Strawman argument as I said all other nations not just America. Look at the crime rates, IQ's, salaries etc in all other nations blacks are in. It's the same issues across the board and no real major differences and that includes where there's no major rap culture or slavery in the past for you to blame.

Not even close it's the Edomites. Meanwhile, whites ended slavery, freed the slaves, gifted our genius and our advanced nations to all the other races on earth and what do they do with these gifts? They shit on us, rape our women, kill our men, destroy our businesses, and turn our countries into 3rd world shitholes. You should be thanking us instead you rob, kill rape and steal from us.

It would be the blacks instead of the Edomites but their IQ is too low and they're not as tribal as the Edomites and can't plan ahead like the Edomites and that's why they've been dominated for so long by many nations. That's just life and history. I don't condone it but that's how things work.

Rap culture is the Edomites using the blacks as pawns to promote degeneracy.

High IQ is whites inventing nearly all the major technological, architectural, and academic, advancements on earth. Internet, planes, trains, electricity, plumbing, modern architecture, etc etc. The list goes on forever.

The blacks enslaved their oqn and sold them to the Edomites who brought them to America and many other nations. Go blame your oqn people for your own slavery and stop crying like a bitch.

Every race has been enslaved but the ones who cry the most are the blacks and Edomites who happen to be the 2 most evil races in terms of moral standards. Whites didn't start slavery but they were the first to end it. So you're welcome.

I've never done hard drugs, don't smoke, don't drink and live off grid and self sufficiently. I am helping people get off grid and change their political status to free themselves from enslavement from the Edomites. Land patents are required so you can actually oqn your land and pay no property taxes and no eminent domain.. Changing your political status is so you're no longer a part of the US Inc. Cooperation and pay no income or sales taxes. I can help people that have an open mind but if they blame everything on the qhite race holding them back then I can't help them at all.

Use Dr. Ben Carson as your standard bro. He didn't blame the white man and look, he became the most successful black man in our generation qhile not being an athlete, singer, or drug dealer/gang member. It's all about the mentality. The ball's in your court now.
The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).

Strawman argument as I said all other nations not just America. Look at the crime rates, IQ's, salaries etc in all other nations blacks are in. It's the same issues across the board and no real major differences and that includes where there's no major rap culture or slavery in the past for you to blame.

Not even close it's the Edomites. Meanwhile, whites ended slavery, freed the slaves, gifted our genius and our advanced nations to all the other races on earth and what do they do with these gifts? They shit on us, rape our women, kill our men, destroy our businesses, and turn our countries into 3rd world shitholes. You should be thanking us instead you rob, kill rape and steal from us.

It would be the blacks instead of the Edomites but their IQ is too low and they're not as tribal as the Edomites and can't plan ahead like the Edomites and that's why they've been dominated for so long by many nations. That's just life and history. I don't condone it but that's how things work.

Rap culture is the Edomites using the blacks as pawns to promote degeneracy.

High IQ is whites inventing nearly all the major technological, architectural, and academic, advancements on earth. Internet, planes, trains, electricity, plumbing, modern architecture, etc etc. The list goes on forever.

The blacks enslaved their oqn and sold them to the Edomites who brought them to America and many other nations. Go blame your oqn people for your own slavery and stop crying like a bitch.

Every race has been enslaved but the ones who cry the most are the blacks and Edomites who happen to be the 2 most evil races in terms of moral standards. Whites didn't start slavery but they were the first to end it. So you're welcome.

I've never done hard drugs, don't smoke, don't drink and live off grid and self sufficiently. I am helping people get off grid and change their political status to free themselves from enslavement from the Edomites. Land patents are required so you can actually oqn your land and pay no property taxes and no eminent domain.. Changing your political status is so you're no longer a part of the US Inc. Cooperation and pay no income or sales taxes. I can help people that have an open mind but if they blame everything on the qhite race holding them back then I can't help them at all.

Use Dr. Ben Carson as your standard bro. He didn't blame the white man and look, he became the most successful black man in our generation qhile not being an athlete, singer, or drug dealer/gang member. It's all about the mentality. The ball's in your court now.
The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).

-Genetics. 2002 May; 161(1): 269–274.

doi: 10.1093/genetics/161.1.269

PMCID: PMC1462113

PMID: 12019240

Lol IQ? Skin colour is the determiner of IQ. Eat dust, Mr Smart White guy. Lmfao.

The smartest "niggers" are the Nigerian (african) 14 year olds doing Physics at university.
Or the Nigerian man who just won the Guinness World record for Chess etc..

You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).


The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).

-Genetics. 2002 May; 161(1): 269–274.

doi: 10.1093/genetics/161.1.269

PMCID: PMC1462113

PMID: 12019240

Lol IQ? Skin colour is the determiner of IQ. Eat dust, Mr Smart White guy. Lmfao.

The smartest "niggers" are the Nigerian (african) 14 year olds doing Physics at university.
Or the Nigerian man who just won the Guinness World record for Chess etc..

You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol
Hmm what did the British see when they came across Nigeria


  • Screenshot_20240428-192256.png
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Hmm what did the British see when they came across Nigeria
Gotcha lol.
So if savagery is a determiner of IQ. What does the actions of the British signify?

White people are...refined gentlemen, who steal, rape and enslave? High IQs who just plagiarised asian peoples invention.

And used the gun to enact their natural savagery. Who would have thought, stealing makes you rich. Money means you can build shit.

Maybe your assignment should be on, research the inventions of "black people". I bet 0 results come up. Lmfao, NOT.

Please enlighten us, you havent even responded to genetic diversity smart white man.
Gotcha lol.
So if savagery is a determiner of IQ. What does the actions of the British signify?

White people are...refined gentlemen, who steal, rape and enslave? High IQs who just plagiarised asian peoples invention.

And used the gun to enact their natural savagery. Who would have thought, stealing makes you rich. Money means you can build shit.

Maybe your assignment should be on, research the inventions of "black people". I bet 0 results come up. Lmfao, NOT.

Please enlighten us, you havent even responded to genetic diversity smart white man.
Ahh you see most slave owners were Jewish most slave ships were Jewish and it wouldn't surprise me if the cotton fields and all that were owned by jews
Ahh you see most slave owners were Jewish most slave ships were Jewish and it wouldn't surprise me if the cotton fields and all that were owned by jews
Lmfao. Jewish people have your genes.
The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).


The average nucleotide diversity (pi) for the 50 segments is only 0.061% +/- 0.010% among Asians and 0.064% +/- 0.011% among Europeans but almost twice as high (0.115% +/- 0.016%) among Africans. The African diversity estimate is even higher than that between Africans and Eurasians (0.096% +/- 0.012%).

-Genetics. 2002 May; 161(1): 269–274.

doi: 10.1093/genetics/161.1.269

PMCID: PMC1462113

PMID: 12019240

Lol IQ? Skin colour is the determiner of IQ. Eat dust, Mr Smart White guy. Lmfao.

The smartest "niggers" are the Nigerian (african) 14 year olds doing Physics at university.
Or the Nigerian man who just won the Guinness World record for Chess etc..

You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol

Ok, you're either joking or trolling here. This can't be a legitimate argument or else it's the biggest reach I've ever seen on these boards.

1.) The study sample sizes are 10 for each group. They say that's sufficient, based on what assumptions?
2.) How do we know the individuals studied were 100% German and no other ethnicities or races in their blood. They should've provided DNA samples to demonstrate these are purebloods. Nationality means nothing at this point because you can have a white Zulu or a black German.
3.) The study admits that SNP variation is incompletely understood.
4.) A higher diversity of a race of retards doesn't prove anything at all. These are assumptions and speculations at best.
5.) The study included 50 segments of 500 base pairs. The human genome has 3 billion base pairs. Also, this does nothing to describe what these sequences are responsible for in the human body and no conclusion as to what they perceive this means.
6.) Another strawman argument: I never said skin color determines IQ.
7.) If you desire to conduct a study on genetics and high achievers (this includes a combination of high levels of intelligence, creativity, ability to delay gratification, future forecasting, emotional and impulse control, dexterity, etc) then the study shouldn't cover diversity but cover the genes responsible for these factors, use larger sample sizes of people from each ethnicity, ensure they're 100% purebloods of their race and at least 80% or more of that ethnicity. Determine how the genes work, why they work and if all races have them or are they varied by race and can the races that have less or more that are dormant can they activate them? The study you cited is completely worthless for many reasons.
8.) So instead of selecting an entire race to compare you cherry pick what you believe to be the best nationality of the black race in the Nigerians then you cherry pick even more by selecting the world record champion who happens to be Nigerian.
A.) Nigerians IQ is 67 aka below retarded. Are you going to blame the white man even though the Nigerians are the majority? Sure the British civilized their asses in the 1800's and gifted you with their technology but can you use that against them today? They're in the bottom 15% of Nations on earth. Koko the gorilla had a higher IQ than this Nation. Should we give KOKO a trophy for this achievement? She had an estimated 85 IQ. That's higher than virtually all black nations on earth (averages). Honestly it's speciesism to compare blacks to gorillas at this point and I take offense for Koko the gorilla. Gorilla lives matter.

https://www.southwestjournal.com/world/average-iq-by-country/ IQ by country

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44559261 KOKO's IQ

Dr. Ben Carson's intellectual achievements: https://achievement.org/achiever/benjamin-s-carson/

B.) You claim of 14 year olds doing physics at 14 years old. What results has this produced? What have they invented? What have they accomplished? NOTHING ZERO NADA. Why did you put "Niggers" in quotations? I said Niggas. Dr. Ben Carsons achievements runs circles around any other black person you can name over the last 40 years. When I say black I mean as close as possible to 100% black and not gifted anything as he had to earn his achievements using the hard method. Also, who created physics? That's right Galileo pureblood a white man bitch.

C.) Then you reference Onakoya Tunde's record for chess. His record was the least impressive chess accomplishment ever (IDK if I'd even call it an accomplishment). Basically he played 60 hours straight of chess vs a bunch of bums. There was no requirement for him to qin all his matches or a high percentage of matches or play chess grandmasters. He played a bunch of bums and for all we know he could've had a losing record. He did play one chess champion but the article never reveals the outcome of the match. So you cherry pick one outlier of a low IQ (67) Nation of Nigeria and selected him as a great achiever because he played a game for a long time vs bums and for all we know had a losing record. Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad for the black race if this is the pinnacle of their people. Then I look at their crime rates and how they're destroying our nations and stop feeling bad for them (yes they're pawns of the Jeqs and no Jeqs are not Caucasians/Israelites) That's like saying Arabs are white people.

9.) You said "You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol"
I simply state facts that you misunderstand as the (Edomite created term) white supremacist.
You were trying to say whites are just lucky and stole intellectual property and are evil. I gave you the facts that contradict your Edomite pushed belief system.

Also IQ is only a single aspect of achievement. Let's just hit the tip of the iceberg of white man's achievements.
1.) Inventions (not stolen and help humanity in a significant manner) Electricity, TV, internet, planes, trains, rockets, phones, nuclear fusion, modern architecture, plumbing, agriculture/farming, shipping, computers, quantum computers, AI, Nueralink (merging AI and human), western medicine, etc etc.
2.) Academic advancements: Philosophy, advanced mathematics, physics, English (the language of all nations), psychology, sociology, politics, economics, statistics, etc etc.
3.) Majority of the Greatest Empires in History: American, British, Roman, Greek, Phoenician, etc.

1.) Largest religion on earth in Christianity and the one true way to actually receive salvation and not eternal damnation. All nations shall be blessed through us.

