any suicide forums out there?

Whatever that is, so guiding me is the same as me just sitting at my home not giving in this lust. Im already doing that
you know by Guiding you God doesn't literally points his finger to the way you need to walk in life but rather he gives you ladders and chances in life to make it work
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you know by Guiding you God doesn't literally points his finger to the way you need to walk in life but rather he gives you ladders and chances in life to make it work
giving a chance to an autist doesnt always works im just too retarded no need for a retard like me to live :lul:
Not trying to insult your belief, because imo if you can genuinely delude yourself into believing religion, you most likely will live a better life, and from a mathematical perspective it is smart to believe in god, but like I said I just can’t bring myself to it, I’ve tried to genuinely believe, but it just doesn’t make any sense to me, it’s paradoxical it’s made up, I’m not even talking about Christianity, but the whole idea of a deity as a whole, Christianity I have other issues with.
Many people were like that, and one day they saw Christ in their sleep, and that was their turning point.

You just have to wait, and the Holy Spirit will do its job. Stay openhearted; maybe instead of not believing in God, become more of an agnostic that will be first baby steps to the gates of heaven. Question yourself, Why do you believe God doesn't exist?
Watch videos about these big bang theories and all these theories that atheist physicians are trying to prove or watch some fascinating things for example
bees having Incredible sense of communication in hive and how they work like spinning clock or that one theory about the space that tells you something requires so much precision that if it was just a little bit off the whole universe would collapse into itself or something and all this stuff to better evaluate your questions.
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giving a chance to an autist doesnt always works im just too retarded no need for a retard like me to live :lul:
Matthew 6:25-27: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
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Many people were like that, and one day they saw Christ in their sleep, and that was their turning point.

You just have to wait, and the Holy Spirit will do its job. Stay openhearted; maybe instead of not believing in God, become more of an agnostic that will be first baby steps to the gates of heaven. Question yourself, Why do you believe God doesn't exist?
Watch videos about these big bang theories and all these theories that atheist physicians are trying to prove or watch some fascinating things for example
bees having Incredible sense of communication in hive and how they work like spinning clock or that one theory about the space that tells you something requires so much precision that if it was just a little bit off the whole universe would collapse into itself or something and all this stuff to better evaluate your questions.
Read the thread that @thebuffdon690 made, he pretty much covered 80% of the reasoning as to why
Read the thread that @thebuffdon690 made, he pretty much covered 80% of the reasoning as to why
He got debunked by an enemy of mine
Read the thread that @thebuffdon690 made, he pretty much covered 80% of the reasoning as to why
I just told you what I had to say the rest is up to you. God can't be proven nor disproven
  • Romans 8:9:"If you have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit." (NIV)
    • 1 Corinthians 3:16:"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own;" (NIV)
Read the thread that @thebuffdon690 made, he pretty much covered 80% of the reasoning as to why
It’s crazy how some people just can’t come to the idea of god not existing, weak minded individuals. The evidence points towards gods non existence than the opposite
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I just told you what I had to say the rest is up to you. God can't be proven nor disproven
  • Romans 8:9:"If you have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit." (NIV)
I don’t like this argument strategy of “well you can’t prove it wrong or right so it must be this way” you can still have intellectual discussion in regards to the matter
It’s crazy how some people just can’t come to the idea of god not existing, weak minded individuals. The evidence points towards gods non existence than the opposite
Someone I was talking to once summed this up perfectly in one sentence “humans are very arrogant pond scum, who want to feel special” humans want to believe in a God because it makes it seem like we have more of a purpose than just to live, shit and reproduce
Someone I was talking to once summed this up perfectly in one sentence “humans are very arrogant pond scum, who want to feel special” humans want to believe in a God because it makes it seem like we have more of a purpose than just to live, shit and reproduce
For the longest time humans thought we were at the centre of the universe as well
I don’t like this argument strategy of “well you can’t prove it wrong or right so it must be this way” you can still have intellectual discussion in regards to the matter
Don't know what to tell you dude what kind of intellectual discussion you need when the topic can never ben proven nor disproven
I made some points atheists can't even figure out which of their theories are correct and are rotting their brains out thinking about the solution while the solution is at their FEET.
Someone I was talking to once summed this up perfectly in one sentence “humans are very arrogant pond scum, who want to feel special” humans want to believe in a God because it makes it seem like we have more of a purpose than just to live, shit and reproduce
Yeh I agree. It’s funny how the idea of god is everything that humans want it to be. Almost as if humans themselves came up with it 🤔
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Don't know what to tell you dude what kind of intellectual discussion you need when the topic can never ben proven nor disproven
I made some points atheists can't even figure out which of their theories are correct and are rotting their brains out thinking about the solution while the solution is at their FEET.
Check out my thread proof god doesn’t exist (just read it before you come to conclusion)
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  • Hmm...
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For the longest time humans thought we were at the centre of the universe as well
now we think there are multi dimensions and black holes suck things and white holes spit out
tell me what's the difference
now we think there are multi dimensions and black holes suck things and white holes spit out
tell me what's the difference
Tell you what difference, I don’t understand the question ?
One point is that if God doesn't exist what started the big bang? mathematically everything has the begging and the end.
Tell you what difference, I don’t understand the question ?
We trying to make all these connections and theories and these theories stay theories for a reason.
If anyone reading this needs someone to talk to my DMs are open. You don't gotta go through with that shit. People may be in a similar situation and I know it gets hard to live sometimes but death is a permanent "solution" to possibly temporary problems.
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If anyone reading this needs someone to talk to my DMs are open. You don't gotta go through with that shit. People are in a similar situation and I know it gets hard to live sometimes but death is a permanent "solution" to possibly temporary problems.
I really don't want another person to go like @dimorphism
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We trying to make all these connections and theories and these theories stay theories for a reason.
Yeah .. ? Humans (usually white people only) have a natural inclination to learn new information and to explore, I don’t understand your point
If anyone reading this needs someone to talk to my DMs are open. You don't gotta go through with that shit. People are in a similar situation and I know it gets hard to live sometimes but death is a permanent "solution" to possibly temporary problems.
Love you bhai
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Yeah .. ? Humans (usually white people only) have a natural inclination to learn new information and to explore, I don’t understand your point
you can't start things without the universal starter.
And why does it have to be God ?
because how can things start from itself in nothingness and if there's literally nothing universal before it?


