are not: Insight suggests ways to communicate with people who ignore evidence that contradicts cherished beliefs
Two studies examine the personality characteristics that drive dogmatism in the religious and nonreligious. In both groups, higher critical reasoning skills were associated with lower levels of dogmatism. But these two groups diverge in how moral concern influences their dogmatic thinking.

Conflict between science, religion lies in our brains
The conflict between science and religion may have its origins in the structure of our brains. To believe in a supernatural god or universal spirit, people appear to suppress the brain network used for analytical thinking and engage the empathetic network. When thinking analytically about the...

The Sex Cult is traced back to the delusions of diagnosed schizophrenics who converged into psychotic decompensation, similarly to the Gang Stalking movement

gang stalking movement:

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers
An online community known as “targeted individuals” says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.

genesis of the modern Sex Cult and prohibition of CP possession:

The Sex Cult believes in a scientifically refuted fantasy world described across a themed collection of scientifically refuted fiction materials traced back to the delusional imaginations of the insane, and they manifest a neurological inability to end their belief in the fantasy world described in the fiction materials of their 20th century establishment of religion.



The autistic community has been disproportionately targeted by this legislation --- which is blasphemy legislation passed in respect of a 20th century establishment of religion --- because autistic people are less likely to believe in the fiction materials of establishments of religion.

Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion. Why?

Taboo subject of autism and paedophilia ‘must be tackled to improve lives’
The effects of Asperger’s and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on everything from depression to gender dysphoria could be being overlooked, according to a world-renowned expert on the syndrome. Tony
Yeah he did his research dn rd but uhhhhh, I agree?
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1, Deleted member 20679, Deleted member 19036 and 1 other person
Load of bullshit. Instead of having this they should just offer mental health services to pedophiles and give them harsher sententences if they hurt a child.
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1, !MagicMan777, Deleted member 6128 and 14 others
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Whereas science says, from the highest impact science literature in the peer reviewed journals

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

Error - Cookies Turned Off CP possessors.pdf

The Sex Cult, which is an illegally respected establishment of religion, says from blogs and newspaper headlines that don't support their articles

The few existent Sex Cultist studies are in low impact journals that have higher impact journals that have refuted them.

Against the Sex Cultists

The consumption of Internet child pornography and violent and sex offending
There is an ongoing debate on whether consumers of child pornography pose a risk for hands-on sex offenses. Up until now, there have been very few studies which have analyzed the association between the consumption of child pornography and the subsequent perpetration of hands-on sex offenses...

BMC Psychiatry
Dedicated to all aspects of research into conditions related to psychiatric disorders, BMC Psychiatry is a well-known international journal committed to a ...

For the Sex Cultists

Journal of Family Violence - Wikipedia

The ‘Butner Study’ Redux: A Report of the Incidence of Hands-on Child Victimization by Child Pornography Offenders

This study compared two groups of child pornography offenders participating in a voluntary treatment program: men whose known sexual offense history at the time of judicial sentencing involved the possession, receipt, or distribution of child abuse images, but did not include any “hands-on”...

Against the Sex Cultists

Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Wikipedia

For the Sex Cultists

in a journal that has an impact factor equivalent that peaked at 1.083 and was at 0.0 at the time of publication (citations per document has an explanation).

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
Error - Cookies Turned Off

Wow, a case study of one whole person, who

What science has to say about the previous study

impact factor 1.102 equivalence

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Pedophilia and DSM-5: The Importance of Clearly Defining the Nature of a Pedophilic Disorder
Psychiatric terminology should convey information in as clear and unambiguous a manner as possible. In light of the associated stigma, that is especially so of the terms Pedophilia and Pedophilic Disorder. Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized

Whereas science says the Sex Cult and CP moral panic is comparable to the Salem Witch Trials


How to Make a Poppet
I think most people are familiar with the concept of a voodoo doll. It's a small human figure meant to represent an individual for magical...

The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says

"Watching child porn victimizes the child". The Voodoo science of child pornography laws | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
“However, what he didn’t turn his mind to at the time is that merely having possession and viewing images such as this does victimize and hurt the individual portrayed in the image. He appreciates that now.” Senior gets jail time, probation for having single image of child pornography We at...

Should Navy vet get prison for 'staggering' child porn collection?
When police searched Michael Jachim's bedroom in March, they found a safe. Inside it was a cache of DVDs labeled "Twisted Sisters." They were not music videos. On Tuesday, a DuPage County judge is scheduled to rule whether Jachim will go to prison for child pornography. Prosecutors said his DVD...

Sorry, this content is not available in your region.