1.) First race to abolish slavery
2.) Created the first continent to achieve and maintain world peace between all nations in Antartica
3.) First nation to open it's boarders to any race to become a citizen and enjoy the fruits of our labors
4.) Several nations in the top 15 for lowest crime rates (Croatia, Switzerland and Iceland) These just so happen to be 3 white nations with 90%+ white people. Hmmm interesting indeed.

In conclusion, attempting to use genetic SNP variation in a highly flawed study may be the biggest cope I've ever seen to prop up the black race and disregard their 70 IQ average, having nearly 0 or close to 0 academic advancements, groundbreaking inventions to advance humanity, or any powerful empires. Before whites civilized the savages in Africa they were living in huts, hunter gathers, no Christianity just voodoo and witchcraft, no advanced medicine just witch doctors, no electricity no plumbing, eating raw animals, barefoot, damn near naked, using basic stone age tools and weapons like spears, arrows and rocks. They never had their own written language, no counting system, and never even invented the wheel. Combine that qith having the highest crime rates in nearly every country they reside in (with a population over 5% of the total population of the given country), lowest incomes, etc.

Now if you claim this is racist or not true, look no further than the black tribes that are isolated and untouched by the evil white man today. Look no further than the Sentinelese tribe. They're a black tribe that have lived on a remote Island for thousands of years. Any attempt to even talk to them and they'll shoot arrows and chuck spears at you. Even if you're injured and shipwrecked they just kill you.
They live precisely how I explained and this is their Wakanda forever. They're barefoot and damn near naked, eat raw meat, have never created fire and depend on lightning to create fire for them. They live in huts, no plumbing, electricity, no crazy flying aircrafts, kitty cat superman suits. Just spear chucking and not knowing how to count past 2. An Edomite brainwashed person will cry racist but everything I said is truth.

With the way you arrogantly presented this study it's as if you won something and you proved blacks have secret Wakanda nations out there inventing crazy things like time machines, invisible forcefields, teleportation machines, telepathy devices, immortality pills, 120+ IQ's on average, near 0 crime rates, no poverty, no homelessness, etc.

Thanks for the laughs.
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: murdah and iblamechico
No it's not there's a clear difference of looks and skulls between whites and jews
That and 50%-60% of the Jew aka Edomite DNA has Canaanite DNA in it. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org...h-ancestry-confirmed-european-by-mtdna-tests/

This aligns perfectly with the scriptures because Esau Married and bred qith 3 Canaanite women. The Canaanites are the most evil tribes in the history of our earth and are descendants of the Nephilim aka seed of the fallen angels.

Genesis 36:2-3 The Message (MSG)

Esau married women of Canaan: Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite; Oholibamah, daughter of Anah and the granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite; and Basemath, daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth.
Saying the Edomites(Jews seed of Esau) are Israelites(Caucasians aka Jacob) are completely ignorant. That's like saying the Arabs are Caucasians by DNA. Sure they have some DNA connection to us as do all races but they're a completely separate tribe. Arabs, Israelites and Edomites all come from Abraham. Abraham is r for the r1b1. R1b1 is the Israelites aka Caucasians. There's a reason YAH made sure the Israelites didn't race mix and ordered them to destroy all the Canaanites including the women and children and promised to eventually destroy the seed of Esau. These tribes are pure evil by their actions.
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Ahh you see most slave owners were Jewish most slave ships were Jewish and it wouldn't surprise me if the cotton fields and all that were owned by jews
Not only does he have no understanding of history or genetics but he doesn't even know blacks were already enslaved by other blacks. Also blacks still practice slavery to this very day and eat raw meat half naked and barefoot like savages.
Ok, you're either joking or trolling here. This can't be a legitimate argument or else it's the biggest reach I've ever seen on these boards.

1.) The study sample sizes are 10 for each group. They say that's sufficient, based on what assumptions?
2.) How do we know the individuals studied were 100% German and no other ethnicities or races in their blood. They should've provided DNA samples to demonstrate these are purebloods. Nationality means nothing at this point because you can have a white Zulu or a black German.
3.) The study admits that SNP variation is incompletely understood.
4.) A higher diversity of a race of retards doesn't prove anything at all. These are assumptions and speculations at best.
5.) The study included 50 segments of 500 base pairs. The human genome has 3 billion base pairs. Also, this does nothing to describe what these sequences are responsible for in the human body and no conclusion as to what they perceive this means.
6.) Another strawman argument: I never said skin color determines IQ.
7.) If you desire to conduct a study on genetics and high achievers (this includes a combination of high levels of intelligence, creativity, ability to delay gratification, future forecasting, emotional and impulse control, dexterity, etc) then the study shouldn't cover diversity but cover the genes responsible for these factors, use larger sample sizes of people from each ethnicity, ensure they're 100% purebloods of their race and at least 80% or more of that ethnicity. Determine how the genes work, why they work and if all races have them or are they varied by race and can the races that have less or more that are dormant can they activate them? The study you cited is completely worthless for many reasons.
8.) So instead of selecting an entire race to compare you cherry pick what you believe to be the best nationality of the black race in the Nigerians then you cherry pick even more by selecting the world record champion who happens to be Nigerian.
A.) Nigerians IQ is 67 aka below retarded. Are you going to blame the white man even though the Nigerians are the majority? Sure the British civilized their asses in the 1800's and gifted you with their technology but can you use that against them today? They're in the bottom 15% of Nations on earth. Koko the gorilla had a higher IQ than this Nation. Should we give KOKO a trophy for this achievement? She had an estimated 85 IQ. That's higher than virtually all black nations on earth (averages). Honestly it's speciesism to compare blacks to gorillas at this point and I take offense for Koko the gorilla. Gorilla lives matter.

https://www.southwestjournal.com/world/average-iq-by-country/ IQ by country

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44559261 KOKO's IQ

Dr. Ben Carson's intellectual achievements: https://achievement.org/achiever/benjamin-s-carson/

B.) You claim of 14 year olds doing physics at 14 years old. What results has this produced? What have they invented? What have they accomplished? NOTHING ZERO NADA. Why did you put "Niggers" in quotations? I said Niggas. Dr. Ben Carsons achievements runs circles around any other black person you can name over the last 40 years. When I say black I mean as close as possible to 100% black and not gifted anything as he had to earn his achievements using the hard method. Also, who created physics? That's right Galileo pureblood a white man bitch.

C.) Then you reference Onakoya Tunde's record for chess. His record was the least impressive chess accomplishment ever (IDK if I'd even call it an accomplishment). Basically he played 60 hours straight of chess vs a bunch of bums. There was no requirement for him to qin all his matches or a high percentage of matches or play chess grandmasters. He played a bunch of bums and for all we know he could've had a losing record. He did play one chess champion but the article never reveals the outcome of the match. So you cherry pick one outlier of a low IQ (67) Nation of Nigeria and selected him as a great achiever because he played a game for a long time vs bums and for all we know had a losing record. Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad for the black race if this is the pinnacle of their people. Then I look at their crime rates and how they're destroying our nations and stop feeling bad for them (yes they're pawns of the Jeqs and no Jeqs are not Caucasians/Israelites) That's like saying Arabs are white people.

9.) You said "You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol"
I simply state facts that you misunderstand as the (Edomite created term) white supremacist.
You were trying to say whites are just lucky and stole intellectual property and are evil. I gave you the facts that contradict your Edomite pushed belief system.

Also IQ is only a single aspect of achievement. Let's just hit the tip of the iceberg of white man's achievements.
1.) Inventions (not stolen and help humanity in a significant manner) Electricity, TV, internet, planes, trains, rockets, phones, nuclear fusion, modern architecture, plumbing, agriculture/farming, shipping, computers, quantum computers, AI, Nueralink (merging AI and human), western medicine, etc etc.
2.) Academic advancements: Philosophy, advanced mathematics, physics, English (the language of all nations), psychology, sociology, politics, economics, statistics, etc etc.
3.) Majority of the Greatest Empires in History: American, British, Roman, Greek, Phoenician, etc.

1.) Largest religion on earth in Christianity and the one true way to actually receive salvation and not eternal damnation. All nations shall be blessed through us.

1.) First race to abolish slavery
2.) Created the first continent to achieve and maintain world peace between all nations in Antartica
3.) First nation to open it's boarders to any race to become a citizen and enjoy the fruits of our labors
4.) Several nations in the top 15 for lowest crime rates (Croatia, Switzerland and Iceland) These just so happen to be 3 white nations with 90%+ white people. Hmmm interesting indeed.

In conclusion, attempting to use genetic SNP variation in a highly flawed study may be the biggest cope I've ever seen to prop up the black race and disregard their 70 IQ average, having nearly 0 or close to 0 academic advancements, groundbreaking inventions to advance humanity, or any powerful empires. Before whites civilized the savages in Africa they were living in huts, hunter gathers, no Christianity just voodoo and witchcraft, no advanced medicine just witch doctors, no electricity no plumbing, eating raw animals, barefoot, damn near naked, using basic stone age tools and weapons like spears, arrows and rocks. They never had their own written language, no counting system, and never even invented the wheel. Combine that qith having the highest crime rates in nearly every country they reside in (with a population over 5% of the total population of the given country), lowest incomes, etc.

Now if you claim this is racist or not true, look no further than the black tribes that are isolated and untouched by the evil white man today. Look no further than the Sentinelese tribe. They're a black tribe that have lived on a remote Island for thousands of years. Any attempt to even talk to them and they'll shoot arrows and chuck spears at you. Even if you're injured and shipwrecked they just kill you.
They live precisely how I explained and this is their Wakanda forever. They're barefoot and damn near naked, eat raw meat, have never created fire and depend on lightning to create fire for them. They live in huts, no plumbing, electricity, no crazy flying aircrafts, kitty cat superman suits. Just spear chucking and not knowing how to count past 2. An Edomite brainwashed person will cry racist but everything I said is truth.

With the way you arrogantly presented this study it's as if you won something and you proved blacks have secret Wakanda nations out there inventing crazy things like time machines, invisible forcefields, teleportation machines, telepathy devices, immortality pills, 120+ IQ's on average, near 0 crime rates, no poverty, no homelessness, etc.

Thanks for the laughs.
So you say blacks are aggressive and violent because of high testosterone.
That was your original argument.

So are you claiming that great genetic diversity is bullshit due to sample size of thar particular study?

Im sorry, but white peoples ethics, I mean you cannot be serious...."abolish slavery".. Clap, clap.

Every place you travelled to was a total bloodshed, Native Indians, Aboriginals.

You're obvs inferior.

The white mans inventions have led to Global warming, what is inherently wrong woth living a more natural and simple lifestyle.
Arent white nations the most depressex nations... Enlighten me
  • +1
Reactions: barettrealrx
Weirdos living vicariously through another grown man and making it about race. Your a pussy nigga
  • +1
Reactions: Ricky212
Ok, you're either joking or trolling here. This can't be a legitimate argument or else it's the biggest reach I've ever seen on these boards.

