why don't leftists learn? megathread

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lefty enjoys an rna event(random nigger attack), courtesy of his voting habits and support for muh multiculturalism and dieversity policies

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lefty retard gives egalitarianism/race blindness a try and finds out niggers are in fact, niggers :forcedsmile:

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you're so braindead. imagine unironically watching right-wing youtubers. you must have been bullied by blacks for this to happen
"how dare you watch something other than state approved npc propaganda and cat videos!"

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mouthbreathing lefty moron went from angry to happy once she learns it wasn't white people who burgled her home, but shitskins enabled by the policies she supported :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

that's what they teach in right-wing propaganda
muh right wing. imagine thinking anyone and anything that doesn't espouse or subscribe to your retarded communist fuckwit ideology is muh right wing :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::feelsree:
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muh right wing. imagine thinking anyone and anything that doesn't espouse or subscribe to your retarded communist fuckwit ideology is muh right wing :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::feelsree:
You are a sheep!
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mouthbreathing lefty moron went from angry to happy once she learns it wasn't white people who burgled her home, but shitskins enabled by the policies she supported :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:


No way this guy watches breadtubers for his political views 😭😭😭

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No way this guy watches breadtubers for his political views 😭😭😭

as if dumb motherfuckers like you get your views from anything other state propaganda and corporate media

i don't watch breadtubers for my views, the algorithm simply promotes their content to me because it aligns with my existing politics.

but who cares where these stories of lefties getting btfo comes from? obviously lefty sources aren't going to post their l's. the important thing is that it's happening and they are suffering :forcedsmile:
At the end of the day who really won, not who lost, but the winner, think about it and get back to me.
i win by laughing at these seething retards getting themselves killed :forcedsmile:
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as if dumb motherfuckers like you get your views from anything other state propaganda and corporate media
No one on this site is leftist u retard its a bunch of incels. Your just corny asf no one cares
i win by laughing at these seething retards getting themselves killed :forcedsmile:
Ahahaha mega cope, that girl gave her body to a bunch of niggers and you know that there will be hundreds more just like her even after shit like this goes down. "Why dont leftists learn" Your seething hard by that title. Just accept it and move on lol
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No one on this site is leftist u retard its a bunch of incels. Your just corny asf no one cares
"i'm not lefty, i just seethe and cope anytime someone posts them getting btfo" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Ahahaha mega cope, that girl gave her body to a bunch of niggers and you know that there will be hundreds more just like her even after shit like this goes down. "Why dont leftists learn" Your seething hard by that title. Just accept it and move on lol
look at the dating statistics between races, they're a very small proportion of the population, even with ll the propaganda helping nigs, their smv is still subterranean, and it's good that they keep getting btfo because eventually it'll lead to only people with resistance to propaganda breeding, all the lefties dying and going anti natalist, and thus a cessation of people willing to continue maintaining the spic nig cycle. collapse followed by day of the rope :love::love::love:

rural white parochial christian conservatives keep breeding, liberal hipster leftists keep dying and sterilizing themselves, what are you going to do about it, black man, when the welfare stops? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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the left: cancel culture is good, it helps weed out NAZIS! and deprives them of job opportunities and social support. these jewish owned and financed megacorporations are our friends!

how it's going:

If the right wing took over, you would all be executed or put into forced labor camps. The political right does not countenance dysgenic neets.
If the right wing took over, you would all be executed or put into forced labor camps. The political right does not countenance dysgenic neets.
being n337 is protest against taxation without representation, inflation, the banking system. it is not a reflection of actual ability. why would anyone voluntarily chose to reward a system with their time and labor that punishes them and only benefits parasites? the smart thing would be to pit the system against itself. ie go n337 and bet against fiat using bitcoin.

also your popular understand of "right wing" come from national socialists who have more in common with communists than the modern american right. most of you normies are still a decade behind in your gestalt understanding of politics and culture. if the right wing took over, we would simply have america circa 1950 and people would have a reason to pay taxes and contribute to society. while the left would still be worthless parasites.
all leftists are already marxists, they vote and support the same things, they just won't call themselves that because they ((((understand))) that americans won't tolerate their commie asses
Just no
Go talk to more diverse people buddy

The way u describe groups is way off, u learn politics from the internet just like the leftists u are attacking
Go talk to more diverse people buddy