Im thinking about killing myself every minute of the day for the last 2 years, i want an forum to cope aswell
I think about killing myself very often. I can't even tell of the problems I have on here. You aren't alone. You're brave for talking about your issues.

It's not, but I'm sure I'll be one day
We gotta take it one day at a time. Life gets overwhelming, and it feel feel crazy sometimes. You might not be alone in possibly feeling certain things. Life can suck but there's a lot of good mixed in with the bad.
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You aren't alone.
86E64C82 5483 47C2 BF56 93DFC8F7B7CD

It is not brave, it‘s the only way for me to talk about it at all
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I really don't want another person to go like @dimorphism
HE KILLED HIMSELF? What the fuck. All this time i thought he just left. Man that‘s sad. Fuck
It is brave don't discredit yourself. It takes guts to admit you're going through it. Even if it's on anonymous dalit basket weaving forum.
Why are you suicidal?
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It's all faggots. any server you join filled with fags and leftists Glad I don't use that shitty app either
He does use the app and he’s multiple server. He’s saying he doesn’t because he wants to play off how much of a fag he is.
He does use the app and he’s multiple server. He’s saying he doesn’t because he wants to play off how much of a fag he is.
I literally have the telegram chats where you're telling me to ma a discord cuz I don't have one. Jfl I don't think I remember it's details, but I'll try and get back in to ss the join date :feelskek:. I don't even know how channels work
I literally have the telegram chats where you're telling me to ma a discord cuz I don't have one. Jfl I don't think I remember it's details, but I'll try and get back in to ss the join date :feelskek:. I don't even know how channels work
I remember seeing you in kebabs server son keep lying Turk roach
I remember seeing you in kebabs server son keep lying Turk roach
Don't even get me started on how you used to be a cute little bitch before you got some forum "aura" and decided to troll me, but I'm not that type of person, pal. You used to chase me around and tag me in shit (you still do btw). You would post something new on my profile every few days, sadly I deleted that shit, I wish I could humiliate you rq
  • JFL
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