1.) The study sample sizes are 10 for each group. They say that's sufficient, based on what assumptions?
2.) How do we know the individuals studied were 100% German and no other ethnicities or races in their blood. They should've provided DNA samples to demonstrate these are purebloods. Nationality means nothing at this point because you can have a white Zulu or a black German.
3.) The study admits that SNP variation is incompletely understood.
4.) A higher diversity of a race of retards doesn't prove anything at all. These are assumptions and speculations at best.
5.) The study included 50 segments of 500 base pairs. The human genome has 3 billion base pairs. Also, this does nothing to describe what these sequences are responsible for in the human body and no conclusion as to what they perceive this means.
6.) Another strawman argument: I never said skin color determines IQ.
7.) If you desire to conduct a study on genetics and high achievers (this includes a combination of high levels of intelligence, creativity, ability to delay gratification, future forecasting, emotional and impulse control, dexterity, etc) then the study shouldn't cover diversity but cover the genes responsible for these factors, use larger sample sizes of people from each ethnicity, ensure they're 100% purebloods of their race and at least 80% or more of that ethnicity. Determine how the genes work, why they work and if all races have them or are they varied by race and can the races that have less or more that are dormant can they activate them? The study you cited is completely worthless for many reasons.
8.) So instead of selecting an entire race to compare you cherry pick what you believe to be the best nationality of the black race in the Nigerians then you cherry pick even more by selecting the world record champion who happens to be Nigerian.
A.) Nigerians IQ is 67 aka below retarded. Are you going to blame the white man even though the Nigerians are the majority? Sure the British civilized their asses in the 1800's and gifted you with their technology but can you use that against them today? They're in the bottom 15% of Nations on earth. Koko the gorilla had a higher IQ than this Nation. Should we give KOKO a trophy for this achievement? She had an estimated 85 IQ. That's higher than virtually all black nations on earth (averages). Honestly it's speciesism to compare blacks to gorillas at this point and I take offense for Koko the gorilla. Gorilla lives matter.

https://www.southwestjournal.com/world/average-iq-by-country/ IQ by country

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44559261 KOKO's IQ

Dr. Ben Carson's intellectual achievements: https://achievement.org/achiever/benjamin-s-carson/

B.) You claim of 14 year olds doing physics at 14 years old. What results has this produced? What have they invented? What have they accomplished? NOTHING ZERO NADA. Why did you put "Niggers" in quotations? I said Niggas. Dr. Ben Carsons achievements runs circles around any other black person you can name over the last 40 years. When I say black I mean as close as possible to 100% black and not gifted anything as he had to earn his achievements using the hard method. Also, who created physics? That's right Galileo pureblood a white man bitch.

C.) Then you reference Onakoya Tunde's record for chess. His record was the least impressive chess accomplishment ever (IDK if I'd even call it an accomplishment). Basically he played 60 hours straight of chess vs a bunch of bums. There was no requirement for him to qin all his matches or a high percentage of matches or play chess grandmasters. He played a bunch of bums and for all we know he could've had a losing record. He did play one chess champion but the article never reveals the outcome of the match. So you cherry pick one outlier of a low IQ (67) Nation of Nigeria and selected him as a great achiever because he played a game for a long time vs bums and for all we know had a losing record. Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad for the black race if this is the pinnacle of their people. Then I look at their crime rates and how they're destroying our nations and stop feeling bad for them (yes they're pawns of the Jeqs and no Jeqs are not Caucasians/Israelites) That's like saying Arabs are white people.

9.) You said "You have no clue, but once again an overinflated white supremacist using IQ arguments lol"
I simply state facts that you misunderstand as the (Edomite created term) white supremacist.
You were trying to say whites are just lucky and stole intellectual property and are evil. I gave you the facts that contradict your Edomite pushed belief system.

Also IQ is only a single aspect of achievement. Let's just hit the tip of the iceberg of white man's achievements.
1.) Inventions (not stolen and help humanity in a significant manner) Electricity, TV, internet, planes, trains, rockets, phones, nuclear fusion, modern architecture, plumbing, agriculture/farming, shipping, computers, quantum computers, AI, Nueralink (merging AI and human), western medicine, etc etc.
2.) Academic advancements: Philosophy, advanced mathematics, physics, English (the language of all nations), psychology, sociology, politics, economics, statistics, etc etc.
3.) Majority of the Greatest Empires in History: American, British, Roman, Greek, Phoenician, etc.

1.) Largest religion on earth in Christianity and the one true way to actually receive salvation and not eternal damnation. All nations shall be blessed through us.

1.) First race to abolish slavery
2.) Created the first continent to achieve and maintain world peace between all nations in Antartica
3.) First nation to open it's boarders to any race to become a citizen and enjoy the fruits of our labors
4.) Several nations in the top 15 for lowest crime rates (Croatia, Switzerland and Iceland) These just so happen to be 3 white nations with 90%+ white people. Hmmm interesting indeed.

In conclusion, attempting to use genetic SNP variation in a highly flawed study may be the biggest cope I've ever seen to prop up the black race and disregard their 70 IQ average, having nearly 0 or close to 0 academic advancements, groundbreaking inventions to advance humanity, or any powerful empires. Before whites civilized the savages in Africa they were living in huts, hunter gathers, no Christianity just voodoo and witchcraft, no advanced medicine just witch doctors, no electricity no plumbing, eating raw animals, barefoot, damn near naked, using basic stone age tools and weapons like spears, arrows and rocks. They never had their own written language, no counting system, and never even invented the wheel. Combine that qith having the highest crime rates in nearly every country they reside in (with a population over 5% of the total population of the given country), lowest incomes, etc.

Now if you claim this is racist or not true, look no further than the black tribes that are isolated and untouched by the evil white man today. Look no further than the Sentinelese tribe. They're a black tribe that have lived on a remote Island for thousands of years. Any attempt to even talk to them and they'll shoot arrows and chuck spears at you. Even if you're injured and shipwrecked they just kill you.
They live precisely how I explained and this is their Wakanda forever. They're barefoot and damn near naked, eat raw meat, have never created fire and depend on lightning to create fire for them. They live in huts, no plumbing, electricity, no crazy flying aircrafts, kitty cat superman suits. Just spear chucking and not knowing how to count past 2. An Edomite brainwashed person will cry racist but everything I said is truth.

With the way you arrogantly presented this study it's as if you won something and you proved blacks have secret Wakanda nations out there inventing crazy things like time machines, invisible forcefields, teleportation machines, telepathy devices, immortality pills, 120+ IQ's on average, near 0 crime rates, no poverty, no homelessness, etc.

Thanks for the laughs.
White achieved through BRUTALITY AND THE GUN.

Please explain chiod prodigy "Joshua Beckford"?

Youre too low IQ or egotistical to acknowledge environmental factors in IQ.
Africa as a whole has a different history, achievements that you mentioned of the "white man" means very little in terms of inherent intelligence.

A large number of "black people" are poor. The very high number has got you very confused, due to close stereotypical and actual synonymisation with poverty.

Do you think rich black men are shooting others?
Why are the majority of white prison populations poor?

Laughable arguments, "ethics", when your history is rather the stark OPPOSITE.
So you say blacks are aggressive and violent because of high testosterone.
That was your original argument.

So are you claiming that great genetic diversity is bullshit due to sample size of thar particular study?

I'm sorry, but white peoples ethics, I mean you cannot be serious...."abolish slavery".. Clap, clap.

Every place you travelled to was a total bloodshed, Native Indians, Aboriginals.

You're obvs inferior.

The white mans inventions have led to Global warming, what is inherently wrong worth living a more natural and simple lifestyle.
Aren't white nations the most depressed nations... Enlighten me
1.) I gave a myriad of reasons for blacks high crime rate (internationally). It's not just higher than average testosterone levels. I also included low IQ's (on average as there are exceptions to the rule), lack of delaying gratification, lack of emotional control, and the list goes on. The gang/rap culture is a symptom a product of their own doing as they created the culture. The poverty is a symptom of themselves. Asians came here broke, facing racism etc yet they have the highest IQ's (lower T levels) and higher levels of salary and lowest crime rates in the nations they reside in on average. That destroys your entire narrative of being a victim to your environment right there as this is your response is that the whites oppress, steal and shoot you and that leads to your poor performance/achievements/high crime rates/low IQ's.

2.) NO, did you not read or lack basic comprehension skills? The sample size is just one aspect I noted. Also, they only use 50 sequences of 500 bp's from the SNP variations even though qe have 300 billion BP's. Also, we have no idea what those specific genes are responsible for. Qe don't know if the people tested are genetically white black or Asian or the percentages of their race/ethnicity. Saying German, Zulu, Japanese doesn't mean anything due to multiculturalism. The main reason it's bs is because the study doesn't prove anything as there's no real world examples of this high IQ black nation now or in the past, no advanced empires, no major contributions to inventions assisting humanity no academic advancements, loq crime rates, etc. If you blame qhites for civilizing the blacks qell that's a false belief since there are African tribes to this day that have been untouched by the qhite man living in isolation and they still live like savages (barefoot, huts, spear chucking, no electricity, fire, etc.) These lab studies and outlandish conclusions on your part based on small sample sizes of people that haven't verified their lineage and random small samples of BP's is qorthless. If you qould've provided me real life case studies of high IQ advanced civilizations of blacks just producing massive amounts of inventions, academic advancements, with low crime rates, etc then that would be an outstanding justification of your reasoning or historical evidence of great and powerful black empires before the colonization of the British then I'd say touché but you can't as it doesn't exist. Instead you make outlandish claims from small sample sizes of people and genetics and say boom blacks are superior. That's not just an illogical argument but absolutely insane.

3.) "I'm sorry, but white peoples ethics, I mean you cannot be serious...."abolish slavery".. Clap, clap."

I listed more than the abolishment of slavery. Whites are the first race to abolish slavery. Meanwhile the blacks in Africa are still enslaving people to this day.

1.) First race to abolish slavery
2.) Created the first continent to achieve and maintain world peace between all nations in Antartica
3.) First nation to open it's boarders to any race to become a citizen and enjoy the fruits of our labors
4.) Several nations in the top 15 for lowest crime rates (Croatia, Switzerland and Iceland) These just so happen to be 3 white nations with 90%+ white people. Hmmm interesting indeed.

So blacks have higher crime rates(more murdering, violence, raping, etc etc) (internationally)), still practice slavery to this day, etc. It's not even. Then the black tribes that are not civilized by whites they start attacking and killing foreigners yet white
e nations allow everybody to come in and become a citizen and have more help and rights than their own white people.

If anything white people are too nice and too helpful to other races. These other races just kill rape, steal, lie, cheat, etc. us as a way of thanking us for taking them in, clothing them, and giving them our technology, food, money, shelter, etc. literally give illegals 2k per month just to come here and exist and not even work.

I've never seen anyone now or ever argue that blacks are ethically and morally superior to whites. That's by far the most insane belief on these boards. Everybody on here knows the Edomites and blacks are on the bottom in terms of ethics and morals. Create a poll and it qill be Jeqs and blacks on the bottom and everybody will laugh at you bro.

Crime rate=bottom
Foreign Aid=bottom
allowing foreigners in your country and helping them=bottom
Abolishing slavery=bottom tier

It's over bro blacks are bottom barrel in every ethical category along with the Edomites (not white).
1.) I gave a myriad of reasons for blacks high crime rate (internationally). It's not just higher than average testosterone levels. I also included low IQ's (on average as there are exceptions to the rule), lack of delaying gratification, lack of emotional control, and the list goes on. The gang/rap culture is a symptom a product of their own doing as they created the culture. The poverty is a symptom of themselves. Asians came here broke, facing racism etc yet they have the highest IQ's (lower T levels) and higher levels of salary and lowest crime rates in the nations they reside in on average. That destroys your entire narrative of being a victim to your environment right there as this is your response is that the whites oppress, steal and shoot you and that leads to your poor performance/achievements/high crime rates/low IQ's.