The way u describe groups is way off, u learn politics from the internet just like the leftists u are attacking
wrong. my understanding is just more advanced. i know too much. you people's understanding of politics is still stuck on page 100 of the poli sci textbook you read in school that was written in 1970
wrong. my understanding is just more advanced. i know too much. you people's understanding of politics is still stuck on page 100 of the poli sci textbook you read in school that was written in 1970
The only people who opinions sound credible and linked to the real world is those who interact with many diverse people. Thats how you earn the right to describe them buddy, i see through the mental masturbation ur doing muh advanced knowledge this is the true copy paste descriptions ur giving
being n337 is protest against taxation without representation, inflation, the banking system. it is not a reflection of actual ability. why would anyone voluntarily chose to reward a system with their time and labor that punishes them and only benefits parasites? the smart thing would be to pit the system against itself. ie go n337 and bet against fiat using bitcoin.

also your popular understand of "right wing" come from national socialists who have more in common with communists than the modern american right. most of you normies are still a decade behind in your gestalt understanding of politics and culture. if the right wing took over, we would simply have america circa 1950 and people would have a reason to pay taxes and contribute to society. while the left would still be worthless parasites.
I wish I was stupid enough to believe that all my failures in life are a "protest" against society -- and not just simply inability. I really wish I could drill a hole in my brain and make myself believe that. I'm also envious that you can believe that simple down-the-middle social conservatism would solve all your problems. It must be nice having such a simple and retarded worldview. There's something soothing about forgetting about all the complexity of politics, economics, social policy, my own abilities and life history. Then you can just make up whatever fairy tale that feels good. Must be nice.
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how can you not laugh at this? :forcedsmile:

sympathy/sympathetic behavior towards those who want to destroy you is for morons
I wish I was stupid enough to believe that all my failures in life are a "protest" against society -- and not just simply inability. I really wish I could drill a hole in my brain and make myself believe that. I'm also envious that you can believe that simple down-the-middle social conservatism would solve all your problems. It must be nice having such a simple and retarded worldview. There's something soothing about forgetting about all the complexity of politics, economics, social policy, my own abilities and life history. Then you can just make up whatever fairy tale that feels good. Must be nice.
if society was meritocratic instead of communistic, i'd have no problem supporting such a system. as it is right now, supporting it through my labor and investment would be going against my own interests. i'm sorry you're simply not advanced/complex enough to comprehend this. also, i blame nothing in the outcome of my life on society, all of it is by my choice. obviously. just saying that the way it is arranged now makes my participation completely counterproductive to my interests
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if society was meritocratic instead of communistic, i'd have no problem supporting such a system. as it is right now, supporting it through my labor and investment would be going against my own interests. i'm sorry you're simply not advanced/complex enough to comprehend this. also, i blame nothing in the outcome of my life on society, all of it is by my choice. obviously. just saying that the way it is arranged now makes my participation completely counterproductive to my interests
I could be president of the United States, but I choose not to be. Doesn't align with my values. You probably can't comprehend this, but some people choose to follow their values.
in an insane society, sanity requires its rejection. i knew from very early on that the conventional path of education and wageslavery was a scam, but i was willing to accept that it was for the good of the whole of society, to maintain the civilization and conveniences we enjoy.

however, in a society that values dei, parasitism, the destruction of the good and beautiful, and the deification of faggotry and perverseness, all the while actively and scornfully opposing the interest of the citizen, means the contract has been broken, and "success" under such conditions depends on how much you are willing to endure(or in some cases enjoy) taking it up the ass.

i am too raw for your present paradigm, but you will learn soon enough, you can't keep your head in the sane forever. 2030 :blackpill:
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egalitarian normie lawyer thought he could defuse a nigger moment by commiserating with the feral, but he forgot it wasn't a courthouse, the nigger isn't in chains, and there's no bailiff around :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

So you're racist and a homophobe. got it
Just a few bad apples
i want you to lookup the average black iq and racial violent crime statistics

germany actually had a similar problem with another group of people


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I hope the leftists will be the first to walk into Auschwitz when it re-opens :popcorn:
Sometimes makes you think if the western left focusing so much on gender/race/sexuality identity pliticsybs instead of the core (wealth inequality and workers rights) is a distraction policy implanted externally to make them toothless weak whiners and not being any real treat to the system.
they are trustfundcels who don't work so they don't have to worry about wealth inequality or workers rights. only a very privileged and struggle free existence allows one to care about pronouns
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this video is a gem
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Because they have agenda to push and live in gatekept communities themselves. protected by cops
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