5 Gruesome Facts About Child Pornography: Why Some People Are Addicted To It
Child pornography is an inexcusable crime and an arrogant exploitation of our future generation. While it takes just common sense to refrain from committing such crimes, we discuss about five gruesome facts on child pornography for those that can't realize the disastrous outcomes of the crime.

Whereas science --- as well as law enforcement intelligence, as well as investigative journalism --- says there isn't a booming bazillion gazillion dollar CP industry

Ln: Statistics Laundering: false and fantastic figures [ pornography statistics ]
Information about the origin and history of various alarming and sensational, but out-of-date, false and/or misleading, statistics which appeared in Australian media reports and articles in 2008. Also includes information on more recent statistics.

The Sex Cult --- which is a 20th century establishment of religion --- says --- well, they say all kinds of things and can't even keep their story straight


Child Pornography Dodges Detection on Web
Child-porn ads--the bulk of which feature girls, some under 5--are pouring into e-mail in-boxes. The $3 billion global industry is concentrated in the U.S. and operates through temporary Web sites and online credit card payments.

Statistics on Pornography, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators and their Effects on Children, Pastors and Churches


House Hears Online Child Porn Testimony - InternetNews.
Testimony claims parents are producing porn starring their own children, some just infants and toddlers.


Galgiani's Child Exploitation Legislation in Committee
Sacramento, CA—Assemblymember Cathleen Galgiani (D- Livingston) at a Capitol press conference today continued her fight to protect children from sexual predators. Galgiani called for passage of As


UN expert: child porn on Internet increases
The number of Web sites containing child pornography is increasing and more images show serious abuses, a U.N. expert said Wednesday.

Child Pornography: Basic Facts About a Horrific Crime
The focus is always on the perpetrator. But, what about the children whose photos or videos he has in his possession? What circumstances occurred whereby...

In 2016 some of the splinter organizations are starting to reject the veracity of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry, for example ICMEC which is a splinter denomination from NCMEC:

As you can see, these people cannot all simultaneously be correct. The United Nations "expert" said that in 2013 CP was a booming 3-20 billion dollar industry, whereas the ICMEC "expert" said that it was over a decade ago that it was a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise. In reality they are both religiously insane, but their delusional fantasy worlds are incompatible with each other.

Numerous miscellaneous mentions of the booming multi billion dollar CP industry:


Science indicates that the Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion.

Religious people have mental illness, neuroscientist warns | Face Of Malawi
Are you a religious person? Well, if you answer in the affirmative, a neuroscientist says you are mentally unstable! A professor at Stanford University, Robert Sapolsky, has said that religion is a mental illness, and that the behaviours exhibited by ‘prophets’ in religious texts are diagnosable...

Children Exposed To Religion Have Difficulty Distinguishing Fact From Fiction, Study Finds | Richard Dawkins Foundation

Why some people are so sure they're right, even when they are not: Insight suggests ways to communicate with people who ignore evidence that contradicts cherished beliefs

Two studies examine the personality characteristics that drive dogmatism in the religious and nonreligious. In both groups, higher critical reasoning skills were associated with lower levels of dogmatism. But these two groups diverge in how moral concern influences their dogmatic thinking.

Conflict between science, religion lies in our brains
The conflict between science and religion may have its origins in the structure of our brains. To believe in a supernatural god or universal spirit, people appear to suppress the brain network used for analytical thinking and engage the empathetic network. When thinking analytically about the...

The Sex Cult is traced back to the delusions of diagnosed schizophrenics who converged into psychotic decompensation, similarly to the Gang Stalking movement

gang stalking movement:

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers
An online community known as “targeted individuals” says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.

genesis of the modern Sex Cult and prohibition of CP possession:

The Sex Cult believes in a scientifically refuted fantasy world described across a themed collection of scientifically refuted fiction materials traced back to the delusional imaginations of the insane, and they manifest a neurological inability to end their belief in the fantasy world described in the fiction materials of their 20th century establishment of religion.



The autistic community has been disproportionately targeted by this legislation --- which is blasphemy legislation passed in respect of a 20th century establishment of religion --- because autistic people are less likely to believe in the fiction materials of establishments of religion.

Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion. Why?