2.) NO, did you not read or lack basic comprehension skills? The sample size is just one aspect I noted. Also, they only use 50 sequences of 500 bp's from the SNP variations even though qe have 300 billion BP's. Also, we have no idea what those specific genes are responsible for. Qe don't know if the people tested are genetically white black or Asian or the percentages of their race/ethnicity. Saying German, Zulu, Japanese doesn't mean anything due to multiculturalism. The main reason it's bs is because the study doesn't prove anything as there's no real world examples of this high IQ black nation now or in the past, no advanced empires, no major contributions to inventions assisting humanity no academic advancements, loq crime rates, etc. If you blame qhites for civilizing the blacks qell that's a false belief since there are African tribes to this day that have been untouched by the qhite man living in isolation and they still live like savages (barefoot, huts, spear chucking, no electricity, fire, etc.) These lab studies and outlandish conclusions on your part based on small sample sizes of people that haven't verified their lineage and random small samples of BP's is qorthless. If you qould've provided me real life case studies of high IQ advanced civilizations of blacks just producing massive amounts of inventions, academic advancements, with low crime rates, etc then that would be an outstanding justification of your reasoning or historical evidence of great and powerful black empires before the colonization of the British then I'd say touché but you can't as it doesn't exist. Instead you make outlandish claims from small sample sizes of people and genetics and say boom blacks are superior. That's not just an illogical argument but absolutely insane.

3.) "I'm sorry, but white peoples ethics, I mean you cannot be serious...."abolish slavery".. Clap, clap."

I listed more than the abolishment of slavery. Whites are the first race to abolish slavery. Meanwhile the blacks in Africa are still enslaving people to this day.

1.) First race to abolish slavery
2.) Created the first continent to achieve and maintain world peace between all nations in Antartica
3.) First nation to open it's boarders to any race to become a citizen and enjoy the fruits of our labors
4.) Several nations in the top 15 for lowest crime rates (Croatia, Switzerland and Iceland) These just so happen to be 3 white nations with 90%+ white people. Hmmm interesting indeed.

So blacks have higher crime rates(more murdering, violence, raping, etc etc) (internationally)), still practice slavery to this day, etc. It's not even. Then the black tribes that are not civilized by whites they start attacking and killing foreigners yet white
e nations allow everybody to come in and become a citizen and have more help and rights than their own white people.

If anything white people are too nice and too helpful to other races. These other races just kill rape, steal, lie, cheat, etc. us as a way of thanking us for taking them in, clothing them, and giving them our technology, food, money, shelter, etc. literally give illegals 2k per month just to come here and exist and not even work.

I've never seen anyone now or ever argue that blacks are ethically and morally superior to whites. That's by far the most insane belief on these boards. Everybody on here knows the Edomites and blacks are on the bottom in terms of ethics and morals. Create a poll and it qill be Jeqs and blacks on the bottom and everybody will laugh at you bro.

Crime rate=bottom
Foreign Aid=bottom
allowing foreigners in your country and helping them=bottom
Abolishing slavery=bottom tier

It's over bro blacks are bottom barrel in every ethical category along with the Edomites (not white).
Please do not ever compare the history of Asians to black americans.

They havent experienced the lengthy brutal campaign of violence, slavery and discrimination etc partially due to proximity to whiteness. Yes poverty, but you are relying on typical white supremacist arguments, with a few articles thrown in, mixed in with some facts and gibberish.

Please get a history book on "Rap culture", that stuff is fairly new. Thats a whole subject area of research.

Please research the 1994 crime bill. The 3 strike law, red lining, Jim Crow, KKK, name discrimination on CVs.

You should really just stfu and be happy to be born a white man. Your arrogance/racism will send you to hell. If you believe in that stuff lol.

After all KKK were Christians... white Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair I guess lmfao
  • +1
Reactions: Ricky212
White achieved through BRUTALITY AND THE GUN.

Please explain chiod prodigy "Joshua Beckford"?

Youre too low IQ or egotistical to acknowledge environmental factors in IQ.
Africa as a whole has a different history, achievements that you mentioned of the "white man" means very little in terms of inherent intelligence.

A large number of "black people" are poor. The very high number has got you very confused, due to close stereotypical and actual synonymisation with poverty.

Do you think rich black men are shooting others?
Why are the majority of white prison populations poor?

Laughable arguments, "ethics", when your history is rather the stark OPPOSITE.
1.) "White achieved through BRUTALITY AND THE GUN."
The best inventions and academic advancements are from the qhite man. They use their oqn brains and efforts to do this and didn't steal lie cheat or kill like the black man and their highest crime rates of any other race on earth.
"Please explain chiod prodigy "Joshua Beckford"?
I already told you there are exceptions to the rule as they're called outliers. Also, a child prodigy means nothing. It's your achievements as an adult that matter (things that advance society like advancing academics, building great nations, invennting things that help humanity, healing the sick, etc etc. This example proves your Muh whites holding you back and environment excuse. Dr. Ben Carson is a perfect example.

"Youre too low IQ or egotistical to acknowledge environmental factors in IQ."

Stop using strawman arguments. I never said Environmental factors don't play a role in IQ. Your baseline DNA is the most important factor, followed by one's own will and efforts to become successful then the environment. However, just like Dr. Ben Carson proved you can overcome even the worst environment and still be successful in life and not commit crime.
Factors that equate to a persons IQ; Rough estimates
1.) DNA: 50%-65%
2.) Own ambition, will power, efforts, mentality, etc: 20%-25%
3.) Environmental Factors: 5-10%

4.) "
Africa as a whole has a different history, achievements that you mentioned of the "white man" means very little in terms of inherent intelligence."
Show me, I'm from Missouri. ;)

5.)" Do you think rich black men are shooting others?"

There you go again blaming poverty on their crime rates. Blacks are second in poverty rates after the Natives (pretty much living off grid and separate from society). The causes of the poverty are also the main causes of their crime rates. The crime rates and poverty levels are symptoms of their IQ's, testosterone levels, culture, poor emotional control, inability to delay gratification or project into the future, etc, etc. My family was poor and lived in a poor neighborhood of white people. The crime rate was nearly 0. we didn't just start killing, raping and stealing because we were poor. we kept our doors to our house and car unlocked all the time, as kids we played outside all around the neighborhood and had no fear or risk of being taken, beaten, etc. Use your fucking brain and have some emotional control. Poverty is an excuses for the things that cause poverty. Blaming the environment is an excuse for your own laziness. Black men making bastard children and not raising their kids isn't due to poverty it's due to them not taking accountability for their actions and lust.

6.) Laughable arguments, "ethics", when your history is rather the stark OPPOSITE.

As previously stated blacks have higher crime rates(rape, murder, etc) , still own slaves at higher rates than whites, less foregin aid given, less prone to accept no n blacks into tribe/nation and become citizens and give them aid, etc etc etc.

If blacks had the ID's and creativity levels and drive of whites, the blacks would be doing what the Edomites are doing now which is mass genocide and enslavement of mankind.

Stop making excuses for everything. Use Dr. Ben Carson as an example of what can be done if you have emotional control, put in more effort to be successful in life, have a better mentality than victim mentality, have faith in YAH and lean on him for help and not gang violence, or people that are a bad influence. You and your mentality is your own worse enemy. Unfortunately, the Edomites push this mentality on you guys to make you victims, blame the white man for everything and lie about the qhite man's history to make them just look evil instead of the truth. Edomites write the history books and brainwash blacks into believing lies to destroy the Israelite Nations. It's working perfectly. You guys take the bait in the free handouts, believe in the lies told to you in the indoctrination camps and adopt the victim mentality and hate white people.

You know what that's done to the black community? It's made them worse.

Like I said the Asians, came here impoverished, mistreated, and in a poor environment. They didn't just start killing people, having high crime rates or have a victim mentality. Nope, they studied, worked in high salary professions, built families and legacy's. Yet they had vastly loqer SNP variations than the blacks in accordance qith the study you provided. That means the study you provided is invalid and has zero determination on the topics previously discussed.

There's nothing left for me to say on this matter. You'll just keep making excuses and using Edomite propaganda and blame the white man for all your problems. This mentality cripples you and the black community.
Please do not ever compare the history of Asians to black americans.

They havent experienced the lengthy brutal campaign of violence, slavery and discrimination etc partially due to proximity to whiteness. Yes poverty, but you are relying on typical white supremacist arguments, with a few articles thrown in, mixed in with some facts and gibberish.

Please get a history book on "Rap culture", that stuff is fairly new. Thats a whole subject area of research.

Please research the 1994 crime bill. The 3 strike law, red lining, Jim Crow, KKK, name discrimination on CVs.

You should really just stfu and be happy to be born a white man. Your arrogance/racism will send you to hell. If you believe in that stuff lol.

After all KKK were Christians... white Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair I guess lmfao


Asians were treated terribly as they were put in concentration camps bro. Nobody makes them out to be a victim because they're successful so that doesn't fit the Edomite brainwashing narrative.

You had lower crime rates and higher incomes during the Jim Crow days.

None of those things you listed are applicable today. In fact blacks receive more opportunities and qhites are oppressed noq. Companies and universities openly practice discriminating against white to higher lesser qualified blacks for jobs, scholarships and University acceptance and give blacks the highest level of opportunity over any other race (other than Edomites) in spite being lesser qualified. Yet they have the highest crime rates, poverty, loqest IQ's, etc of all races. So even qith all the advantages you're still dead last in all the major statistical categories. So, this should help you understand that the black victim mentality, low effort, lack of accountability, and blaming the white man for all their problems has destroyed the black community and made the community vastly worse than they were during Jim Crow Days compared to now where they're gifted with all the advantages over the whites and Asians.

Edomites push critical race theory, racism vs white, anti-white narratives, blaming the whites for all the problems, blaming white supremacism and racism for everything, discrimination against whites for jobs, scholarships and colleges and lastly being forced to accept genocide by forced immigration of the shitskins in all their nations and if they fight against this they're cancelled lose their job, called white supremacists and racist.. This is a terrible environment to live in yet the whites outperform the blacks in the previous categories mentioned. Your black privilege gifted to you by your Edomite slave masters has made your community worse.

The whites have helped the blacks out more than any other race including the blacks. Yet all the blacks do in return is rape, kill, rob, lie, cheat and blame us for their problems. Qe have given you everything, land, opportunity, advantages over our own people for jobs, scholarships and school acceptances, free money, grants, etc etc. It's never enough, you'll continue to blame us for your problems, qant more handouts and never do anything to improve society because all you do is destroy. It's all you know is to destroy white man's nations that he gives as a gift and a blessing to all other races.
Please do not ever compare the history of Asians to black americans.

They havent experienced the lengthy brutal campaign of violence, slavery and discrimination etc partially due to proximity to whiteness. Yes poverty, but you are relying on typical white supremacist arguments, with a few articles thrown in, mixed in with some facts and gibberish.

Please get a history book on "Rap culture", that stuff is fairly new. Thats a whole subject area of research.

Please research the 1994 crime bill. The 3 strike law, red lining, Jim Crow, KKK, name discrimination on CVs.

You should really just stfu and be happy to be born a white man. Your arrogance/racism will send you to hell. If you believe in that stuff lol.

After all KKK were Christians... white Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair I guess lmfao
The KKK was created by the Edomites used as propaganda against white people. You literally don't know history at all. The Edomites probably love you as their puppet slave to attack white people and push their false propaganda. Muh slavery, muh KKK.

Blacks enslaved their oqn, Edomites paid for the qith alcohol and brought them to America and were the majority of slave owners. They created the KKK and use this and other lies as propaganda against the whites to this day.
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Asians were treated terribly as they were put in concentration camps bro. Nobody makes them out to be a victim because they're successful so that doesn't fit the Edomite brainwashing narrative.

You had lower crime rates and higher incomes during the Jim Crow days.

None of those things you listed are applicable today. In fact blacks receive more opportunities and qhites are oppressed noq. Companies and universities openly practice discriminating against white to higher lesser qualified blacks for jobs, scholarships and University acceptance and give blacks the highest level of opportunity over any other race (other than Edomites) in spite being lesser qualified. Yet they have the highest crime rates, poverty, loqest IQ's, etc of all races. So even qith all the advantages you're still dead last in all the major statistical categories. So, this should help you understand that the black victim mentality, low effort, lack of accountability, and blaming the white man for all their problems has destroyed the black community and made the community vastly worse than they were during Jim Crow Days compared to now where they're gifted with all the advantages over the whites and Asians.

Edomites push critical race theory, racism vs white, anti-white narratives, blaming the whites for all the problems, blaming white supremacism and racism for everything, discrimination against whites for jobs, scholarships and colleges and lastly being forced to accept genocide by forced immigration of the shitskins in all their nations and if they fight against this they're cancelled lose their job, called white supremacists and racist.. This is a terrible environment to live in yet the whites outperform the blacks in the previous categories mentioned. Your black privilege gifted to you by your Edomite slave masters has made your community worse.

The whites have helped the blacks out more than any other race including the blacks. Yet all the blacks do in return is rape, kill, rob, lie, cheat and blame us for their problems. Qe have given you everything, land, opportunity, advantages over our own people for jobs, scholarships and school acceptances, free money, grants, etc etc. It's never enough, you'll continue to blame us for your problems, qant more handouts and never do anything to improve society because all you do is destroy. It's all you know is to destroy white man's nations that he gives as a gift and a blessing to all other races.
So black people arent discriminated in employment? Think of a name like Laqueisha or Tyrone on a resume, even african sounding names. There is prejudice before theyre even seen.
Haha youre living in a gold bubble called "smart white man".
The KKK was created by the Edomites used as propaganda against white people. You literally don't know history at all. The Edomites probably love you as their puppet slave to attack white people and push their false propaganda. Muh slavery, muh KKK.

Blacks enslaved their oqn, Edomites paid for the qith alcohol and brought them to America and were the majority of slave owners. They created the KKK and use this and other lies as propaganda against the whites to this day.
Yes youre KKK. No difference, its just that in 2024, youll be prosecuted for lynching a black man. Terrorism in your nature, due to small cock theory. Haha

White fragility
Yes youre KKK. No difference, its just that in 2024, youll be prosecuted for lynching a black man. Terrorism in your nature, due to small cock theory. Haha

White fragility
TF? KKK is Edomite created and hasn't been relevant since the 60's. It's used to push fear in the black community. The NAACP, and BLM does more damage to the black community than the KKK at this point. LOL small cock theory so that would make the Asians and mexicans the biggest terrorists on the planet then. BUAHAHAHAHAH

"White fragility" Another term created by the Edomites and you and many blacks parrot like a good slave. Their plan is qorking perfectl.

Meanwhile in Africa they're geocoding the white race and celebrating like the savages they are
So black people aren't discriminated in employment? Think of a name like Laqueisha or Tyrone on a resume, even African sounding names. There is prejudice before they're even seen.
The systemic racism against qhite people for jobs, scholarships and University acceptance that's in the policies of all fortune 500 companies, Universities, and affirmative action for government is qell documented. This gives lesser qualified blacks jobs, scholarships and acceptance into colleges over more qualified whites.

Show me the government or organizational policies that promote racism against blacks. It doesn't exists. Blacks get all the privileges but cry the loudest amongst every race on earth.

If you'd like to see what real evil looks like do some research on south Africa and how the Black Africans have been committing genocide on the whites for decades. Not only that the government and black civilians has destroyed their homes, stolen their lands, destroyed their businesses. They have forced labor laqs that all businesses must hire 75% blacks in their business.

They have rallies with hundreds of thousands of people cheering on the genocide of the whites, lead by their governments. Yet nothing is done about it. The documentary created on this qas five years ago. Since that time period virtually all qhites have been kicked out of the government and businesses and farmlands and are pushed into tiny communities. The black cities are in the worst condition they've ever been in, infrastructure is crumbling, unemployment at all time highs, Inflation up 10,000% and they're resorting to eating their pets and cannibalism due to no white farmers to feed their evil asses anymore. You see, this is what is going to happen when the shitskins become the majority in all white nations, these nations qill fall apart and it becomes legal to kill, rape, steal, oppress and enslave the whites.

These are your people committing mass genocide. Do you denounce these actions? Or is it ok since it's black people doing it to whites?

The whites in South Africa over the last several decades have it far worse than the blacks ever had it in America. Now is the time for you to speak up for this injustice. Be the change you qant to see in the world.
TF? KKK is Edomite created and hasn't been relevant since the 60's. It's used to push fear in the black community. The NAACP, and BLM does more damage to the black community than the KKK at this point. LOL small cock theory so that would make the Asians and mexicans the biggest terrorists on the planet then. BUAHAHAHAHAH

"White fragility" Another term created by the Edomites and you and many blacks parrot like a good slave. Their plan is qorking perfectl.

Meanwhile in Africa they're geocoding the white race and celebrating like the savages they are

The systemic racism against qhite people for jobs, scholarships and University acceptance that's in the policies of all fortune 500 companies, Universities, and affirmative action for government is qell documented. This gives lesser qualified blacks jobs, scholarships and acceptance into colleges over more qualified whites.

Show me the government or organizational policies that promote racism against blacks. It doesn't exists. Blacks get all the privileges but cry the loudest amongst every race on earth.

If you'd like to see what real evil looks like do some research on south Africa and how the Black Africans have been committing genocide on the whites for decades. Not only that the government and black civilians has destroyed their homes, stolen their lands, destroyed their businesses. They have forced labor laqs that all businesses must hire 75% blacks in their business.

They have rallies with hundreds of thousands of people cheering on the genocide of the whites, lead by their governments. Yet nothing is done about it. The documentary created on this qas five years ago. Since that time period virtually all qhites have been kicked out of the government and businesses and farmlands and are pushed into tiny communities. The black cities are in the worst condition they've ever been in, infrastructure is crumbling, unemployment at all time highs, Inflation up 10,000% and they're resorting to eating their pets and cannibalism due to no white farmers to feed their evil asses anymore. You see, this is what is going to happen when the shitskins become the majority in all white nations, these nations qill fall apart and it becomes legal to kill, rape, steal, oppress and enslave the whites.

These are your people committing mass genocide. Do you denounce these actions? Or is it ok since it's black people doing it to whites?

The whites in South Africa over the last several decades have it far worse than the blacks ever had it in America. Now is the time for you to speak up for this injustice. Be the change you qant to see in the world.
Lol, the whites in South Africa are the ruling class. They own businesses, have their own political party and a white only neighborhood. Yes, there are a few poor whites.
Do you know that South Africa has one the largest wealth inequalities in the world, makes the top 5 list.
Lol, whites have it too good. If blacks were psychopathic like you guys, theyd have massacred all the remaining whites as revenge.
But you ungrateful pigs, want other races to be your perpetual slaves. Lmfao, anyway Karma will meet your people someday.
Lol, the whites in South Africa are the ruling class. They own businesses, have their own political party and a white only neighborhood. Yes, there are a few poor whites.
Do you know that South Africa has one the largest wealth inequalities in the world, makes the top 5 list.
Lol, whites have it too good. If blacks were psychopathic like you guys, theyd have massacred all the remaining whites as revenge.
But you ungrateful pigs, want other races to be your perpetual slaves. Lmfao, anyway Karma will meet your people someday.
You have to be living in a fantasy qorld bro. You have 0 precetotion of reality and just believe qhat the Edomites tell you. You believe the blacks are oppressed by whites yet whites prop up blacks over whites in their own countries and give them more privileges than whites and every advantage possible yet they fail (crime rates, IQ, poverty rates, graduation rates, fatherless homes, etc) due to their own actions and mentality. Then these morons blame the whites for their incompetency because this is how the Edomites train them to think via schools, media, government, etc. Then I literally show you the worst treatment of a minority group on earth in Africa with the whites in Africa being mass murder or genocide, having their lands, businesses, homes and property stolen and destroyed. You complain about not getting jobs even though it's a policy in America to hire lesser qualified blacks over whites in America and in Africa they force a 75% to 80% all black labor force. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

That was 20 to 30 years ago bro. After the good days were ended from Communist Mondella who the Edomites suck the D of and promote him as a god just like they do to POS blacks like George Floyd.

The whites have been forced out of their homes, farms, lands and businesses. The documentary by Lauren Southern shoqs just a tiny amount of this real holocaust/genocide. You have to be pure evil or just blatantly pretending to not believe in the genocide.

Lauren Southern's documentary demonstrating the oppression and genocide of the whites in Africa due to the pure evil blacks. This is going to happen in all white Nations as they lose majority. The evil blacks are going to slaughter the whites and turn the once great nations into third world shitholes.

Here's the faggot political leader that the blacks love and root for because he calls for the complete genocide of the white race.

Kill the white race chants by your black leaders in Africa. This is what pure evil looks like.

100's of thousands of blacks jumping around and chanting for the genocide of the qhite race. This is the 3rd largest political group in South Africa and will soon be the largest.

Let's see you weasel your way out of this. What excuses and lies are you going to invent for this.

As you can see I have clearly demonstrated that not only do the blacks have the lowest IQ's, highest crime rates (international), highest levels of poverty (not due to others but due to their own mentality) and are the most morally bankrupt race behind the Edomites. The Edomites legalize their genocides so they get away with it but blacks are too low IQ so they use physical violence.
The worst thing the whites do is say no to free shit to black people and blacks act like the whites are enslaving them.

So, I ask you do you denounce the movement to genocide the white race or are you just another immoral POS that's delusional and pretending like it's not happening?

End of discussion
Lol, the whites in South Africa are the ruling class. They own businesses, have their own political party and a white only neighborhood. Yes, there are a few poor whites.
Do you know that South Africa has one the largest wealth inequalities in the world, makes the top 5 list.
Lol, whites have it too good. If blacks were psychopathic like you guys, theyd have massacred all the remaining whites as revenge.
But you ungrateful pigs, want other races to be your perpetual slaves. Lmfao, anyway Karma will meet your people someday.
mindbroken nigger babble
mindbroken nigger babble
He's either delusional, in denial or brainwashed by the Edomite Jews. The Genocide of the whites by the black Africans has been going on for decades. I showed the videos where these 100,000's thousands of these monkeys were jumping and dancing for the genocide of the white race and it's the third largest political party in South Africa and gaining more power each year. The Edomite owned media never covers this genocide. The whites businesses have all been destroyed, their farmlands stolen, gives raped or murdered and sent to live in basically ghettos. It's nearly impossible to have a job as a white person and if you do own a business it's going to be destroyed by the blacks.

Because they kicked out the superior race out of the government and out of the lands. They have no food, their infrastructure is crumbling, inflation is up to 10,000% and joblessness is at record highs. These fucking retards are literally mass geocoding the only race that was helping them out to no longer live like the savages they truly are. Go look at all the tribes that are remote and untouched by the white man. They live like complete fucking savages: Half naked, bare foot, eat ran meat, no invention of the wheel or fire, running and spear chucking for food, no electricity, no pluming, no written language or ability to count past 2 and no connection to YAH the creator.