Taboo subject of autism and paedophilia ‘must be tackled to improve lives’
The effects of Asperger’s and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) on everything from depression to gender dysphoria could be being overlooked, according to a world-renowned expert on the syndrome. Tony
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: turkproducer, ChristianChad, 5'8manlet and 1 other person
3508439399 fab030ceed m
  • JFL
Reactions: hairyballscel
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4612
just rape kids and record it theory

btw this entire website is for sure going on an fbi watchlist after you posted this horrible excuse for a thread
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: !MagicMan777, EverydayIsHell, Deleted member 21146 and 2 others
I thought the jb shit was a joke but you be niggas really likeing little kids.😒
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, hairyballscel, Deleted member 6128 and 1 other person
Who remembers this guy from lookism?
  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel The article states "Most significantly, they found that the number of reported cases of child sex abuse dropped markedly immediately after the ban on sexually explicit materials was lifted in 1989." and that it was similar in Denmark and Japan. I don't know how reliable the study is and the research on this topic tends to be mixed from what I am reading. Milton Diamond himself didn't support the use of actual child porn and preferred instead to use artificially created child porn.
  • +1
Reactions: Lorsss
This doesnt make any sense since child pornography videos would increase and thus sexual harassament
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, Deleted member 15099, Deleted member 756 and 1 other person
not a fuckin word
Op I’m at your house right now I just want to talk
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4612
child pornography cannot be legalized because people who produce it need to rape kids
It obviously shouldn't be legalized but the possession should. You can legally posses cartel and isis execution videos but you will go to prison if you get caught having a naked photo of a 17yo girl on your phone.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20679, Deprived, Deleted member 12165 and 1 other person
It obviously shouldn't be legalized but the possession should. You can legally posses cartel and isis execution videos but you will go to prison if you get caught having a naked photo of a 17yo girl on your phone.
you have got a point.
possessing cp porn is a moral law which has the same roots of laws which forbide western people to fuck their sibling The article states "Most significantly, they found that the number of reported cases of child sex abuse dropped markedly immediately after the ban on sexually explicit materials was lifted in 1989." and that it was similar in Denmark and Japan. I don't know how reliable the study is and the research on this topic tends to be mixed from what I am reading. Milton Diamond himself didn't support the use of actual child porn and preferred instead to use artificially created child porn.
exactly, and in 2002, the Supreme Court decided to ban artificial child porn, because they claimed that it would increase the amount of child sex abuse, when research says otherwise
child pornography cannot be legalized because people who produce it need to rape kids
if it's artificial child porn then you don't need to get anyone involved

(also on a side note, not all child porn is the same. if two teens make a sex tape and it gets leaked, no one was "raped", but it is still child porn)
It obviously shouldn't be legalized but the possession should. You can legally posses cartel and isis execution videos but you will go to prison if you get caught having a naked photo of a 17yo girl on your phone.
you have got a point.
possessing cp porn is a moral law which has the same roots of laws which forbide western people to fuck their sibling
in 2014 in Japan, they made possession of child porn illegal, and as a result, child abuse cases increased

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20679 and Deleted member 1973
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 8904

artificial child pornography is computer generated images of child pornography. basically meaning that it looks like child porn, but does not involve any actual humans in the production
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7902, Lorsss, Deleted member 1973 and 1 other person
Well since most child abusers are not pedophiles I don't understand how this will work
what do you mean?
holy shit my nigga just did thesis on cp


legalizing child porn (which is anything under 18 btw) has been shown to reduce sex crimes
exactly, and in 2002, the Supreme Court decided to ban artificial child porn, because they claimed that it would increase the amount of child sex abuse, when research says otherwise

if it's artificial child porn then you don't need to get anyone involved

(also on a side note, not all child porn is the same. if two teens make a sex tape and it gets leaked, no one was "raped", but it is still child porn)

in 2014 in Japan, they made possession of child porn illegal, and as a result, child abuse cases increased

View attachment 967776
Load of bullshit. Instead of having this they should just offer mental health services to pedophiles and give them harsher sententences if they hurt a child.
Based. Like your opinion
Load of bullshit. Instead of having this they should just offer mental health services to pedophiles and give them harsher sententences if they hurt a child.
JFL at "mental health services" nobody should go to a psychiatrist, ever, said as a patient of the psychology/psychiatry farmacological complex. JFL at hurting a child, sex is pleasure. JFL at "sententences" like is English even your first language? It doesn't seem that way.
I am not a pedo, I couldn't get my dick hard for a kid, ever. But I support pedophiles and wish i was one. They are based as fuck
  • JFL
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Man just jerk off to loli if u really want to so badly, at least its legal
MRZ from sluthate just lol
To anyone who thinks the OP of this article is lying, just consider how the incels on here (myself included) all look at adult porn and yet haven't screwed a single bitch in our lives. You can both look at porn while not having sex in the real world. I know, SHOCKING.
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it should be legal because most cp ive seen is girls recording themselves or two teens recording themselves, hence there's no exploitation
  • JFL
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this is next after roe v wade
"torture of children" since when was sex torture?

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