These stupid faggots call whites evil yet the worst thing whites do to them is tell the to get a job, and no more free hand outs and the niggers act like we're enslaving them. Even Koko the gorilla has a higher IQ than the average black POS. TBH I'd rather have the gorillas living here in America than the blacks.
Hmm what did the British see when they came across Nigeria
Damn, so the elite Nigerians (smartest blacks according to most) living in mud huts like savages, enslaving people and human sacrifices. If anything the British colonization aka civilizing the savages is the best thing that ever happened to the blacks. Unfortunately, the whites are to morally superior that they allowed these monkeys to genocide us due to being afraid of being called racist. Eventually the whites are going to have to fight back or they'll all be dead.
You have to be living in a fantasy qorld bro. You have 0 precetotion of reality and just believe qhat the Edomites tell you. You believe the blacks are oppressed by whites yet whites prop up blacks over whites in their own countries and give them more privileges than whites and every advantage possible yet they fail (crime rates, IQ, poverty rates, graduation rates, fatherless homes, etc) due to their own actions and mentality. Then these morons blame the whites for their incompetency because this is how the Edomites train them to think via schools, media, government, etc. Then I literally show you the worst treatment of a minority group on earth in Africa with the whites in Africa being mass murder or genocide, having their lands, businesses, homes and property stolen and destroyed. You complain about not getting jobs even though it's a policy in America to hire lesser qualified blacks over whites in America and in Africa they force a 75% to 80% all black labor force. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

That was 20 to 30 years ago bro. After the good days were ended from Communist Mondella who the Edomites suck the D of and promote him as a god just like they do to POS blacks like George Floyd.

The whites have been forced out of their homes, farms, lands and businesses. The documentary by Lauren Southern shoqs just a tiny amount of this real holocaust/genocide. You have to be pure evil or just blatantly pretending to not believe in the genocide.

Lauren Southern's documentary demonstrating the oppression and genocide of the whites in Africa due to the pure evil blacks. This is going to happen in all white Nations as they lose majority. The evil blacks are going to slaughter the whites and turn the once great nations into third world shitholes.

Here's the faggot political leader that the blacks love and root for because he calls for the complete genocide of the white race.

Kill the white race chants by your black leaders in Africa. This is what pure evil looks like.

100's of thousands of blacks jumping around and chanting for the genocide of the qhite race. This is the 3rd largest political group in South Africa and will soon be the largest.

Let's see you weasel your way out of this. What excuses and lies are you going to invent for this.

As you can see I have clearly demonstrated that not only do the blacks have the lowest IQ's, highest crime rates (international), highest levels of poverty (not due to others but due to their own mentality) and are the most morally bankrupt race behind the Edomites. The Edomites legalize their genocides so they get away with it but blacks are too low IQ so they use physical violence.
The worst thing the whites do is say no to free shit to black people and blacks act like the whites are enslaving them.

So, I ask you do you denounce the movement to genocide the white race or are you just another immoral POS that's delusional and pretending like it's not happening?

End of discussion

Haha, I know a lot about South Africa and that man was NOT calling for Genocide although you should all be expelled permanently due to your demonic ways. White propaganda, white fear and white fragility.
He's either delusional, in denial or brainwashed by the Edomite Jews. The Genocide of the whites by the black Africans has been going on for decades. I showed the videos where these 100,000's thousands of these monkeys were jumping and dancing for the genocide of the white race and it's the third largest political party in South Africa and gaining more power each year. The Edomite owned media never covers this genocide. The whites businesses have all been destroyed, their farmlands stolen, gives raped or murdered and sent to live in basically ghettos. It's nearly impossible to have a job as a white person and if you do own a business it's going to be destroyed by the blacks.

Because they kicked out the superior race out of the government and out of the lands. They have no food, their infrastructure is crumbling, inflation is up to 10,000% and joblessness is at record highs. These fucking retards are literally mass geocoding the only race that was helping them out to no longer live like the savages they truly are. Go look at all the tribes that are remote and untouched by the white man. They live like complete fucking savages: Half naked, bare foot, eat ran meat, no invention of the wheel or fire, running and spear chucking for food, no electricity, no pluming, no written language or ability to count past 2 and no connection to YAH the creator.

These stupid faggots call whites evil yet the worst thing whites do to them is tell the to get a job, and no more free hand outs and the niggers act like we're enslaving them. Even Koko the gorilla has a higher IQ than the average black POS. TBH I'd rather have the gorillas living here in America than the blacks.
Again that's another strawman argument. I never said blacks don't have their own minds and experience or that you do need them telling you how to think or what to do. The main point is the Edomites are telling blacks how to think, act, beliefs, teach them false history, etc etc.

They write the history books control the indoctrination camps aka schools, control the puppet politicians, IMF and all central banks on earth, mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, music industry (rap culture as you eluded to earlier) etc. The one time blacks are checked or punished is if they speak the truth about the Edomites like Kanye, Kyrie, and Michael Jackson along with others. They can say anything they qant to and about the white man but not the Edomites. These are your masters and they have trained you in all your beliefs as you're perfectly parroting their ideas and their rhetoric they use to brainwash the masses to attack their main enemy the Israelites aka Caucasians.

This is the real enemy you should be concerned with but you're silent about the Edomites.
Again that's another strawman argument. I never said blacks don't have their own minds and experience or that you do need them telling you how to think or what to do. The main point is the Edomites are telling blacks how to think, act, beliefs, teach them false history, etc etc.

They write the history books control the indoctrination camps aka schools, control the puppet politicians, IMF and all central banks on earth, mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, music industry (rap culture as you eluded to earlier) etc. The one time blacks are checked or punished is if they speak the truth about the Edomites like Kanye, Kyrie, and Michael Jackson along with others. They can say anything they qant to and about the white man but not the Edomites. These are your masters and they have trained you in all your beliefs as you're perfectly parroting their ideas and their rhetoric they use to brainwash the masses to attack their main enemy the Israelites aka Caucasians.

This is the real enemy you should be concerned with but you're silent about the Edomites.

Haha, I know a lot about South Africa and that man was NOT calling for Genocide although you should all be expelled permanently due to your demonic ways. White propaganda, white fear and white fragility.

you're in complete denial as yes he's openly pushing for white Genocide and the government is damn near 100% black as you lied about the government being white. Since 1994 the whites have been kicked out of the government and mass murdered, farmland and houses stolen and businesses destroyed. You pretend like none of this has happened.

Expelled for what? civilizing the black savages? Giving them food, clean water, modern homes, electricity, advanced technology etc. etc.? Without the whites all blacks go back to being savages and having no connection to YAH.

Also, I do agree the whites should have their own nation and no shit skins. This is what Hitler tried to achieved but the Edomites wouldn't allow this to happen and spread false propaganda and fear on Germany and have done so for over 80 years now. White nations do their best with no shitskins or Edomites so I agree 100% all nations should be homogenous. The issue is the Edomites follow us and act as a parasite in our nations. Then they release toxins aka shit skins and fiat Ponzi scheme banking to slowly kill us over time. There is no escape. Qe could go to Antartica and these fucking faggots would follow us there.

you're in complete denial as yes he's openly pushing for white Genocide and the government is damn near 100% black as you lied about the government being white. Since 1994 the whites have been kicked out of the government and mass murdered, farmland and houses stolen and businesses destroyed. You pretend like none of this has happened.

Expelled for what? civilizing the black savages? Giving them food, clean water, modern homes, electricity, advanced technology etc. etc.? Without the whites all blacks go back to being savages and having no connection to YAH.

Also, I do agree the whites should have their own nation and no shit skins. This is what Hitler tried to achieved but the Edomites wouldn't allow this to happen and spread false propaganda and fear on Germany and have done so for over 80 years now. White nations do their best with no shitskins or Edomites so I agree 100% all nations should be homogenous. The issue is the Edomites follow us and act as a parasite in our nations. Then they release toxins aka shit skins and fiat Ponzi scheme banking to slowly kill us over time. There is no escape. Qe could go to Antartica and these fucking faggots would follow us there.
Economic power is what matters, please research the business landscape of South Africa. Thankyou very much.
Once again, HE DID NOT. Its purposefully misinterpreted and you believe that because deep down you know you deserve that and much worse. Lol

you're in complete denial as yes he's openly pushing for white Genocide and the government is damn near 100% black as you lied about the government being white. Since 1994 the whites have been kicked out of the government and mass murdered, farmland and houses stolen and businesses destroyed. You pretend like none of this has happened.

Expelled for what? civilizing the black savages? Giving them food, clean water, modern homes, electricity, advanced technology etc. etc.? Without the whites all blacks go back to being savages and having no connection to YAH.

Also, I do agree the whites should have their own nation and no shit skins. This is what Hitler tried to achieved but the Edomites wouldn't allow this to happen and spread false propaganda and fear on Germany and have done so for over 80 years now. White nations do their best with no shitskins or Edomites so I agree 100% all nations should be homogenous. The issue is the Edomites follow us and act as a parasite in our nations. Then they release toxins aka shit skins and fiat Ponzi scheme banking to slowly kill us over time. There is no escape. Qe could go to Antartica and these fucking faggots would follow us there.
You must be a 17 year old, following your fathers hitlerish ways. Proud son, your making your retarded lineage very proud! Good boy 👦

Where is this so called racism (made up Edomite term during the Edomite Bolshevik takeover of Russia which lead to 60 million whites being genocide. The main racism taking place in America is against whites and it's not only governmental policy to discriminate against whites for jobs, scholarships and college acceptance, they also train people to hate white people by feeding them lies and people like you believe it.

Show me one law or policy on the books that is racist against blacks. Like I said, blacks are treated better than any racial group in America (other than the Edomites aka the debt slave masters of this earth). I'll fight against any racist policy or law or business but the only thing I've seen over the last 2 decades is pure racism (via governments and businesses) and hate of the white race in America and lies about so called oppression against blacks. Nobody is oppressing them, they oppress themselves.

Ben Carson is a great example for any person. He has high ethical, moral, and educational standards. He's made amazing achievements in spite of his environment. If there is a leader for the black community it should be him as nobody is more qualified than him.

You say I can't comprehend others experiences. what experiences are you eluding to?

All you can do is bring up past shit that are things created by the Edomites (not Caucasians) to create a fantasy lie that whites oppress you now or they're evil or some other made up bs. Meanwhile you deny the Genocide of whites in south Africa by your own people. What kind of evil monster are you?
Economic power is what matters, please research the business landscape of South Africa. Thankyou very much.
Once again, HE DID NOT. Its purposefully misinterpreted and you believe that because deep down you know you deserve that and much worse. Lol
Misinterpreted qhat exactly? Sounds like you're back peddaling. They're promoting what's been happening for decades a pure genocide of the white race.

LOL economic power. So they have been kicked out of the government positions and majority of their businesses have been destroyed. They have no power at all and are on the brink of going extinct and you support this atrocity because this is in your DNA, pure evil. I never supported a genocide of any race but this is what the Edomites and blacks do.

I'll pray for you.
Misinterpreted qhat exactly? Sounds like you're back peddaling. They're promoting what's been happening for decades a pure genocide of the white race.

LOL economic power. So they have been kicked out of the government positions and majority of their businesses have been destroyed. They have no power at all and are on the brink of going extinct and you support this atrocity because this is in your DNA, pure evil. I never supported a genocide of any race but this is what the Edomites and blacks do.

I'll pray for you.
Ill vote Trump over Biden, but hate both due to policy with Israel.

Well white people have that track record, genocide, rape, lootings. Blacks havent done such a thing to you.

You should be in your knees apologising for your retarded lineage, dna, species of some kind. Most importantly donating 50% of your income to black businesses.
  • JFL
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Where is this so called racism (made up Edomite term during the Edomite Bolshevik takeover of Russia which lead to 60 million whites being genocide. The main racism taking place in America is against whites and it's not only governmental policy to discriminate against whites for jobs, scholarships and college acceptance, they also train people to hate white people by feeding them lies and people like you believe it.

Show me one law or policy on the books that is racist against blacks. Like I said, blacks are treated better than any racial group in America (other than the Edomites aka the debt slave masters of this earth). I'll fight against any racist policy or law or business but the only thing I've seen over the last 2 decades is pure racism (via governments and businesses) and hate of the white race in America and lies about so called oppression against blacks. Nobody is oppressing them, they oppress themselves.

Ben Carson is a great example for any person. He has high ethical, moral, and educational standards. He's made amazing achievements in spite of his environment. If there is a leader for the black community it should be him as nobody is more qualified than him.

You say I can't comprehend others experiences. what experiences are you eluding to?

All you can do is bring up past shit that are things created by the Edomites (not Caucasians) to create a fantasy lie that whites oppress you now or they're evil or some other made up bs. Meanwhile you deny the Genocide of whites in south Africa by your own people. What kind of evil monster are you?
You ask "where is the racism", because youre fucking WHITE!!. Moron!!!!

Who the fuck cares about being called the n word, when you are denied top positions. Only getting jobs at warehouses. Being talked down upon a daily basis. Assumed to be dumb and lazy.

You wouldnt even stand a month in a "shitskins" shoes. We're not talking privileged black celebs or politicians. Just your average black joe, not too poor not too rich relative to black demographic in America.
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  • JFL
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You ask "where is the racism", because youre fucking WHITE!!. Moron!!!!

Who the fuck cares about being called the n word, when you are denied top positions. Only getting jobs at warehouses. Being talked down upon a daily basis. Assumed to be dumb and lazy.

You wouldnt even stand a month in a "shitskins" shoes. We're not talking privileged black celebs or politicians. Just your average black joe, not too poor not too rich relative to black demographic in America.
It's irrelevant what my race is. I can acknowledge racism if I see it and it doesn't matter if the race is black, white, red, purple or pink.

For example, the Edomites are occupying, geocoding and oppressing Palestinians. This is clear and obvious and far beyond so called racism but just pure evil.

I asked you for racism and you give me assumed dumb and lazy. That's hardly anything at all. I'm talking about genocide, enslavement, theft of land and property. You're qorried about qhat people think or say to you. That's pathetic bro. Stop letting other people's thoughts or qords affect you. If somebody calls me a cracker I'm not going to cry like a bitch. If somebody has a negative stereotype of me because I'm white I'll attempt to prove them wrong and not bitch about it.

There's a reason for those stereotypes and the US is multicultural so it's not just whites who have those stereotypes of blacks it's all other races.

I'd be Kang of the shitskins as they have life on easy mode in America. The mentality to have is the same one your boy Dr. Ben Carson had. Free education just for being black, getting accepted to colleges and jobs over more qualified whites. Also the Edomites push the blacks as the superior race on TV, movies, media, etc. This is a cake walk bro. Your perception of reality has been wrapped by your Edomite slave masters. You believe you're still a slave and oppressed yet all you can reference to this so called oppression is your belief that people talk down to you or blacks and or assume you're dumb or lazy due to being black. That's embarrassing and I'd be a loser too if I had that mentality. I had to earn everything I've achieved in life. I didn't have a single hand out, I didn't come from wealth. I'm still waiting for

n my personal life I give each person a chance to earn respect from me no matter their race or sex. Sure, the stereotypes are correct sometimes but not all the time which is why I give everybody a chance to earn my respect and or friendship. That doesn't mean I do not acknowledge the statistics and facts of each race. If I had the mentality of caring about what other people say or think about me I'd either be a bum or have killed myself by now. The only judge of me is YAH. That's the only opinion of us that matters. I don't let other people's thoughts or words control me.
It's irrelevant what my race is. I can acknowledge racism if I see it and it doesn't matter if the race is black, white, red, purple or pink.

For example, the Edomites are occupying, geocoding and oppressing Palestinians. This is clear and obvious and far beyond so called racism but just pure evil.

I asked you for racism and you give me assumed dumb and lazy. That's hardly anything at all. I'm talking about genocide, enslavement, theft of land and property. You're qorried about qhat people think or say to you. That's pathetic bro. Stop letting other people's thoughts or qords affect you. If somebody calls me a cracker I'm not going to cry like a bitch. If somebody has a negative stereotype of me because I'm white I'll attempt to prove them wrong and not bitch about it.

There's a reason for those stereotypes and the US is multicultural so it's not just whites who have those stereotypes of blacks it's all other races.

I'd be Kang of the shitskins as they have life on easy mode in America. The mentality to have is the same one your boy Dr. Ben Carson had. Free education just for being black, getting accepted to colleges and jobs over more qualified whites. Also the Edomites push the blacks as the superior race on TV, movies, media, etc. This is a cake walk bro. Your perception of reality has been wrapped by your Edomite slave masters. You believe you're still a slave and oppressed yet all you can reference to this so called oppression is your belief that people talk down to you or blacks and or assume you're dumb or lazy due to being black. That's embarrassing and I'd be a loser too if I had that mentality. I had to earn everything I've achieved in life. I didn't have a single hand out, I didn't come from wealth. I'm still waiting for

n my personal life I give each person a chance to earn respect from me no matter their race or sex. Sure, the stereotypes are correct sometimes but not all the time which is why I give everybody a chance to earn my respect and or friendship. That doesn't mean I do not acknowledge the statistics and facts of each race. If I had the mentality of caring about what other people say or think about me I'd either be a bum or have killed myself by now. The only judge of me is YAH. That's the only opinion of us that matters. I don't let other people's thoughts or words control me.
Economic oppression is what is happening to black people, you must be aware of "Maslow's hierarchy" of needs, basic needs arent even being met, let alone the ones higher up in the pyramid.
Yes Israel supporters are psychopathic or plain ignorant.
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Economic oppression is what is happening to black people, you must be aware of "Maslow's hierarchy" of needs, basic needs arent even being met, let alone the ones higher up in the pyramid.
Yes Israel supporters are psychopathic or plain ignorant.

Even the basic needs can be met qithout actually having any of those things through various techniques like the Qhim Hof method and breatharianism. But that's a different topic.

As for the needs being met, what needs are not provided to the blacks compared to all other races say in America?
What evidence is there for this with statistics?
Can you link the stats to government policies that are causing blacks to not attain these needs?
-Slavery in America ended over 150 years ago
-segregation over 80 years ago (now the Edomites are creating black only places and businesses to pander to the blacks.
-Red lining ended many decades ago
-Affirmative action and business policies give major benefits and advantages for scholarships, colleges and jobs for blacks over more qualified whites.

All those needs are supposed to be met by you as you have complete freedom to do whatever you desire (job, business, school, trade, etc). Nobody has to feed you, give you shelter, cloth you, keep you warm.

Like I said the blacks have all the advantages in the world in the US and the only one's holding them back is their own mentality and or work ethic. Even if you're poor that's no excuse to start robbing, killing and raping people. The whites in South Africa are in extreme Poverty yet aren't out mass killing and raping people like blacks in America. That's a damn excuse. Take accountability, don't believe in the Edomite rhetoric that the white man is oppressing you. If there is anyone oppressing the blacks it's the Edomites how give them all these handouts, affirmative action, tell them to believe they're oppressed by the white man, pay them to destroy the white man's Nations and breed them out of existence. If anything, you should be attacking them not the white man. Then we have a common enemy.

Lastly, if it's so bad in America. Qhy are all the shitskins coming here and why don't they just leave. If white people are so bad and evil and it's just so difficult to live here then why not go to Mother Africa? Are you racist against your own people?

If it were up to me I'd agree with Reparations for all black people (1% or greater black DNA) since the Edomites brought you here then Africans should have the right to be given $100,000 for each Black person and be gifted Israel since it was the Edomites that brought you here. The money should come from Israel too. I believe this is the best solution. No more evil white man to blame for your problems, you have sufficient money and land to do whatever you desire and rulers of your own new country. You have nobody to blame now but yourself. BOOM this solves everything. Lets start this movement now.
View attachment 2898181

Even the basic needs can be met qithout actually having any of those things through various techniques like the Qhim Hof method and breatharianism. But that's a different topic.

As for the needs being met, what needs are not provided to the blacks compared to all other races say in America?
What evidence is there for this with statistics?
Can you link the stats to government policies that are causing blacks to not attain these needs?
-Slavery in America ended over 150 years ago
-segregation over 80 years ago (now the Edomites are creating black only places and businesses to pander to the blacks.
-Red lining ended many decades ago
-Affirmative action and business policies give major benefits and advantages for scholarships, colleges and jobs for blacks over more qualified whites.

All those needs are supposed to be met by you as you have complete freedom to do whatever you desire (job, business, school, trade, etc). Nobody has to feed you, give you shelter, cloth you, keep you warm.

Like I said the blacks have all the advantages in the world in the US and the only one's holding them back is their own mentality and or work ethic. Even if you're poor that's no excuse to start robbing, killing and raping people. The whites in South Africa are in extreme Poverty yet aren't out mass killing and raping people like blacks in America. That's a damn excuse. Take accountability, don't believe in the Edomite rhetoric that the white man is oppressing you. If there is anyone oppressing the blacks it's the Edomites how give them all these handouts, affirmative action, tell them to believe they're oppressed by the white man, pay them to destroy the white man's Nations and breed them out of existence. If anything, you should be attacking them not the white man. Then we have a common enemy.

Lastly, if it's so bad in America. Qhy are all the shitskins coming here and why don't they just leave. If white people are so bad and evil and it's just so difficult to live here then why not go to Mother Africa? Are you racist against your own people?

If it were up to me I'd agree with Reparations for all black people (1% or greater black DNA) since the Edomites brought you here then Africans should have the right to be given $100,000 for each Black person and be gifted Israel since it was the Edomites that brought you here. The money should come from Israel too. I believe this is the best solution. No more evil white man to blame for your problems, you have sufficient money and land to do whatever you desire and rulers of your own new country. You have nobody to blame now but youtherself. BOOM this solves everything. Lets start this movement now.
Security and safety. Last to hired, first to be fired.
Double consciousness.
Economic disadvantages and stereotypes leading to infavourable treatment thus outcomes.
1.)Ahmaud Arbery?
2.)The teen with the skittles, got murdered by neighborhood watch as they assumed he was suspicious.
3.)Or the black teen, injected with ketamine by paramedics instructed by the police and died, he had a facemask on due to illness on and they assumed the worst and murdered him too.
4) Millions more
5.) A black applicant changed name and details and got job interviews
6.)A white person enquired about the same rental property and suddenly it was available despite denying the black person prior despite because it was "taken".
7.)Home value appraisals reduced when homeowners are black.
  • +1
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View attachment 2898181

Even the basic needs can be met qithout actually having any of those things through various techniques like the Qhim Hof method and breatharianism. But that's a different topic.

As for the needs being met, what needs are not provided to the blacks compared to all other races say in America?
What evidence is there for this with statistics?
Can you link the stats to government policies that are causing blacks to not attain these needs?
-Slavery in America ended over 150 years ago
-segregation over 80 years ago (now the Edomites are creating black only places and businesses to pander to the blacks.
-Red lining ended many decades ago
-Affirmative action and business policies give major benefits and advantages for scholarships, colleges and jobs for blacks over more qualified whites.

All those needs are supposed to be met by you as you have complete freedom to do whatever you desire (job, business, school, trade, etc). Nobody has to feed you, give you shelter, cloth you, keep you warm.

Like I said the blacks have all the advantages in the world in the US and the only one's holding them back is their own mentality and or work ethic. Even if you're poor that's no excuse to start robbing, killing and raping people. The whites in South Africa are in extreme Poverty yet aren't out mass killing and raping people like blacks in America. That's a damn excuse. Take accountability, don't believe in the Edomite rhetoric that the white man is oppressing you. If there is anyone oppressing the blacks it's the Edomites how give them all these handouts, affirmative action, tell them to believe they're oppressed by the white man, pay them to destroy the white man's Nations and breed them out of existence. If anything, you should be attacking them not the white man. Then we have a common enemy.

Lastly, if it's so bad in America. Qhy are all the shitskins coming here and why don't they just leave. If white people are so bad and evil and it's just so difficult to live here then why not go to Mother Africa? Are you racist against your own people?

If it were up to me I'd agree with Reparations for all black people (1% or greater black DNA) since the Edomites brought you here then Africans should have the right to be given $100,000 for each Black person and be gifted Israel since it was the Edomites that brought you here. The money should come from Israel too. I believe this is the best solution. No more evil white man to blame for your problems, you have sufficient money and land to do whatever you desire and rulers of your own new country. You have nobody to blame now but yourself. BOOM this solves everything. Lets start this movement now.
  • +1
Reactions: barettrealrx
Security and safety. Last to hired, first to be fired.
Double consciousness.
Economic disadvantages and stereotypes leading to infavourable treatment thus outcomes.
1.)Ahmaud Arbery?
2.)The teen with the skittles, got murdered by neighborhood watch as they assumed he was suspicious.
3.)Or the black teen, injected with ketamine by paramedics instructed by the police and died, he had a facemask on due to illness on and they assumed the worst and murdered him too.
4) Millions more
5.) A black applicant changed name and details and got job interviews
6.)A white person enquired about the same rental property and suddenly it was available despite denying the black person prior despite because it was "taken".
7.)Home value appraisals reduced when homeowners are black.
1.) That's a claim with nothing to back it up. You have no companies or governments forcing companies to hire lesser qualified whites over blacks instead it's the opposite. This is all in the name of DIEversity which means less white people.
2.) Stereotypes are going to happen no matter what you do and this is a multicultural country and the whites are going to be the minority soon. This means all races even the blacks could be stereotyping their own people. It's for a reason too. So even if you could pull something out of your ass even though companies and governments have policies in place to force hire blacks, there's not much you can do about stereotyping unless you just have a quota for all businesses to force them to hire 80% blacks like South Africa and if they don't you shut down their business permanently. LOL that's probably the least fair thing to do is forced equality. There's an equal opportunity for everyone and you're leaving out things like experience, education, achievements, etc. You automatically assume if someone doesn't get a job it's because they're black.

3.) LOL innocent skittles boy as the media portrayed. Unfortunately most if not all those cases pushed on the mainstream media (EDOMITES slave masters own 96% of the mainstream media so they tell you what to think and believe and they got you good). For example the Skittles dude was a fucking grown as nigga. Dude was taller than the dude who killed him in self defense and he was nearly 18 years old. This security guard was not white he was Hispanic and had a youth program for black kids so he could tutor them. He qas doing his job as Skittle bitch wasn't supposed to be there and he got pissed off so made threats to the Hispanic dude and then eventually punched him right in the damn face. There were multiple witnesses that seen this shit but the media lied to get the blacks pissed off and think white cops are just out to kill innocent blacks for no reason. It's all a lie. I researched all of these cases, watched the testimonies, the court cases, witness statements, etc etc. The only one that was legit was the 12 year old black kid that pointed an all black airsoft gun at a cop and the cop killed him thinking it was real. In the end if you do actual research you'll find nearly all these are lies by the Edomite mainstream media and the blacks qere the aggressors and armed. STOP BELIEVING THE EDOMITE OQNED MEDIA BRO. TF???

4.) It turns out more whites are murdered by cops and specifically black cops than blacks are murdered by cops. This qas proven by a black Harvard professor who expected the opposite as he believed the mainstream narrative and was shocked at his findings. There are thousands more whites being killed than blacks by cops yet it's never EVER on the mainstream media. One white kid qas killed by a black cop because of his bumper sticker and this cop was known for being racist to whites. The people gave the story to the media but they never covered it and NEVER COVER ANY OF THEM. Try looking up on YouTube any stories of black cops killing the white victims and see if the mainstream media covered it. You will not find it. Meanwhile there was one year where cops only killed 2 blacks and the media ran the story for months to promote more hatred of whites. After these incidents the dumb blacks start burning doqn and robbing the cities these things happened in. Many of the businesses are black businesses.

5.) The main thing oppressing blacks is black mentality, believing the mainstream media/government narratives, blacks killing and robbing other blacks and blacks destroying black businesses. Your own people and own brains are the reason for high poverty, high crime rates, low IQ's, etc.

6.) Home appraisals being lowered help lower your property taxes so they're doing you a favor. BLACK privilege. The main values for selling your home are based on algorithms that don't take into account the owners.

7.) HAHAHA, anecdotal claims again for jobs. Shit, I bet I could apply to 100 fortune 500 companies qith a virtually identical resume but change my name to a black name and I'll get a ton of interviews. Fortune 500 companies openly hire lesser qualified blacks over whites for DIEversity.

In conclusion whites are being discriminated against for jobs, scholarships and college acceptance (affirmative action and this is being replaced with companies hiring based on die varsity quotas. The cops murder them at vastly higher rates according to the Harvard study done by a black professor who thought the blacks were murdered at higher rates. NOPE, cops use kiddy gloves with blacks as they're afraid of losing their job due to the lamestream media lying. Blacks could stab the cops and if the cop kills a black the media will get that person fired or imprisoned with fake news.

Racist communist party gets S and P 100 corporations to hire 300k people and 94% are black.

Whites hire more blacks at a higher percentage than any other minority group other than black employers.
Black employers hire blacks at a 50% rate yet are only 13% of the population. Are you going to complain about the whites and other minorities being racially profiled by black employers? https://www.irp.wisc.edu/publications/dps/pdfs/dp123601.pdf

This is supposed to be the whites country yet they're discriminated against more so than any other race in their own damn country.
The thing is, if whites stand up for their rights and speak out, the mainstream media calls them racist, neo nazis, supremacists and they lose their jobs, careers, cancelled, harassed, death threats, etc. There can be no Martin Luther King for us because speaking out for our rights is illegal or at best laughed at and mocked because everybody believes the Edomites in white privilege, white fragility, white guilt, and being anti-white overall. This is openly taught in schools and by the media and you've fallen for it hook line and sinker.
View attachment 2892375

this is considered white in muttmerica
Look at the nose, that's what dedicating yourself to MMA as a lifestyle does

Do not practice martial arts that damage your face if you do not want to suffer a brutal descent

Do Jiu-Jitsu
  • JFL
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1.) That's a claim with nothing to back it up. You have no companies or governments forcing companies to hire lesser qualified whites over blacks instead it's the opposite. This is all in the name of DIEversity which means less white people.
2.) Stereotypes are going to happen no matter what you do and this is a multicultural country and the whites are going to be the minority soon. This means all races even the blacks could be stereotyping their own people. It's for a reason too. So even if you could pull something out of your ass even though companies and governments have policies in place to force hire blacks, there's not much you can do about stereotyping unless you just have a quota for all businesses to force them to hire 80% blacks like South Africa and if they don't you shut down their business permanently. LOL that's probably the least fair thing to do is forced equality. There's an equal opportunity for everyone and you're leaving out things like experience, education, achievements, etc. You automatically assume if someone doesn't get a job it's because they're black.

3.) LOL innocent skittles boy as the media portrayed. Unfortunately most if not all those cases pushed on the mainstream media (EDOMITES slave masters own 96% of the mainstream media so they tell you what to think and believe and they got you good). For example the Skittles dude was a fucking grown as nigga. Dude was taller than the dude who killed him in self defense and he was nearly 18 years old. This security guard was not white he was Hispanic and had a youth program for black kids so he could tutor them. He qas doing his job as Skittle bitch wasn't supposed to be there and he got pissed off so made threats to the Hispanic dude and then eventually punched him right in the damn face. There were multiple witnesses that seen this shit but the media lied to get the blacks pissed off and think white cops are just out to kill innocent blacks for no reason. It's all a lie. I researched all of these cases, watched the testimonies, the court cases, witness statements, etc etc. The only one that was legit was the 12 year old black kid that pointed an all black airsoft gun at a cop and the cop killed him thinking it was real. In the end if you do actual research you'll find nearly all these are lies by the Edomite mainstream media and the blacks qere the aggressors and armed. STOP BELIEVING THE EDOMITE OQNED MEDIA BRO. TF???

4.) It turns out more whites are murdered by cops and specifically black cops than blacks are murdered by cops. This qas proven by a black Harvard professor who expected the opposite as he believed the mainstream narrative and was shocked at his findings. There are thousands more whites being killed than blacks by cops yet it's never EVER on the mainstream media. One white kid qas killed by a black cop because of his bumper sticker and this cop was known for being racist to whites. The people gave the story to the media but they never covered it and NEVER COVER ANY OF THEM. Try looking up on YouTube any stories of black cops killing the white victims and see if the mainstream media covered it. You will not find it. Meanwhile there was one year where cops only killed 2 blacks and the media ran the story for months to promote more hatred of whites. After these incidents the dumb blacks start burning doqn and robbing the cities these things happened in. Many of the businesses are black businesses.

5.) The main thing oppressing blacks is black mentality, believing the mainstream media/government narratives, blacks killing and robbing other blacks and blacks destroying black businesses. Your own people and own brains are the reason for high poverty, high crime rates, low IQ's, etc.

6.) Home appraisals being lowered help lower your property taxes so they're doing you a favor. BLACK privilege. The main values for selling your home are based on algorithms that don't take into account the owners.

7.) HAHAHA, anecdotal claims again for jobs. Shit, I bet I could apply to 100 fortune 500 companies qith a virtually identical resume but change my name to a black name and I'll get a ton of interviews. Fortune 500 companies openly hire lesser qualified blacks over whites for DIEversity.

In conclusion whites are being discriminated against for jobs, scholarships and college acceptance (affirmative action and this is being replaced with companies hiring based on die varsity quotas. The cops murder them at vastly higher rates according to the Harvard study done by a black professor who thought the blacks were murdered at higher rates. NOPE, cops use kiddy gloves with blacks as they're afraid of losing their job due to the lamestream media lying. Blacks could stab the cops and if the cop kills a black the media will get that person fired or imprisoned with fake news.

Racist communist party gets S and P 100 corporations to hire 300k people and 94% are black.

Whites hire more blacks at a higher percentage than any other minority group other than black employers.
Black employers hire blacks at a 50% rate yet are only 13% of the population. Are you going to complain about the whites and other minorities being racially profiled by black employers? https://www.irp.wisc.edu/publications/dps/pdfs/dp123601.pdf

This is supposed to be the whites country yet they're discriminated against more so than any other race in their own damn country.
The thing is, if whites stand up for their rights and speak out, the mainstream media calls them racist, neo nazis, supremacists and they lose their jobs, careers, cancelled, harassed, death threats, etc. There can be no Martin Luther King for us because speaking out for our rights is illegal or at best laughed at and mocked because everybody believes the Edomites in white privilege, white fragility, white guilt, and being anti-white overall. This is openly taught in schools and by the media and you've fallen for it hook line and sinker.
More whites are murdered by cops, have you adjusted for demographics size???

I bet NOT 👎
  • +1
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